
In an upscale restaurant, Eric quickly orders his meal and smiled as he watched Julia cheerfully talking with the waiter, while skillfully playing with the tableware in front of her .

"Why are you smiling?" Julia who quickly felt Eric eyes on her, curiously asked .

Shaking his head, Eric answered: "It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered the first time I met you Jeff's restaurant, I think you changed a lot . "

Julia obviously didn't want Eric to remind her of that period of time, so she blatantly stared him in the eyes, and said: "Are you trying to take credit for my success?"

"Of course not," Eric laughed: "I just think . . . . . . That this is very interesting, you are just like Cinderella, in the blink of an eye you have become a princess . "

"Please don't mention the 'Hollywood Cinderella' thing in front of me, I hate that title . " Julia rolled her eyes, although the title this title was given to her by the media to express their admiration, but most of the time it was mixed with a lot of ridicule .

"Well, why did you come back suddenly?"

"I picked up an endorsement and came back to shoot commercials, and . . . . . . and since I came back I decided to come and see how you were doing . " she said with a little stutter .

In fact, she mainly came back to visit Eric, the commercial was just an excuse, if she wanted, shooting the commercial in Louisiana isn't a problem . Anyway, the equipment and personnel are easy to transport, especially if she demanded it .

Eric had been unconscious for more than ten hours before, and although, he was alright in the end, but this thing has caused a big uproar in Hollywood, if she didn't come see him then she will receive a lot of criticism . After all, it was thanks to Eric that she has transformed from an unknown little actor to a big Hollywood star, if she didn't come see him after he was discharged from the hospital, then the media will inevitably paint her as an ungrateful girl .

The reason why she was waiting for Eric outside the studio today, rather than visiting him in private, is because she wanted to gain exposure .

Although "Pretty Woman" was released only two months ago, because in the last month she was filming "Steel Magnolias" in a remote town in Louisiana, she completely despaired from the media .

Because the director Herbert Ross worried that the journalists will disturb the filming process, he chose to keep the location where the movie was being filmed a secret, and even if one or two paparazzi found the place, they wouldn't be able to get any valuable news .

At the same time, Julia was afraid of visiting him in private, she often recalls the way Eric reprimanded her, which makes her hate him, but at the same time want to see him more .

"Thank you for your concern, Julia," Eric replied earnestly, and curiously asked: "by the way, What kind of commercials did you take?"

"Lancôme perfume endorsement," Julia proudly put up a few fingers and waved them in front of his face: "One year, for this much . "

"Wow, that's . . . . . . a lot of money," Eric was too lazy to ridicule the Little proud girl, he didn't mind, but if she wanted to show off, then she should have found another person, not someone as reach as him .

"Well, I know you aren't impressed, so don't give me that expression," Julia replied with disapproval, "I can't compare with you, I'm a little hurt, everyone in America knows who you are, even at the Oscar you were able to grab the limelight . "

"It should be said that the organizers have used me as a shield, If it were not for me, then this year Oscar session will have got more criticism . " shrugging he added: "Actually, they should send me a thank you letter . "

"I'm not sure about that, but when I was in Louisiana, I saw in the news that Oscar's director, Allan Carr, announced that he would never accept the invitation to direct the Oscar again, But things shouldn't be as bad as you say?"

"It's worse than you think, but I can't tell you too much because I and many other guests and performers have signed a confidential contract, to ensure that within twenty years we can't mention that happened on the inside . What you don't know is that Disney has threatened to sue the Oscar awards for the use and portrayal of snow white without permission . Anyhow, If it weren't for me getting injured, then this thing would have attracted the attention of the majority of the media, then the Academy would at least had to make a public apology to quell the anger of the media and the public . "

Julia opened her eyes wide while listening to Eric's explanation, she has never attended the Oscar, so hearing Eric explaining what happened, was a very interesting topic to her .

And because she was filming "Steel Magnolias" that night, she wasn't able to watch this season of the Oscar, so after finding that Eric wouldn't too much about what happened, she shifted the topic to Eric's condition, and what happened that day .

