Silver wolf

"Pier? What are you doing here? And what are these creatures doing to that wolf?" Haru dashed towards the bulky man. Her eyes bulged out as she saw a pool of blood under his feet. "My God! You're badly injured. What happened to you?"

Pier was currently a short distance away from the dangerous commotion and was slumped on the ground while his back was leaning on a tree. His body was full of cuts and bruises and his right arm was broken.

Without any second thoughts, she immediately pulled a Healing stone from her space ring and hovered it on his injuries.

"Mother, I think the silver wolf is dying," Vladimir cried out to get her attention.

She did not comment and just looked at Pier with questioning eyes.

Pier groaned in pain from his wounds and let out a guilty smile. "The Hunters' Guild, which situated right beside ours, received a mission from that nobleman over there."

He motioned his head towards the bald mortal with expensive jewels embellished all over his body. Beside the baldy stood a curvaceous lady wearing provocative winter outfit despite the cold weather.

Pier heaved a series of coughs before he continued. "That nobleman's mistress requested to make a coat out of a silver wolf's pelt, thus he sent out a stupid mission with a ridiculously high reward of 10 gold bars. Many hunters got blinded by wealth as one gold bar is equivalent to 10,000 gold coins. The news of this forbidden mission reached my Mercenaries' Guild and we came here as soon as we can to stop them... but it's already too late. As soon as the hunters attacked the giant wolf, it cast a destructive spell. Fortunately, I dodged the attack but the retribution of its energy was still overwhelming for my body."

"How could they? That is so cruel! It's a mother wolf and she was just trying to protect her home and her pup. What did she do to deserve this kind of cruelty?" The vampire boy wailed louder and charged towards the intruders.

"Vlad, come back here! Don't let your anger control you!" Haru turned around and yelled out. Her eyes glistened in worry and disgust. She's worried about her son and the wolf, and she's disgusted with those selfish creatures.

She scanned the area and saw splotches of blood painted the crystal-white ground to red and internal organs were all over the place, as well as blackened bodies. It was obvious that those who weren't able to dodge the beast's attack and burst of energy either exploded or burnt to crisp. On the side, the mercenaries were still trying to stop the hunters from attacking, leaving the latter distracted.

"Haru, I-I... I'm sorry, I wasn't strong enough to stop them." Pier's voice was hoarse when he talked again. He clenched his fists and jaws while shame flooded his eyes.

"You can only do so much, especially in the face of greed. Besides, others would have just walked away, so you did fine." She threw the Healing stone to his direction and run after Vladimir.

As soon as she stepped onto the frozen lake, a gust of wind from the beast's roar almost swept her away but she swiftly hid behind a nearby tree. When her eyes saw Vladimir, she was relieved to see that he and Mr. Bear were just earnestly talking to the nobleman.

"Sir, this is wrong. Please order your men to stop this violence. The mother wolf is crying and weak. She just wants to protect her pup." Vladimir pleaded as though he could hear the wolf's voice, or perhaps he could.

Mr. Bear was giving the villains his two cents while standing on Vladimir's shoulder. "You ignorant mortals! Once the three Kings find out about this atrocity, you will all lose your heads even before you can make a coat out of a silver wolf's fur."

The seductress beside the baldy nobleman made an ugly frown and slapped Vladimir's face, injuring his flushed cheek with her sharp nails. "Noisy brat! If you won't help to kill that beast, then scram!"

Vladimir fell on the ground in shock. He was used to this kind of treatment before, but since meeting his father and mother, he already forgot the ugly face of selfish humans. The slap just gave him a rude awakening.

The seductress suddenly yelp as someone harshly yanked her hair from behind, almost tearing her scalp, and spun her around. Then, she received a strong slap on each side of her cheeks which caused her to fell on her butt with a loud thud. Blood slowly trickled from her lips as she glared up at the perpetrator and cursed in a shrill voice. "You crazy shit! Damn you! Do you even know who--"

The hysterical woman was unable to continue her expletives when her eyes met a cold and murderous glare.

"No one could mess with my son and get away with it unscathed, bitch!" Haru seethed as she stepped on the hand that was used to slap her son.

An unsettling shriek echoed throughout the field, causing the busy intruders to stop and face the commotion.

"Wretched slut, let go of my beautiful darling!" The nobleman roared his command and instantly threw a punch on her face.

However, Haru was gifted with extraordinary speed and strength. If faced with ordinary humans, she was unrivaled.

Without having to look at the bald noble, she effortlessly caught his fist with her left palm and squeezed it tight, breaking the bones on his hand.

A cowardly howl instantly replaced the seductress' shriek. The nobleman slowly wilted from the pain and knelt on the ground.

When Haru let his hand go, she gritted in extreme disdain. "How dare you go against the law of your Kings? Despite knowing that hunting a sacred beast is a crime, you still corrupted these foolish creatures to commit a sin. You only care about what lavish clothing your bitch will wear, while this innocent wolf is worrying about how to shield her child from this cold and dangerous field. You are a monster, you son of a bitch!" She ranted and kicked the nobleman's stomach.

After her outburst, she pulled Vladimir up and rushed towards the giant beast.

When the silver wolf saw her approaching, she let out a low growl but her body was no longer as tense as before. As a matter of fact, her entire body was trembling due to blood loss. Though she heard what the human female said to the leader of the intruders, she still doesn't trust anyone of them.

Haru saw the uncertainty and distrust in the wolf's eyes. She sighed and whispered to Vladimir.

The smart boy nodded in understanding and cast a barrier to protect his mother while his body emitted enough amount of dark aura to let the crowd know what kind of demon he was. With much dignity and authority, he declared, "Heed my words, weak creatures. From my aura, you should know what I am capable of. Cease your attack and lower down your weapons. This is a crime! Anyone who dare make a move on this wolf again shall be killed at once!"

"Don't worry, kiddo!" The centaur from the Mercenary Guild spoke out from the crowd. "My fellow comrades are here to stop them. We'll take care of them from here on. If you can appease the giant wolf, we will be grateful."

The crowd trembled from the boy's powerful dark energy and vigorously nodded their heads to do his bidding. When Vladimir turned around to face his mother again, Haru secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Haru slowly raised her hand and waited for the wolf to be familiar with her scent. "It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you. My name is Haru and this boy is my son, Vladimir. I-I have Healing stone here. Let me treat your wound."

"Mr. Bear, can you please clean out the *wolfsbane? I want to help you but its poison has an effect on vampires, too," Vladimir politely requested.

"Aye, aye, captain!" Mr. Bear saluted then climbed down from Vladimir's shoulder. He approached the guildsmen and grumpily barked out. "Hey, you stupid kids! Come and help this old man clean up your mess. Take those wolfsbanes out of here. Chop chop! Pronto!" The stuffed toy clapped his furry paws to wake up the intruders from their reverie.

As the intruders started to do their task, Haru continued to move closer and talk to the wolf.

The beast was around 8 feet even when standing on all fours. Her body was massive and covered with thick yet silky fur. She had a huge dark blue eyes with gold speckles around her pupils that could easily drown anyone from it. However, the sides of her eyes were pink and tears were falling from it.

Her heart instantly went for her and fished out her last Healing stone. She showed it to the silver wolf as she spoke. "This is a Healing stone. Please allow me to heal your wounds and then I will leave. I promise!"