
Drew hurried back to the dining room grab her bowl of cereal, then walked close to stairs ready to watch what was going to happen while having breakfast like a boss .

But after thinking about for a moment, she chose to watch from the entrance of the dining room, that place was safer .

And like she expected less than a minute later, the sound of a couple quarrel came from upstairs .

"Eric Williams, I'll never forgive you, you bastard, you son of a bitch!"

Aniston said, and quickly run down stairs, giving a ferocious stare at the lively Drew, she pulled her suitcase to leave .

"Jenny, wait, don't be impulsive . "

Eric's voice rang from upstairs, and then Eric showed up wearing only a pair of trousers, seeing that Aniston was pulling her luggage to leave, the impatient Eric didn't pay attention to the stairs, and ended up losing his footing .

With the sound of a crash, Eric tumbled down the stairs .

"Wow!" said Drew's with her mouth full of cereal, she wasn't too worried, when she saw Eric roll down the stairs . Instead, she was gloating, because the stairs were less than two meters high .

When Aniston saw this scene, she too angrily scolded him, saying that he deserves it .

Unfortunately, something unexpected happened, Eric who rolled all the way down the stairs, directly collapsed on the ground . Then, blood began to gush from his forehead, as he Lay There Motionless .

The atmosphere stagnated a bit, then the bowl filled with cereal and milk smashed on the ground, as Drew rushed forward with a frightened face .

"Eric, are you all right? Hey, talk to me, you . . . . . . don't scare me!" Drew rushed to Eric's side while shouting his name, but he has lost consciousness, she tried to wipe the blood on his forehead, but she soon found that the blood won't stop, checking carefully she found a wound about one centimeter long on his forehead .

The moment she saw the scene, Aniston who angrily wanted to leave, quickly put down her suitcase and run up to his side, maneuvering around Drew's body, Aniston also panicked when she saw the wound that was overflowing with blood .

"What . . . the . . . How did that happen?"

Drew who started trying to stop the blood by putting pressure on the wound, but in the process she got the blood all over the cuffs of her pajamas, looking up with red angry eyes at Aniston, Drew shouted: "Bitch, call an ambulance . If anything happens to him, I swear I'll kill you!"

Scared by Drew violent threats, Aniston rushed to the telephone and frantically dialed 911 . And at this time, the hastily dressed Virginia also went downstairs and also hurriedly rushed to Eric's side .

"Drew, leave it to me, I can do it . "

"Go away, you fucking slut, I blame you both, if it weren't for the two of you, Eric wouldn't get hurt . . . . . . "

Although she was insulted by Drew, Virginia didn't take it to heart, after all, she is a mature woman, and know not to care about what this brat say about her: "Drew, you won't be able to stop the blood with just your hands, so tell me where is the first-aid kit?"

"I only know about the one in the closet in Eric's bedroom," Drew said without hesitation, and watched as Virginia quickly ran upstairs .

"They said we need to put him flat on the floor . . . . . . " said Aniston when she saw Drew kneeling on the floor with Eric in her arms .

Coldly glancing at Aniston, Drew did as she said and carefully lay Eric flat on the floor, while still keeping the pressure on the wound on his forehead .

Looking at Drew's appearance, Aniston felt a pang in her heart, she is Eric's genuine girlfriend, so why does the scene look like this now, It's like she is a third party .

Looking at Drew acting like a mother bear, Aniston instinctively became timid, she felt that if she got closer to Eric, Drew would lash out like a wild beast .

Virginia soon returned with the first aid kit and said: "Drew, let me do it . I know how to do first aid . "

Drew quietly backed off a bit, and watched as Virginia skillfully stopped the bleeding and dressed the wound, calming a little, Drew glanced at Aniston who was standing at the side: "Didn't you say you were leaving, well, you can leave now, and don't come to see him . "

"I . . . " Aniston who finally came back to herself said angerly: "I am Eric's girlfriend, who do you think you are to command me? You're just a pet he's raising!"