"Well, I didn't want to talk about what happened in the car, but now that we are alone let's talk about it, I can't believe that it was as simple as falling down the stair, so there must be a hidden secret?"

"But that's what happened . " Eric helplessly replied .

"Certainly not," Julia said with a sly smile: "I read in the newspaper a few days ago, that after you were injured, Drew and your girlfriend Jennifer Aniston sent you to the hospital . "

"and then?"

Julia leaned slightly forward lowered her voice and said: "I think your girlfriend Aniston suddenly come to your house that morning, found you and Drew in a bed, and under impulse pick up a vase and smashed your head with it?"

Eric was surprised by her speculation, although Julia was still far from the truth, but one thing was true, Jennifer Aniston did find him sleeping with someone . Fortunately, Virginia was smart enough, to hide when the paramedics come to the villa, and only showing up after the whole event was over, and his state was completely stable .

Julia keenly grasped the brief change in Eric expression, revealing a surprised expression, she said: "No way, did I guess right?"

"Absolutely not, I swear . . . . . . " Eric laughed: "I just accidentally fell, my pathology report has been published in some newspapers, surely you saw it, I have bruises all over my body, do you think Aniston has the ability to cause me such a wide range of injuries?"

"That's not necessarily true," she looked Eric up and down as if trying to imagine where she will start if she wanted to cause Eric those kinds of injuries .

"Well, let's not talk about such an unpleasant topic, let's talk about "Steel Magnolias", I only spoke to Mr . Herbert Ross a few times on the phone, so I don't know how thing are going there . "

Julia honestly shook her head, she wasn't sure why Eric wanted her to star in such a film, she thought that Eric was trying to suppress her paycheck, because, in Julia's view, "Steel Magnolias" is complete absence of any central story, the film was just depicting the ordinary day to day life story of a group of housewives .

"I still think that this story is too ordinary . . . . . . there is no bright spot?"

Eric was about to reply, but he stopped when saw the waiter coming to serve them their dishes, and patiently waited for the waiter to finish filling their glasses with red wine, only after the waiter left did he ask: "What kind of bright spot do you think a film like this should have?"

Taking a sip from her glass of red wine, Julia who didn't know how to explain said: "At least . . . . . . at least something exciting?"

"At least there should be an unforgettable love story, or big scenes, car chases, explosions, flames . "

Julia quickly nodded her head: "Yes, there should be at least these things?"

"I won't criticize you in public," If you want to know why I chose this film for you then come to my house this night, I'll give you a detailed analysis of the movie," Eric said while giving her a creepy smile .

"Ah . . . . . . no thanks . " Julia flinched and subconsciously leaned back in her chair when she saw the look Eric was giving her, and quickly refused, she knew if she did go with him, she would quickly lose control of herself .

Eric was just teasing the little girl, quickly put away his cynical expression, and put back his poker face, and said: "Actually, the success or failure of this kind of film, depends on the director's ability to arouse the audience sympathy? I have carefully studied "Steel Magnolias" script, It is a good story that can bring the audience to tears . "

Julia who was still giving him an uncertain look, asked the thing she was most concerned about: "How much money do you think this movie can get at the box office?"

"What do you think?" Eric asked back .

Julia hesitated for a moment, then stretched out two fingers, soon she thought the number was too underrated, so she added Two more, hesitating, she took back one .

She thought it will be good if the film can get $30 million at the box office, with the size of the movie budget, fireflies can still make a small fortune .

In fact, Julia thought, If she starred in a love comedy film, then she can use the popularity she gained from "Pretty Woman", to help the film to get a good box office result, But for a movie like "Steel Magnolias", Julia wasn't confident that she can add anything to the film .

"Do you have no faith in me?"

"I just . . . . . . I just have no confidence in this movie . " Julia told him the truth .

Wiping his mouth with a napkin Eric laughed and said: "How about this, let's bet on it . I bet the film can get more than $50 million at the box office . "

"What's the bet?" Asked Julia curiously .

