I swear by the light

After slamming the door in Eric's face, Aniston triumphantly leaned against the door, waiting for him to knock at the door again.

At the same time, she wondered how she should deal with him, she should at least make him beg her to let him in, as for letting him stay for the night, will ... that depends on his performance.

Aniston wildly thought of how she would deal with him, but after a couple of minutes passed, there was no movement outside the door.

"Humph, he's definitely trying to trick me, don't think I'll fall for it."

Although she quietly murmured that she wouldn't break down and let him in, Aniston couldn't help but peak from the cat's eye in the door, but Aniston found that she could only see darkness outside because the sound controlled lights on the corridor have gone out.

"Damn that guy, he must be hiding in the dark waiting for me to take the initiative to open the door." Aniston thought, her heart becoming restless, finally, after waiting for close to five minutes, Aniston couldn't help but open the door a little bit to take a look. But because the door was blocked by the anti-theft chain, Aniston could only see a narrow field of vision, and all she saw was a quiet, empty corridor.

So Aniston decided to unplug the pin out of the anti-theft chain lock, open the door and walk outside.

Right as Aniston stepped outside, a pair of big hands caught her by the waist and picked her up.

"Ah!" Although she was aware of who caught her, Aniston still screamed and punched him on the shoulder.

"You bastard, scumbag, help ah!"

Laughing Eric gave her a slap on the ass then walked into the apartment and shut the door behind him.

The pain from her buttocks caused Aniston to feel shame and anger, so she started struggling in his arms trying to escape his clutches: "That hurt, you asshole, let me down."

Getting annoyed by her screams, Eric gave her another slap on the ass. This time not as hard as the first one, except this time he left his hand on her buttocks and kneaded it a few times while saying in a soft voice: "Honey, stop screaming if you don't stop the neighbors will call the police on us."

Aniston hit him a few times on the back and said: "Who let you come in? This is ... ... This is a private housing."

"Wow, that is a big accusation, you're not gonna shoot me, right?" Eric said as he put Aniston on the sofa in the living room.

As soon as she got free from his clutches, Aniston picked a pillow from the sofa and throw it at him, then she sat back on the couch,

and glared at Eric.

Ignoring the angry girl, Eric walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a can of cold beer, and went and sat beside the agitated Aniston: "I didn't buy the beer for you ... I bought it for myself."

Acting shameless Eric took a sip from the can of beer, smacked his lips and said: "Well, you have great taste in beer."

"Humph, Well finish the beer, and go home, I'm going to sleep." just as she finished talking, a knock came from the door, followed by a man's voice: "Miss Aniston, are you ok?"

After a brief moment of surprise, Eric asked: "Who is he."

"Probably a noisy neighbor."

"Will you are the one who started yelling." Eric retorted.

"That's your fault," Aniston stood up and walked toward the door, followed by Eric. When they opened the door, they found a middle-aged couple carefully standing at the door, the man was holding a Baseball Bat, while the woman was holding a Baking Roller.

When they saw that Aniston who opened the door was safe and sound, they relaxed a little bit.

"Miss Aniston, we heard you call for help ... ..." The man looked at the tall figure of Eric behind Aniston with a vigilant look in his eyes.

Seeing the man focus on Eric, Aniston opened the door wide, Hugged Eric's arm and made an intimate gesture, and explained: "Sorry for disturbing you, Mr. Bertman ... ... My boyfriend surprised me, which made me scream."

"Hello, Mr. Bertman, my name is Eric, sorry to disturb you." Eric took the initiative to reach out and shake their hand.

"It does not matter," Mr. Bertman said as he shook hands with Eric.

After exchanging small talk, Mr. Bertman politely refused Aniston and Eric invitation to enter and have a cup of coffee, and left with his wife.

.... ....

After closing the door, Aniston immediately released Eric's arm and went back to sitting on the couch, Eric soon followed and sat beside her then hugged her, at first Aniston symbolically resisted, but she soon gave up and leaned on his shoulders.

"Jenny, have you been in touch with your father lately?"

