Chapter 11.1

Sun Tiantian was overwhelmed by Shen Nianshen's reply.

What did he mean by 'am I crazy'? Were jealous people called crazy?

Sun Tiantian rubbed her nose, slightly unhappy. She lay her face down on the bed and replied the message, 'Shen Nianshen, you are very arrogant.'

The cellphone vibrated, Shen Nianshen stared helplessly at Sun Tiantian's reply. He only replied, 'Go to sleep early.'

Although the message from Shen Nianshen was very brief, Sun Tiantian was quite happy tonight. Previously, Shen Nianshen's reply was far shorter than this, and he was very indifferent. Today he could tell Sun Tiantian to go to bed early, could be said that there was little progress!

At least he didn't push her for thousands of miles away as before.

Thinking about this, Sun Tiantian smiled happily on her bed. She replied cheerfully to Shen Nianshen, 'Good night.'

After a while, she got a reply from Shen Nianshen with a similar word: 'Good night'.

Sun Tiantian smiled again when she saw it, that smile was charming, and she kept staring at the words 'good night' for quite a long time. Eventually, after she was satisfied, she turned off her cellphone and headed to the dreamland with a wonderful mood.


The next day was Thursday. There were two classes in the morning and collective holiday for all students in the afternoon.

Every Thursday afternoon was a break for all students which had been implemented for years because sometimes there were a lot of activities on Campus. Today, the weather in spring was great. It made all the students feel like they want to go for a stroll.

But for Shen Nianshen, school holiday or anything was nothing to do with him. At 2:30 in the afternoon, after the lunch break, he took his book to the library for individual study.

Because the whole school was on holiday, there were lots of people in the library. Many people went in and out through the library entrance.

Shen Nianshen's eyes narrowed, he carried his book and went through the entrance.

Just about to enter the door, suddenly there was a hand in front of him.

He lowered his gaze, saw a small white hand holding two red coloured movie tickets.

In the next second, Sun Tiantian's face who was giggling appeared from movie ticket's behind, "Shen Nianshen, let's go for a movie."

Shen Nianshen glanced at him and refused, "Don't want to."

After saying that, he walked past the girl and prepared to enter the library.

Sun Tiantian quickly held his arms, "Come on! You have been studying all the time, give yourself a slight entertainment."

Sun Tiantian said it while hugging Shen Nianshen's arm, dragging him out of the library.

But Shen Nianshen's body was very steady; his body seemed to be nailed to the floor. Pulling it for quite a long time, it still didn't move a single jolt.

Sun Tiantian hugged that boy's arm tightly, exerting all her strength until she bowed down her head, then she murmured, "So heavy, please move a little ー ー."

Shen Nianshen's gaze fell on the top of Sun Tiantian's head; he could hear that girl's complaints. Unconsciously he smiled, very rarely he didn't try to get rid of Sun Tiantian's hand and instead calmly followed Sun Tiantian's intention to move a few steps.

Shen Nianshen finally moved, Sun Tiantian initially thought that she had managed to pull him. However, in her heart, she knew, Shen Nianshen was not such a weak person. Was it possible if Sun Tiantian pulled Shen Nianshen by force, that guy would move?

Sun Tiantian was very happy with her thoughts, thinking she had managed to pull Shen Nianshen forcefully, she grinned and chuckled.

This laughter was like ... um ... like you'd done a bad thing.

Shen Nianshen narrowed his eyes, "What are you thinking?"

Sun Tiantian turned around, smiled sweetly and looked at him, "Guess what?"

Shen Nianshen, "..."

Did you still need to guess it? Her smile resembled a small fox demon. Indeed, she wasn't thinking of any good thing.

Sun Tiantian pulled Shen Nianshen out of from the library, hmm, wrong; it shouldn't be said that she pushed Shen Nianshen out. If Shen Nianshen was indeed unwilling, Sun Tiantian knew she would not be able to do this successfully.

