Easy quest


"Oh, my!" Haru nervously gasped.

Adis hissed once her warm hands slithered around his penis. He groaned and cursed against her ear and neck while he was licking and nibbling it at the same time. His hands were busy fondling one of her breasts and buttocks.

Haru's eyes darkened as it burned in amazement and anticipation at the massive hardness in her grasps. It looked so masculine and angry and... delicious. "You're right. You are really huge. Does it feel painful if I grip it tight like this?"

Adis shook his head vehemently as he let out another hiss and curse. "Fuck, no! Grip it tighter however you want, my sweet maiden. That's right, move your hands up and down like that. Ahh, good girl, yes squeeze the tip too with your hand. Oh, you are a fast learner, huh?" He panted as he licked his lips lasciviously.

"Well, I'm a modern lady. I'm not that clueless with matters like this." Then, she coquettishly looked at his fiery eyes. "Will you enter this big guy inside me?"

He kissed her eyes and cheeks as he rasped. "No, not tonight. But I will do that real soon. I want it to be special for you."

"Poor guy!" She said as she looked down on his raging penis that was spouting some precum as she continued to stroke his length. "But how are you going to take care of him?"

"Aren't you already giving him your love?" He whispered while thrusting his pelvis to meet her hand movements. Then, he unceremoniously brushed her slit with his finger and he gave out another long groan when he felt her slimy wetness. "But if you want, I have a better idea of how to make the both of us feel good without penetration."

Haru tilted her head, "How?"

Adis held his thickness and slowly brushed the tip on her slit, arousing Haru to open her legs and accommodate all his demands.

She instinctively snaked her arms around his shoulders when he lifted her up and made her sit on the stone again, slanting her body to its slope. She whimpered when he opened her legs to admire her haven. She bit her fingers when shame suddenly hit her as she had never shown her pinkish wet core to anyone before.

"Adis, this is so embarrassing," she sobbed against her fingers.

"Haru, tonight, I want you to watch closely on how I will love your body as this is something I will do to you often from now on. You may think it's vulgar, but this is how a demon like me worship his mate." Adis exclaimed as he leaned down and gave her lower abdomen an open-mouthed kiss.

Then, he moved lower towards her pubic region and inhaled her intoxicating scent. With his two fingers, he spread her labia and revealed a juicy delicacy that he eagerly wanted to taste. "Ah, so delightful! The scent of your arousal is enslaving me, Haru, and I love it," he rasped. He glanced up to capture her lustful gaze as his tongue gave her damp petals a long and slow lick.

Upon tasting her sweet essence, Adis' mind became in shambles. He gripped his throbbing meat even tighter and his stroke became frantic as he plunged his tongue inside her spring of ecstasy. He thrust his hard tongue in and out of her opening, imitating what his raging penis would do to her core soon, while his free hand was skillfully playing with her clit. All the while, his blazing eyes never left hers, like a predator taunting his prey to watch as he ate her alive.

"Aah, Adis... please! I can't... it feels so good, ooh!" Haru's tears were unstoppable, as well as her screams and moans. Her mind shattered by the immense sensations that were simultaneously assaulting her. Now, she felt something big was coming to get her and she felt like fainting. When Adis gave her clit a long and hard suck, her body suddenly convulsed and her face contorted in pure bliss. "Ngh! KYAAA!"

While her lower half was still twitching and savoring her first-ever orgasm, Adis slapped his hardness on her pussy then rubbed her clit with his glans.

"No, I'm still sensitive, Adis. I will really faint if you don't stop," she sobbed.

"Does it feel that good?" Adis asked while his lips were on her neck. He bit her flesh and sucked it deliciously, creating a masterpiece that only he could do to her flesh from now on. His huge body was intimately moving on top of her while his entire length was grinding against her dripping vagina in frenzy. "Ohh, my love, you feel so good. I really want to ram my hard cock inside you. Ahh, tell me you want it, too!"

Haru's hands reached for his buttocks and pulled it towards her while her own hips were moving deliriously beneath him. "Yes, Adis, I really want your penis. Oohh, are you coming, Adis? No, your head is assaulting my clit!" She moaned as she grazed her teeth on his jaw.