Aniston raised her head slightly and said: "Yes ah, why do you ask?"

"What is John doing recently?" Eric did not answer her immediately, instead, he asked.

"I'm not sure about what he is doing," Aniston said, fiddling while fiddling with her fingers: "But I know he has been working on a show called "Days of Our Lives" for the past four years."

"So ... Can you help me ask your dad? If he's interested in being a producer of a TV series."

Aniston asked with some doubt: "a TV series?"

"I'm talking about the TV series I spook to you about before, the one you agreed to take a role in," said Eric, explaining in detail to Aniston.

"You mean, you are gonna let my dad be the producer of "Friends"?"

Eric nodded: "Jeffrey isn't good at producing TV shows, and for a while, we couldn't find a trusted person to be the producer. I could ask Fox to help, but I don't want them to intervene in this series, so I thought of your dad."

As she thought about what he said, something dawned on her; this guy didn't come to see her because he missed her, he specifically came here because he originally wanted her to connect him to her father. Feeling disgusted, she shook off his arm and asked: "You came here tonight ... Just for this matter?"

Seeing that things aren't right, Eric hurriedly hugged Aniston, then kissed her red lips and said: "Of course not, I came over because I missed you."

"No, don't kiss me ... hmph."

She tried to push him away but found that not only did his tongue invade her mouth, and his big hands has also opened the hem of her pajamas, and started fondling her.

Feeling his skilled hands cover her tender soft breasts, Aniston body slightly trembled and froze for a moment. Geeting back to her self Aniston tried again to escape his clutches, but in doing so, she ended up scratching him a little on the arm.

Felling the pain, and seeing that she wasn't going to surrender, Eric pushed her back on the sofa and said: "Oh, what a tough girl. Let's how long you can keep resisting." (TN Note: that kinda sound he's trying to **** her.)

"Wait, let's go to the bedroom first."

"No, I'm so horny right now that I want to do it here on the couch."

"I'm angry at you, you bastard, you did not apologize to me for that day. And... And you give that big breasted woman a movie, but you only give me a role in a TV series."

Eric laughed and did not answer because Aniston knew perfectly well that if she asked Eric for a film role, he would surely give her one, so at this time she was just acting spoiled. Ignore the grumbling little girl, Eric stood up and began to take off his clothes.

A moment later, Aniston felt his hot body touch her cold skin, as he Eric knelt on the sofa between her legs.


Along time later, the intense movements in the living room slowed down, but he was still going, leaving Aniston whole body covered with a fine sheen of sweat.

The Exalted Aniston raised her head slightly and told Eric with a glare: "Are you satisfied now you bastard."


A few moments later a gust of wind poured into the living room through the balcony, making Eric feel a little chilly, looking at the goosebumps on the pale skin of the sweaty girl. Eric picked her up and took her to the bathroom, filled the bathtub with warm water, and sat with her in his embrace enjoying the warm water.

Feeling content, Aniston leaned back on Eric's chest, closed her eyes in satisfaction, feeling that everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for the thing getting again hard behind her.

Eric put some shower gel in his hand, and started lathering her creamy skin, and said: "Ha, did you think we finished, this is just the start."

"Well ... I don't care, you solve it yourself," said Aniston who was comfortably soaking in the warm water.

With his hands still roaming all over her body, Eric laughed and said: "Didn't they teach you in school to always finish what you started.

"No, I only remember that the story of Washington and the cherry tree that was meant to teach us, to be honest, is false and that textbooks are deceptive Washington had no cherry tree in his backyard."

"Ok," Eric laughed: "But that still a good story."

"It's too ironic to teach people to be honest by cheating them, and then I was never interested in reading stories like those anymore. Because when I grow up, I didn't want to find that all the things I was thought were fake, there was no cherry tree, Edison didn't help save his mother's life during an appendectomy by using mirrors to reflect light from candles, thereby giving doctors enough light to operate. And the apple didn't fall on Newton's head ... "

"I see," Eric nodded.

Aniston looked back at him and asked: "what do you understand?"