Sneering at her, Drew shot back: "At least I'm not a stubborn fool like you, and why the hell are you always acting like a self-righteous bitch . "

"You are the fool," said Aniston angrily, then she pointed to Virginia and said: "I'm his girlfriend, shouldn't I be angry about him sleeping with her . "

"He's such an excellent man, what's wrong with him playing with several women?"

"You! . . . . . . " Aniston was rendered speechless by Drew illogical reasoning .

Virginia who finally finished bandaging the wound on Eric's forehead, then she touched his chest trying to feel his heart beat, only then did she allow herself to calm down . Listening to the two girls quarrel, Virginia was about to stop them when the doorbell rang .

"The ambulance came," Aniston whispered, and Drew immediately forgot about the quarrel and rushed out to open the door .

When the ambulance drove up to the villa door, Virginia got up and hide upstairs, she doesn't want outsiders to know she was here, After all, her relationship with Eric isn't public . When Aniston saw Virginia move upstairs, she Subconsciously wanted to hide too, but when she caught sight of the figure of Drew waving her hands, eagerly explaining what happened to the paramedics, she know it was too late to hide .

The paramedics did a simple treatment for Eric, be he still didn't wake up, so they carried the still unconscious Eric and loaded him into the ambulance

Aniston who didn't know what to do next, saw Drew get on the ambulance, so she quickly followed after her, then the ambulance drove out of Eric's mansion and speed all the way to the nearest hospital .

One of the paparazzi keeping guard outside Eric's villa, keenly felt that something big was going, so he quickly got back in his car and chased after the ambulance .

Less than an hour later, the news of Eric's being in a coma, spread like a fire throughout the news media in Los Angeles .

"Breaking News, this morning, the young director Eric Williams accidentally fell down the stairs in his villa in Beverly Hills, and still remain unconscious . Let's see what our reporter in front of the Beverly Hills Surgical Hospital can add . " The TV screen switched from the studio to a scene in front of a hospital, where forty or fifty journalists were almost blocking the entrance of the hospital, surrounding Al Pacino who had just got off his luxurious car .

A young blonde female reporter stood in front of the camera holding a microphone said: "Eric Williams has continued being in a coma for more than three hours, according to the current revealed news, Eric's back, elbows, and knees have varying degrees of injury . But the most serious injury is the one on his forehead that was caused by the violent impact when he hit the floor, causing a large amount of blood loss . It is not clear whether the injury will lead to more serious consequences, after all, the consequences of brain injuries are hard to predict . . . . . . "

---- ----

Inside the hospital, Jeffrey and Kapoor who come first, as well as Al Pacino, Tom Hanks and the two directors of "The Others" and "Scent of a Woman" were catching up as they waited for the news from the doctors .

After a series of tests, Eric was finally taken to his own room, and the people who were waiting for this moment, all gathered in an office to listen to the doctor analysis .

"The results of the MRI exam showed that Mr . Williams doesn't have a skull fracture, and he also doesn't have the symptoms of internal bleeding in his head, so there is no need to worry . "

"Doctor Duncan, when will he wake up?" Drew who stood in front of the crowd eagerly asked .

Dr . Duncan hesitated and said: "He should wake up in about eight hours . "

Drew who saw him hesitate asked: "Doctor, aren't you sure?"

Hesitating again, Dr . Duncan nodded

"How could that be? You're a doctor . How can you not be sure? Aren't you the best doctor here?" Drew screamed back at him .

Trying to get things under control, Jeffrey said: "Drew, don't be rude . "

Dr . Duncan calmly looked at the hysterical girl, who was still wearing her blood-stained pajamas and explained: "Miss Barrymore, according to my past experience, people who have the same degree of injury as Mr . Williams, all woke by this time . But unfortunately, Mr . Williams didn't wake up according to common sense . So, I can't give you an accurate answer, all we can do now is patiently wait . "

"No, I want to transfer him, I'm going to the best hospital in Los Angeles, I . . . . . . " the furious Drewdemanded .

Jeffrey who was trying to keep her calm; held her by the shoulders and said: "Drew, stop it, this is the best hospital in Los Angeles . "

The doctor who also tried to defuse the situation said: "Perhaps, you can try speaking to the patient, he may wake up . "

When Drew heard the suggestion, she immediately turned around and ran to Eric's room . When her figure disappeared, Jeffrey asked, "Doctor, does this method really work?"

