
Pitch black emptiness spread out all around. Where am I thought James, "The last thing i remember is being robbed at the gas station". The emptiness clings to James as he collects himself. As he floats endlessly he sences a disturbance in the void ahead. A voice reverberated throughout the emptiness.

"Welcome initiates to the Planer Realm, you among many have been deemed worthy of the chance to ascend to godhood. But beware many trials and tribulations are ahead of you. I know many questions are going through your heads right now but the main thing is the life that you new is gone. All of you have been killed off in someway, shape or form, their is NO GOING BACK NOW. Now please wait while your planer coordinates are inputted, 3..2..1... may fortune favor you we will be watching. A painfully bright light erupts from the darkness,a wave of dizziness hit James like a tsunami. A pain spread through James as he passes out.

Birds chirp happily as James comes to, groggily he opens his eyes as the pain from before dissipates. Looking around James notices 20 other people picking themselves off the ground in the same. condition as him. A man in his mid twenties with a full beard approaches James shakily. My name is Rolf Jacobson do you happen to be Lord James. I don't know about lord but my that is my name replied James, taken back by the added title.

We where summoned here much like you Rolf stated but you lord James are special, you have the chance to become a God atmost for us we become heavenly soldiers or generals. I dont know about all that Rolf replied James, who ever spoke to me in the endless void said there were a lot of us the chances dont seem to high. A heavy silence started to permeate thru the motly group till a tall man with blonde hair walked forward. Hello Lord James my name is Erick do you happen to know where we are at or what we need to do. I do not answered James, WHAT IS THIS yell someone from the group of men. Rolf walk back and asked the man what problem was.

The man excitedly told Rolf that a screen popped up in front of him and it told him his level, equipment and his inventory. He added that he saw a prompt that told him to say or think status.

After say this gasps came from the whole group. As the men view the status screen white lights started to surround a few soldiers. After the light dissipated, the men were wearing poorly made leather armour and had a spear and shield on their backs.

As this knowledge circulated the entire group was armed and armoured. Looking through the status screen James found it looked much like a classic RPG screen with his level, stats and inventory. Seeing his inventory he noticed his inventory has two items, a book and a beginner's kit. Equipping his beginner's kit a prompt popped up "Please pick your starting weapon". Thinking of what weapon would suit him, James chose a spear and shield. The light enveloped James equipping his gear, noticing his body getting heavier the light dissipated. Checking his gear he notice his gear was different. It was a grade was higher then the twenty soldiers, it was studded leather hauberk with iron boot and greaves and a iron helm.

Looking back at his stats James noticed something weird. His tactics had a advanced level. Not knowing what qualified him to receive such a skill James was stumped. Pulling himself from the menu James gathered all the men to him. Rolf quieted the soldiers down allowing James to speak. "We are in a forest in Gods know where with limited supplies and no map any suggestions" James asked his motly group. Erick raised his voice first "We need to get a lay of the surroundings, maybe send out 3 groups of 3 to check for a river or a field to set up a camp".

"Not a bad idea but I dont want to split into groups yet for we don't know what's in these woods" James replied to Erick. "We need to take stock of our supplies first, anyone have food or water" Rolf asked. "I do" said a mountain of a man with grey hair. "I have a item in my inventory called supply cart, theirs two of them". "What is your name" asked James " anyone else have something e tra in their inventory". "My name is Grizzly most people call me Bear" saying so Grizzly summoned the two carts of supplies.

Stepping forward James started taking stock of what the carts had in them and talking to the men who had something else in their inventory. Rolf seeing the carts had 2 axes each got 4 men to start clearing a area for a camp. Seeing Rolf take the initiative to get things going captian. After about 3 hours of sorting, stacking and cutting wood, a small camp was erected and a full inventory or their supplies was created. With dusk quickly approaching campfires were made and food was fixed, a rotation of sentries was made to guard the camp as everyone prepared to spend their first night in a new world.

--James Holmes-- lvl 1--Human--Title: None

Strength: 6

Endurance: 5

Wisdom: 6

Stamina: 5

Intelligence: 7

Charisma: 7


Tactics lvl 5, Spearmanship lvl 2, Advanced tactics lvl 2, Logistics lvl 3, Enduring lvl 2, Heavy Armour lvl 2


Studded Leather Hauberk

Iron Greaves

Iron Boots

Iron Helm

Iron Reinforced Shield

Boar Spear +1