You are fat

As the King of Umbra finally decided his mode of attack, no one had the power to object, not even his beloved queen.

To ensure Haru's health sustenance, Adis called Frost and proposed to store his blood. The latter just sighed when he had no choice but to acknowledge their insane plan.

"Frost, since I'll be out for days, take enough blood you need to feed my wife and child," Adis demanded when the mad doctor seemed to be done with his blood collection.

The doctor gently shook the bag of fresh blood on his hand as he explained the situation. "Your Majesty, for your safety, I can only get two units of blood from you. This one bag of blood can sustain Her Majesty for three days. I will draw another blood tomorrow to make a total of six-day supply. Please do wake up on the sixth day, else the Queen and the baby in her womb will starve."