Showing another creepy smile, Eric said: "If you lose, you will have to work as a maid in my house for a week, and if I lose, I'll work as your driver for a week . "

If Eric didn't reveal a creepy smile when he said the word maid, then Julia would have accepted . She felt that she have a 70% chance of winning, plus working as maid profession was still a serious profession in this era . But when she noticed Eric's expression, Julia keenly felt she was wrong, and decisively refused: "No, I don't want to gamble with you . "

"How about, sixty million?"

Julia wasn't swayed . Instead, she refused more firmly: "No way . "

Because Eric still had to go back to work, they kept the launch time short .

After lunch, Julia sent Eric back to the studio .

"When will you return to Louisiana?" Eric asked, at the entrance of the studio .

"I will take a plane back at four o'clock in the afternoon . " Julia who didn't get off her car replied: "By the way, Eric, the production budget doesn't seem to be enough, maybe you will need to add at least another $2 million . "

"did Mr . Ross tell you to mention this thing?"

Julia nodded, Herbert Ross didn't know that Eric had noticed his budget was tight and was even prepared to start making some cuts . But before he does that he was going to use Julia, to see how Eric was going to react .

After all, this was a small budget film, if you add another two million to the budget, then the cost will reach 10 million US dollars, so to recover the cost the film has to earn at least $30 million at the box office . Although Julia joined, Herbert Ross himself wasn't sure the movie can make more than $30 million at the box office .

"There's no problem with that," Eric nodded and said: "Tell Mr . Ross to ask Jeffrey for money . "

"Then I'll thank you on behalf of Mr . Ross," Julia smiled and said goodbye to Eric, as her car started driving away .

---- ----

In the afternoon, Eric again returned to shooting the same scene of Andy and Yoyo in the small restaurant, he didn't know why, but after lunch, Brooke Shields returned to making the same mistakes she did in the morning . Although she repeatedly apologized and showed him that delicate and touching expression, Eric still couldn't help but get angry, and vow to never work with her in another project .

Working with this beautiful vase was really frustrating, no wonder she got so many Razzies .

At the same time, Eric also gave up on the idea of starting a close friendship with Brooke Shields, after all, Hollywood is a big place, there are too many beautiful girls he can select from .

After spending another half hour, the scene in the restaurant was finally over .

"Eric, I'm so sorry . I was a pain," Brooke Shields apologized to him after completing the scene, she was already dressed to leave, after all this the only scene she has indoors .

She was wearing tight deep blue jeans, and a shirt tucked into her pants, showing the crowd her beautiful curves and her long slender legs .

Most of the men in the crew have unconsciously cast their eyes on her body, at the same time, they thought about Brooke Shields famous jean commercial, they wondered about if there is anything between her and the jeans she is wearing .

Although Eric dismissed the thoughts of having a close relationship with her, but he didn't mind eating her up . Admiring Brooke elegant appearance, and perfect body, his expression eased slightly: "Never mind, Brooke, I hope you study your scenes when you go back, we will have to do those scenes outside the studio . If we waste too much time, we will end up affecting the shooting schedule, and unnecessarily consume the budget . "

"I promise, I will work hard," Brooke Shields nodded, and put a slightly provocative gesture, but she found that Eric didn't pay attention to her .

Seeing that he wasn't going to invite her to dinner, she lowered her head and said: "Well, goodbye, Eric . "

"Goodbye, I will have someone inform you when to come shoot the next scene," then he turned and started talking to his assistant .

Brooke Shields paused for a few seconds, then left, she just gave him an obvious hint, but Eric still remained unmoved, which made Brooke somewhat frustrated .

"How long will it take before Tom Hanks arrive?" Eric didn't care about Brooke Shields departure, although he also noticed her hint, but since he made the decision, he wouldn't easily change it . In Hollywood, if you can't resist temptation, then you will probably face an unfortunate ending .

"Ten minutes," Alan said .

"Well, hurry up and tell the crew to clean up the place, and move to the next scene . "

Tom Cruise solo scenes were finally completed, so the next one he was gonna start filming is the scene where Hanks meet Cruise in a pub, today will be the first battle between the two main characters . Recalling his past life, the two big superstars have always had a parallel acting career, so he was very much looking forward to seeing what kind of spark can be produced by mixing the two stars .