Eric gently fondled her small breasts and said with a smile: "I understand that you are trying to divert the topic, Don't worry, you can't run away from me tonight."

"I'm sour," Aniston suddenly wanted to get up, but Eric pulled her back into his embrace: "No, you can't run."

"I'm not running, I just need a break" Aniston shouted and tried to get out of Eric's arms.

But her struggling only served to ignite his passion as her rump rubbed against him under water, "let's do it here, the water is warm. Plus, I always wanted to do it in a bathtub."

"Well, eh?" as Aniston wanted to keep struggling, she suddenly felt him enter her, and all she could do is protest: "Don't... ... don't push there, that the wrong place."

"Certainly not," Eric said with a grin, and held her waist tightly, then pushed.

"Ah! Eric Williams, I'm going to kill you! "



"Go away!"


"Don't touch me."

"I... got some medicine. "

"Oh, why don't you kill me directly, you bastard."

"I didn't know it was going to be like this, I thought you were just bluffing."

"Fuck off Eric, and go play with your big breasted woman butt, you asshole I'm going to break up with you."

"Okay, Okay, now stop moving and, let me apply the medicine."

​In the bedroom, as Aniston lied on the bed, her body lying underneath the quilt, with nothing on. Eric, with a first aid kit, whispered to persuade her.

The little girl no longer spoke finally, and moved her body slightly. Eric, knowing that her making this posture was a form of tacitly consenting, twisted off the cap of medicinal ointment from the kit hastily, and lifted the bed sheet off of Aniston's back, as she buried her head deeper in the sheets.

After he awkwardly finished applying medicine, Eric thoughtfully drew the thin quilt over the little girl, and moved to the bath room to wash his hands. After coming out, he looked at the alarm clock on the girl's headstand, and he saw it was around one o'clock. Eric silently arrived at beside the sleeping Aniston, turned off the lamp, and laid down beside her before gently pulling over the quilt to cover himself.

In the darkness, after a long silence, he hears the low voice of Aniston: „Eric, no more."

„No promises"

After the brief dialog, is another time of silence, and a moment later, there's the sound of a light rustling, and the girl's body had leaned over.

„Jenny, you... Tonight it's best to lie and rest."

„..." little girl did not comply with this and kept moving, and like a fish she continued to slip towards Eric, who she quickly found. Once on his chest she naughtily bit down and said : „I must lie on you to rest."

"No problem," Eric smiled and held the girl's smooth waist and felt her fragrant body, covering himself whilst feeling soft and warm.

After a while, the girl's hot breath appeared on his chest: "Eric?"


There was a hint of embarrassment in Aniston's voice, but with a strong curiosity: "You are so... was that comfortable? " (TN: The back door)

"This," Eric said, he didn't know what to say. He really didn't want to talk about this. He hesitated for a while and said: "Oh... it's a very different feeling."

Aniston, not satisfied and unwilling to give up continued: "They... can they get it?"

Eric is stroking gently girl's smooth back, said seriously: „Absolutely not, not one!."

Aniston gently hit him: "Believing you would be strange."

In the darkness, Eric waved his arm: „I swear to the light!"

"Well the light is extinguished now."

"Well, let's go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow, the crew starts shooting at eight o'clock."

"What do I do, are you going to leave me here?" Aniston bit into Eric's chest and asked.

„Tomorrow should be good, it's not a big injury."

Then the chest was bitten again, this time is quite painfully, and he does not know if he has bleeding.

Eric rubbed the teeth marks on his chest and said, "If you'd like, I can look for someone to look after you?"

Aniston, who was on his body, shook her head quickly: "I will die from shame if they find out I broke up with you."

Eric concedes this idea and thinks again before saying: „Good, I as far as possible I will personally prepare to give you three meals a day to eat, and catch up with you at noon as much as possible, but Jenny, to delay the crew for even a day will cost more than 10,000 dollars, so it's impossible to stop.

„Ok," the little girl has complied once finally satisfied, moved her body again, and after finding a more comfortable body posture on Eric, slowly rested and slept.