Under the Moonlight

It's that time of the month again.

I walked fast and kept my head low until I reached that part of the park that had busted lamp posts. The city government did not bother replacing them due to the park's low foot traffic. The place was rarely maintained so the bushes had grown thicker and the trees had intertwined their branches in protest.

It was the perfect hiding spot for me especially for this occasion. People avoided this area for fear of being robbed or assaulted in the dark. I was not one of those people.

I sat down on one of the surviving wooden benches and stared at the full moon above. It had a dim yellow hue like it was pretending to be a dull sun. Regardless of the color, it still had the same effect on me.

I felt vulnerable.

All those stories about my race turning into vicious creatures of the night were overblown rumors from people who had seen our true forms.

We had always been hairy and wolfish but people saw us like normal human beings except once a month when the full moon rises and gives random people the gift of clarity. Sometimes it's temporary. Sometimes it lasts a lifetime.

It's a curse for both my race and the recipient. Humans tend to become frightened if they see something beyond what they can comprehend so they invent stories to satisfy their need for answers. That's why my race resulted to hiding once a month.

Because under the moonlight, we are nothing but monsters to them.