Dr . Duncan smiled wryly and said: "I just wanted to calm Miss Barrymore, her emotions are unstable, she might collapse if she doesn't calm down . "

---- ----

When they left the doctor office, and came back to Eric's room they found that Drew was lying beside him whispering in his hear, no one know what she was saying, but they didn't have the courage to get closer, they could only watch from outside the room .

Al Pacino and Tom Hanks who were eager to come forward, but when they saw this scene, they also quickly retreated .

Jeffrey who was the oldest finally said: "Everyone should go back, It's no use staying here, Me and Kapoor will call you if any thing happen . "

Taking his advise, everyone left, except for Aniston who stubbornly refused to leave, she also wanted to get closer to Eric, but she was scared by the crazy looks Drew was giving her .

---- ----

Eight hours later, Eric still didn't show any signs of waking up, Drew who was going crazy, transferred all her pent up anger and fury to Aniston body . and at eleven in the evening, drew got in a fight with Aniston and ended giving her two scratches one on the neck and one on the arm, but she was quickly restraind by Jeffrey and Kapoor .

---- ----

At night, Fox CEO Barry Diller, and Amy Pascal from Columbia who couldn't wait, showed up at the hospital, they were stopped by the excited crowd of reporters, but they were quickly rescued by the security .

They first went to the ward to see Eric, and then, they went with Jeffrey to ask the tired physician to once again ask about Eric's condition .

"Doctor, is there a possibility that he is in a come?" After listening to Duncan's explanation, Barry Diller finally asked the question most people wanted to ask but didn't dare to .

After hesitating for a few seconds, Dr . Duncan said: "There is a very small chance of that happening, but . . . . . . it is not impossible . "

Fortunately, Drew was still bedside Eric, if she heard this sentence, he wondered what that girl will do to him .

Hearing what the doctor said, Jeffrey and others looked at each other, and didn't know what to say .

The ones who worried the most were Barry Diller and Amy Pascal, they weren't worried about Eric, but they were concerned about the movies Eric was going to make for Fox and Columbia . If Eric's next film project get aborted . . . they will be in trouble .

Finding that it was useless to worry about it now, Barry Diller and Amy Pascal quickly left .

---- ----

The next day, at four in the morning, Eric who was in a coma for nearly nineteen hours finally woke up . After the doctor finished examining him, Eric affectionally caressed the sleeping girl hair sleeping beside him .

Drew who didn't leave his side the entire day, fell asleep as soon as he woke up .

"Eric, you rest, I will take Drew to the next room to sleep?" Jeffrey said after the doctor left the room, Jeffrey and Kapoor spent all night awake sitting beside his bed .

"No, leave her," said Eric, as he pulled the sleeping girl beside him, then he turned to Aniston who was standing beside the door and said: "Jenny, come here . "

Aniston who obediently came to him said: "Eric, since . . . since you woke up, I'll go first . "

Eric afraid that she will run away quickly grasped her hand and said: "Jane, please don't go . "

Kapoor who understood what happened quickly said to Jeffrey: "Let's go call the others, they must be worried by now . "

---- ----

Only after the ward door closed, did Aniston relax and sit down on a chair beside Eric's bed .

Eric curiously touched the red mark on Aniston's neck: "This is . . . . . . "

Aniston glanced at Drew, who was lying next to Eric and said: "When you were in a coma . . . . . . Drew attacked me, she told me she was gonna kill me if you didn't wake up . "

"Oh, she will not . " Eric stretched his hand and touched Aniston's face .

"No, she will," said Aniston, pulling away from Eric's hand: "I think . . . . . . We should break up, maybe . . . . . . Maybe Drew is better for you . "

"I only think of drew as my little sister . "

Aniston didn't care about their relationship . Instead, she said: "I . . . . . . I really can't stand seeing you helping them, Eric, while I was in New York, I read what they stated in the newspaper . To comfort myself, I could pretend that it was all fabricated gossips made by the tabloids, but what I saw yesterday morning, let me no longer be able to lie to myself, it was all true . I just can't stand it, so . . . . . . Will you please let me go?"

