
Dark shadows spread out to the slimy ground and walls of the sewers, then it stopped a few steps away from *Haru's location before it became a dark mirror full of incantation.

To ensure her safety from any destructive dark mana, *Adis created a transparent barrier, or more like an enclosed arena for him and his prey.

Loud crackings of bones and joints echoed throughout the cold tunnel as he slowly clenched his fists and stretched the sides of his neck. His scarlet eyes darkened while his demon-slit pupils narrowed.

Claws and fangs drew out while veins popped out on his sinewy arms, neck, and face, as well as the intricate black rune tattoos on his entire skin.

Once again, his demon form had come to reveal itself.

And as always, except for his family, anyone who had seen his demon won't have the chance to live the next day to tell the world of its tale. And that's exactly was about to happen to these horrendous beasts and their master.