"Argh! Yes, I'm cumming! Spread your pussy, for me, love. I want to see it as I cum." He hurriedly disengaged and watched as she obediently spread her legs wider and unfold her opening for his hungry eyes. "Fuck! You look so delicious, Haru. Aahh, hiss!" He gritted as his hand frantically stroking his dick while his other hand was busy pinching and playing with her clit.

Unrestrained shouts drifted in the air and echoed throughout the open field, making the fireflies, moon, and stars blushed from secretly listening to it. White and thick semen spurted from the tip of his penis and landed on Haru's abdomen and pubic region while she watched the stars in daze as her muscles shook for the second time, curling her toes and leaving her limbs limp.

After a short while, Haru pulled up her upper body and touched the white liquid on her skin. Without any second thoughts, she brought her fingers inside her mouth and tasted his release. It was warm and a bit salty, and the scent was making her heady.

Adis' muscles flexed as his body and mind were reveling in his euphoric orgasm. He hugged his mate's soft body then kissed her cheek and forehead as she purred in his arms while still sucking his juice on her fingers. "Haru, would you like to live in Umbra with me? If you do, I will tell you how. Think of it carefully then we'll talk about it on a later day."

"No need. I will go and live anywhere as long as you are there." Haru declared with finality. Then, she added in a tiny voice, "Adis... I love you."

Adis was in a daze for a moment, thinking that what he heard was just part of his delirious state. He gulped as he asked with eyes full of hope. "A-are you sure you're not just saying that on the spur of the moment?"

"If you will ask me how, why or when, I honestly don't know the answer." She barely whispered but her eyes conveyed her true emotions.

Adis clicked his tongue and tilted his head, "So much for originality, my love."

Haru ignored his teasing and continued, "I know that there are a lot of things that you are hiding from me, but my intuition is telling me to blindly follow your words and to trust you with all my heart and soul. And that's what I'm going to do! I am willing to give you everything without expecting anything in return. If you tell me to jump, I will jump. If everyone would paint this world with many colors, but you wish for me to only see black, then I will close my eyes and live in the darkness with you. And if you tell me to die, I will open my chest and give my heart to you. These much, I know is true."

Adis' eyes welled up in tears as he tenderly smiled at her. His throat constricted in pain due to the lump in his throat. As he watched her sunset-colored eyes glistened in devotion, he knew that his heart was forever captured. "I always thought that the gods have forsaken. I never knew that it was to prepare me for something overwhelming and precious -- you! Soon, you will know more about me and I hope that your feelings won't change."

Haru flicked his forehead then gently bit his chin. "Try me, idiot!" She taunted as she unceremoniously pushed him hard on the chest.

As he was caught off guard, his balance slipped and he fell into the water, taking the mischievous maiden with him.

Their sweet laughter livened up and disturbed the peacefulness of the trees and plants in the night.

After goofing around in the spring, the couple was now cuddling on the mattress. Haru was wearing a onesie fluffy white rabbit pajama while Adis' was hugging the bunny Haru that was nestled on top of him, nibbling her bunny ears.

"Haru, Adis has to do something for tomorrow so I'm afraid that I have to leave you alone again."

"Mn," Haru nodded in understanding. As she promised, she won't ask anything until he was ready to tell her something. "I took an easy quest from the guild's mission board. It was just for a babysitting job at an orphanage. Can I do that while I'm waiting for you, please?" She snuggled in his embrace as her eyelids were gradually becoming heavy.

Adis sighed before he nodded and kissed her head. "Fine. But you have to promise me that you'll behave and you will not do anything dangerous." When he felt her nod, he continued. "I'm sorry that I snapped at you earlier. I felt irritated when I saw you talking to another man. I never thought that I have a tendency to be possessive. Well, this is the first time I fell in love, after all."

Haru giggled, "That's okay. I like it when you're being jealous. I feel so loved."

Adis creased his eyebrows and tap her nose with his finger. "Silly girl, I have ways to make you feel loved without being jealous. Just you wait," he declared and showered her face with small kisses.