Eric held Aniston's hand tight and said: "Forget it, Jane, let's not talk about it now . I'm planning to make a TV show, and I want you to play the heroine? I promise this TV show will let you become more famous than those movie stars . "

She tried pulling her little hand away, but she couldn't: "I don't want to . . . . . . "

"I really can't think of someone who is more suitable than you, Jenny, You don't want me to have another audition? there will be a lot of girls around me, and you know that I have a weak will . "

"You! . . . . . . "

"Well, that's settled then . "

"I . . . . . . "

Aniston is stubborn, but under Eric's strong offensive and unreasonable demands, Aniston quickly caved in and agreed . She didn't know how but she suddenly found herself lying on the other side of Eric, like Drew, she stayed up all night, so she too quickly fell asleep beside him .

---- ----

Although Eric already woke up from the coma . But because he woke up late at night, the newspapers were already printed out .

So in the morning, the breaking news that Eric is in a deep coma still appeared in the newspapers .

"Mr . Williams accidental injury, may lead to his new film "Running Out of Time" getting shut down, which may lead to Columbia losing one of their heavyweight bargaining chip . "

"According to internal sources, Williams who has been unconscious for a long time may enter a vegetative state, once this happens . The film contracts signed with 20th Century Fox and Columbia will be aborted, and the development of Firefly Studios will also face an uncertain future . "

This kind of news was clearly aimed at the two companies, so Fox television quickly released the news that Eric isn't unconscious anymore, so those articles were quickly reduced to mere scrap papers . Although Columbia and Fox shares both briefly declined after the stock market opened in the morning, and as the news cleared up, things quickly stabilized .

At the same time, some newspapers focused on another thing, their approach has also attracted a large number of readers . For example, an article in the Los Angeles Times wrote this: "As everyone knows, Eric Williams currently doesn't have any relatives, although the child star Drew Barrymorehas a close relationship with him . But the two don't have a blood relationship, so she legally doesn't have any rights to his assets, and it is said that Eric Williams didn't make a will . So once an accident happens to him, his huge assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars will not be inherited, and my face the possibility of being taken over by the federal government . "

---- ----

In the hospital, although Eric felt that he had fully recovered, the doctor advised him to stay in the hospital for a few days .

Looking at the article in the Los Angeles Times, Eric smiled and said to Drew who was sitting next to him: "Maybe I should make a will, Drew, how much do you want?"

"Did you forget what we talked about when we were shooting "17 Again"? Of course, I want everything," said Drew as she idly looked at a magazine .

"Huh . . . . . . I thought you'd say you don't want any money, as long as you could stay with me, but you actually want all my property? WoW, this really hurt . "


---- ----

While Eric was suffering from boredom in the hospital, far away in Britain, the British paparazzi found another thing, Eric's father is dead, but his mother's identity is a mystery, this discovery made many paparazzi ecstatic, If they can find Eric Williams's mother's whereabouts,

then They will have an explosive story in their hand .

As the birthplace of the paparazzi, the British paparazzi were really good at digging secrets, so they soon found out, where he lived in London when he was young, and when they visited his old neighborhood, they were able to find some clues .

"That woman was very mysterious . . . . . . "

"Every time I saw her outside, she was wearing a thin veil, I've never seen her face . . . . . . "

"I think she was a rich lady, but after the birth of the child she disappeared . . . . . . "

After spending a tremendous effort, the British tabloids were only able to find this much . In other words, no one remembers Eric Williams's mother at all, so they hypothesized that this may be a love story between a girl from a noble family and a commoner .

This fabricated news quickly spread to the United States, so when Eric saw those articles, he felt relieved .

It was for the best that she stays mysterious forever, because if the mother of the original owner of the body suddenly appeared in front of him, he wouldn't know how to deal with her .

After April Fool's day, Eric went through another careful examination, which he successfully passed, and was cleared to leave the hospital .

With this storm finally over, the preparations for "Running Out of Time" once again got on track .