As Xu Li said, if Shen Nianshen didn't open a door for her, an ordinary girl would not be able to approach this guy for more than three meters.

When Sun Tiantian came looking for Shen Nianshen, she still thought it would be tough to ask him out from the library. Sun Tiantian had already prepared herself to accompany him at the library, unexpectedly everything was quite smooth.

On the way to the cinema, there was someone unable to hold her happiness and ask Shen Nianshen, "Shen Nianshen, you must be want to go for movies with me too, right?"

Shen Nianshen heard it, glanced at her with a deadpan expression, "Actually, I haven't watched a movie in a cinema for quite a long time."

Sun Tiantian, "..."

The movie ticket was just bought by Sun Tiantian this afternoon; she purchased tickets for the movie which would start at 3:10 pm.

Because the Cinema was only outside the Cinema, it was only 3 pm when they reached there.

After exchanging the tickets, when they about to enter the cinema, Sun Tiantian pulled Shen Nianshen to the snack counter, "Let's bought two barrels of popcorn, the popcorn here is delicious."

Shen Nianshen replied flatly, "I don't eat popcorn."

Sun Tiantian said, "Then, accompany me to eat."

Shen Nianshen, "..."

The cinema outside the Campus was packed, plus today was a school holiday, the snack counter was a long queue.

Sun Tiantian and Shen Nianshen queued in the back row. In front of them, they were a lot of lovers that very affectionate. There was a girl hugged her boyfriend's arm, rested her head on his shoulder, and were talking about something. Suddenly the guy bowed down his head and kissed his girlfriend on the lips.

Because the couple was right in front of them, Sun Tiantian saw it clearly and could not help to feel jealous.

In her entire life, there was not a single boy who ever kissed her.

After thinking about it, she suddenly turned and looked at Shen Nianshen, who was beside her.

When that man kissed his girlfriend, Shen Nianshen also saw them from behind. This time seeing Sun Tiantian suddenly turned and looked at himself, his eyes narrowed and looked back at Sun Tiantian.

Sun Tiantian curved her eyes, approached Shen Nianshen's side and asked in a low voice, "Shen Nianshen, did you never dated anyone?"

Shen Nianshen looked at her, then looked away and refused to answer this kind of questions.

Sun Tiantian certainly knew that this guy had never dated anyone. After all, he always refused to be touched by every girl.


Sun Tiantian remembered that several times when she touched him, it seemed he was not as disturbed as before. Especially today, when Sun Tiantian hugged his arm, he didn't look like having the intention to get rid of her.

Suddenly her eyes twinkled as if she had thought of something. She was thrilled and tried to pull Shen Nianshen's wrist.

Shen Nianshen's hands were in the pocket of his pants, and his wrists appeared on the surface. When Sun Tiantian's soft hand reached him, he was stunned and looked down. His eyesight is staring at Sun Tiantian's hand.

After a few moments, there was a bit of strength from the wrist to break away from Sun Tiantian's grasp, then put it back in the pants pocket.

The guy's eyes stared straight ahead as if nothing had happened.

It's just that Sun Tiantian did not intend to give up so easily. Her face showed a hopeful expression and asked, "Shen Nianshen, why don't you get rid of my hands now? Do you..."

She paused, then with a little bit shy and tried to hold it back, she continued the next sentence, ".... have you started to like me a bit?"

Shen Nianshen wrinkled his eyebrows and looked at her, "You haven't sober up from yesterday's drunk?"

Sun Tiantian, "..."

Shen Nianshen looked at Sun Tiantian's wrapped arm, answered with patience, "I'm just afraid that I will hurt you again, that will be no end for me to buy lunch for you."

So... only afraid to make her fall once again and become more dependent on him?

At first, she thought that Shen Nianshen had a slight fondness for herself, never thought that he did all this to get rid of her as soon as possible!

Sun Tiantian began to feel pressured.