Take it by force

Aquarius and Zen stared at the chubby face of the silver pup. It was the first time they saw an infant and they were amazed at how it looked so fragile and weak. It was as though it would instantly disintegrate from their touch.

It was not a secret that all men in Delacroix clan were sadistic maniacs. Their demon selves were addicted to the wails of the weak and the feeling of ripping someone's body in their hands. That was why they needed to have sex, not for pleasure but to quell their thirst for blood. Fortunately, the most crazier Delacroixs had already found their fated mate so they're now tamed.

But for the unbridled soul like Zen, the itch to snap the precious life out of the pup was unbearable that his hands were trembling so much. Then, he unconsciously moved his hands to reach for the newborn pup but a sharp pain on his hand awakened him from his sadistic trance.

Aquarius knew what was going on in his little brother's mind so he immediately slapped his hand with his fan when he saw that he was drooling to hurt someone. When Zen looked at him, he shook his head to warn him.

Zen blinked his eyes and swallowed hard to get his control back. He faced Haru again and saw that she was now protectively embracing the pup.

Camus sighed in relief upon hearing that she was able to get the bud of Chloris. "Very well, then. Just give me the pup and grandfather will take care of the rest."

"And what are you going to do to Fenrir?" Haru's voice was gradually becoming cold.

"The leaders of the demon clan want to see and hold the bud. If it can't be pulled from that dog's mouth, then we'll just have to slit his throat open and take it."

Haru inhaled sharply then her eyes blazed in anger and disdain.

"No!" Vladimir cried out. He struggled to go down from his father's arms and stood in front of Haru, shielding his baby brother with his own body. "Please, don't. We just found him."

"No one is taking my son away!" she snarled menacingly. Her eyes darkened and her feature became ferocious.

Now she understood why Freya was emitting destructive energy in the forest. If she could breathe fire at that moment, she would do so without a second thought just to protect her family.

"Little girl, the demon clan's instruction is clear. They just want the bud of Chloris, nothing more, nothing less. You just found this pup, getting rid of it is much easier since your bond is not that deep yet." Camus nonchalantly reasoned out.

"I. don't. care!" Haru gritted each word to emphasize her objection. How could he made it sound easy? It was as though killing someone's life was as normal as walking in the park? "If you insist on taking Fenrir away, you'll have to do so over my dead body!"

Camus and Zen were taken aback at the sudden change of her attitude as if she was a mother ready to snap their heads off for threatening her offspring. Aquarius, on the other hand, was not surprised at all. Even in a short period of time, he already understood that there's more to Haru than meets the eye. She was so much like their beloved mother, a warm and amiable person but could erupt like a volcano if provoked.

And only the cold embrace of a certain demon could pacify her rage.

"Haru, Adis is here," Adis' soothing voice was enough to cool her temper. He enveloped her in his embrace as he calmed her down. "Your beloved is a demon king for a reason. Although I comply with the rule to avoid conflict, that doesn't mean I can't break it. After all, your man is revered as the most powerful demon. So trust me, I'll take care of the rest. Why don't you and the kids have a long warm bath?" He kissed her cute nose and gave her a reassuring smile.

When Camus opened his mouth to object, Adis immediately raised his index finger without looking at him, signaling that the King would not accept any disapproval at the moment.

Haru slowly nodded her head and whispered her thanks.

Adis leaned down to the pup who was comfortable sprawling his fluffy body on Haru's arms. He softly nudged Fenrir's chin as he cajoled him to do his bidding. "Fenrir, son, can you open your mouth for father?"

As though the pup could understand Adis' request, he opened his mouth widely and even stuck out his tongue to yawn, feeling sleepy at the comfort and warmth he's getting from his mother.

"Hold still, good child," Adis held Fenrir's jaw to prevent him from closing his mouth soon and narrowed his eyes to see any sign of the bud in his throat.

"Waah, amazing! It's really in there." Zen enthusiastically exclaimed as he peeked over Adis' shoulder. He even tapped his big brother and added, "Big brother, open it wider, I can barely see it. I only had a glimpse of the petals. It's giving off a faint lustrous glow."

"My pup is not a toy. Tsk!" He immediately closed Fenrir's mouth and shrug Zen's hand off of him. He petted the drowsy pup's head as he praised it. "Good boy. Seems like all my kids are obedient and outstanding. Father is really satisfied."

Haru pouted and made a face that was obviously asking for pity. "Hmph! These boys were naughty like their father. They laughed at me when Vesta gave me a puny prize from winning in her game."

For the second time, all the men in the tower stiffened and their eyes grew wide. It was Zen who was able to find his voice first.

"Vesta? You mean the goddess of sacred flame and family? Wow, sister-in-law, your connections are really extraordinary! Dang!" Zen shook his head in awe. "The next time you're going out on an adventure, I will escape my palace and go with you."

Haru blinked but decided to ignore Zen's compliment and looked at Adis to continue, "Oh, I almost forgot. She also mentioned about her lover--"

"Why don't we continue the chitchat inside our bedchamber later, hm?" Adis gently interrupted her. A mysterious glint flashed in his eyes then it suddenly disappeared.

He faced Camus and exclaimed, "I'll be the one to talk to the leaders of the demon clan, grandfather. My maiden needs a rest."

Camus sighed and finally conceded. "You are spoiling your woman too much. Oh, well, that's what the Delacroix men are famous for." He looked at Haru and smiled. "Sweet child, grandfather didn't mean to offend you. And I am truly relieved that you are back."

Haru's shoulders relaxed and leaned the side of her head to Adis' chest as she showed Camus her sweet smile again. "Thank you, grandfather."

Adis shifted his attention to Fang. "Bring your future Queen and the kids in my chamber. Ask Millie and Hannah to prepare the bath hall and meal for them."

Fang immediately bowed to accept the order and walked towards Haru. He offered to bring the new young master in his left arm and held Vladimir on the other hand while Mr. Bear followed them from behind.

Haru bowed to the two kings and Camus before standing on her tippy toes and kissed Adis on his lips. The latter smiled tenderly at how natural her movements were as though they've been an old couple.

"I won't be long. I'll join you in your bath, soon," Adis whispered.

"Haru's entire body is sore. I want a massage, please." Haru whispered back while looking at him in a coquettish manner.

His smile turned into a devilish grin and gave her luscious lips a quick kiss. "A full body massage it is, then."

"Ugh! I so fuckin' hate dog food!" Zen grunted like a grumpy kid while entering the teleportation circle.

Adis just winked at her before he followed his brothers and grandfather toward the Great Hall of the Demons in Umbra to meet the leaders of the powerful clan.