"Oh, I also took a triple S class mission from the same guild and it's worth 1000 gold coins," she exclaimed. Then, she pouted her lips as she remembered that they won't be together tomorrow. "I guess we'll just have to do it next time."

"Give it to me and I'll take care of it tomorrow."

"But, you'll be busy, right." She glanced at him.

He smiled at her tenderly and placed another kiss on her forehead. "The husband has to work and remit the earnings to the wife. Your man knows this much."

"Geez, you're already spoiling me. What should I do?" She faked a complaint and hugged his broad back.

"There's more to come, my love." He softly vowed.


Adis left Haru in front of the guild she went to yesterday, but not after minutes of kisses and whispers of his mushy lines.

She was walking in the almost empty and cold street of Nepri while staring at the crisp yellowish paper that has the easy quest she got from Pier yesterday.

'Babysit for 3 days. If you have guts of a true dauntless warrior and ready to face death, head to the orphanage at the rocky mountain foothill near the Nepri highlands.

Reward: 3000 gold coins.'

"I wonder why it was written as though I will be meeting my own maker instead of just a simple babysitting? Oh, well, it doesn't matter. This is what I'm good at, anyway." Haru shrugged and smiled as she continued her way to her first mission. When she saw an old *gnome dragging a chest bigger than him, she approached it to ask for direction. "Ah, excuse me, good sir. Do you know the direction to the orphanage at the mountain foothill?"

"Eh, you mean the Home for Salvation, huh?" The gnome answered in his scratchy voice. "That place has been abandoned for many years, mademoiselle. Rumor has it that it's now a dwelling of vengeful ghosts and vicious monsters. Tsk, whatever! If you are that eager to end your feeble life, just go straight ahead. Once you reach the intersection, turn right until you see the rusty archway of the orphanage. Don't say I didn't warn you, though." He finally ended his blabber and left her stupefied.

When Haru recovered from the grumpy scolding, she yelled out her thanks before continuing her journey.

After a while, she finally reached the frozen archway. One could barely read the letters on it as it was encased in black glaze, but since she followed the gnome's direction, she assumed that she was at the right place. She charged forward despite the drop in the temperature and saw a dilapidated building.

Her eyebrows creased when she noticed that the windows were shattered and the roof seemed to be leaking while the front was buried in snow. It was obvious that no one was inhabiting the place for quite a while. Was the notice just a hoax?

Haru raised her knuckles to knock on the door but it creaked open before she could even touch it. She gulped as the eerie building was starting to get to her system.

"H-hello? Anybody here?" She loudly called out as soon as she entered. "I'm here for the babysitting job. Or was it just a prank?"


She jolted and instantly spun around when the door suddenly shut loudly. Her eyes grew wide and her complexion paled upon seeing the presence in front of her.

Soon, her ear-deafening scream disturbed the silence of the snowy field.

In one of the famous guilds in Nepri, a *centaur approached the mission board to check the status of the requests. His brows furrowed as he noticed that something seemed missing on the board.

He yelled out to another centaur who was meticulously cleaning a wine glass. "Hey, Krabez, did the newly arrived triple S class job got picked up, already?"

"What triple S job? Oh, you mean the one that has the 1000 gold coins reward? Yeah, some chic picked it up yesterday, together with that boy Pier. But that job isn't new. It's been on the board for ages since it's too hard and no one wants to commit suicide."

"No, you dimwit! The one I asked you to post yesterday about babysitting at some orphanage."

The one called Krabez stiffened and looked aghast. "Y-you mean, that was a triple S class job? T-the one that has a reward of 3000 gold coins?"

"Yep, ye got it right. Why else would it have higher bounty if it's not a triple S? So where is it? Who picked it?"

"I-I... don't know. 'Cause the d-details was simple... I-I put it on the... easy category."

"You what, stupid asshole?! You really have a stone head, you freak! Do you realize the gravity of your mistake? Even the three great Kings couldn't handle that monster. You dumbass, you just sent someone straight to his grave!"