
After barking his secret but urgent orders to his Grim Reapers, ghosts spies and demon soldiers, Adis was now on his way back to his bedchamber. He needed to leave as he would like to personally look for Elior, but first, he must tell his maiden that he might not return for the night, else he would get another beating from her.

He shook his head when he realized that the life of a whipped lover was indeed tough.

His strides subsequently slowed down upon the sight of a stern-looking, yet handsome man awkwardly guarding outside of his bedchamber like a log.

Even with the man's exceptional skills, he was never allowed to be a grim reaper or a spy; with golden demon eyes that were sharp like a hawk, well-defined nose and jaws, and thin lips that are always pressed together, not to mention his towering height and muscular frame, he would always stick like a sore thumb even at a distance.