Chapter 12

After finished the drip, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when they came out of the hospital.

After sitting with Sun Tiantian in the outpatient department for several hours, Shen Nianshen felt a pain on his neck, he touched his neck with his hand and pressed it twice.

Seeing this, Sun Tiantian asked, "Are you tired?" Her eyes fell on Shen Nianshen's nape and subconsciously took a step up, then reached out to help him press his neck and said, "I'll give you a massage."

The soft little hand covered the back of his neck, rubbed it neither lightly nor heavily, and the voice came softly, "What do you think?" Do you feel more comfortable?"

Shen Nianshen has never been so close to a girl.

He felt the tender fingertips rubbing gently at his nape, and it made his body was unconsciously stiff. A strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart, like a warm spring breeze blowing through his heart.

"How about my massage skill? I often give my parents a massage at home. " Sun Tiantian felt that she was very great, said it with a little pride in her tone.

Shen Nianshen recognized the meaning of her tone as if she were expecting praise. A smile flashed in his eyes and simply followed her and praised her, "Well, very impressive."

With these words, he took two steps forward quietly, avoiding Sun Tiantian.

He put his hands in his trouser pocket and walked on, trying to ignore the strange feeling in his heart.

Sun Tiantian jumped down the steps and followed him happily. "Shen Nianshen, are you hungry?"

Shen Nianshen looked down at her as she walked forward. "You hungry?"

Sun Tiantian smiled and bent her eyes. "I'm not hungry. I'm not a pig."

She overate in the afternoon and went to the hospital because of it, so she wouldn't want to eat again this soon.

She smiled and said, "I mean you, you haven't eaten anything since noon."

Shen Nianshen took an in-depth look at her and said faintly, "No, I'm not hungry."

As he spoke, the green light just lights on. Shen Nianshen raised his foot and went straight ahead.

Sun Tiantian hurriedly caught up with him. "You have to eat. You'll get stomachache!"

Once arriving at school, Sun Tiantian asked Shen Nianshen to have dinner, but Shen Nianshen had no appetite. After saying that he wouldn't eat, he went straight inside the school.

Sun Tiantian kept up with him and was a little worried. "Don't skip dinner. It's only eight o'clock. When it reaches midnight, you'll be hungry."

Shen Nianshen ignored her and walked forward.

Sun Tiantian stood in the same place for a long time, stared at Shen Nianshen's back for a while, and finally sighed. What on earth was this man thinking? They were fine before this.

She suddenly felt slight tiredness and to always keep up with Shen Nianshen's mood that rise and down very unexpectedly. She didn't know when he would feel happy or unhappy.

Instead of chasing him this time, she followed slowly.

Shen Nianshen did not walk fast, especially when he found out that Sun Tiantian had not kept up for a long time, he even subconsciously slowed down his pace.

But after walking for a long time, when he almost reached the girls' dormitory, Sun Tiantian never kept up with him.

Before, even if he walked very fast, Sun Tiantian would run to catch him up.

He finally felt that something was wrong and stopped.

He looked back, but he didn't see Sun Tiantian at all.

He froze and looked around for a while to find that girl's whereabouts.

However, he couldn't find her anywhere.

He frowned and pulled out his cellphone to call Sun Tiantian. As he about to dial out, he saw Sun Tiantian coming out of the cafeteria not far from there.

She ran towards him with a plastic bag in her hand.

Shen Nianshen stared at her intensely for a while, then put the phone back into his pocket.

Sun Tiantian ran towards Shen Nianshen immediately.

In front of Shen Nianshen, she handed over something directly into his arms.

Shen Nianshen subconsciously took it and looked down, and he found out that it was a loaf of bread and a carton of milk.

Sun Tiantian pointed to the food in his hand. "Remember to eat when you go back to the dormitory. It will hurt your stomach if you don't eat anything."

Shen Nianshen finally looked up and looked at her. "Did you just go to buy something for me?"

His eyes were deep and fixed, but she could not see what he was thinking.

Sun Tiantian didn't bother to guess, nodded, and said, "That's right. You haven't eaten since noon, which will hurt your stomach."

After that, she looked up and said, "Just go back. The dormitory is in the front. I'll just go back by myself."

Although Shen Nianshen ignored her on the way back, at least he still took the initiative to send her back to the dormitory.

The wind was a bit intense at night, and Shen Nianshen's eyes fell on Sun Tiantian's cheeks flushed by the wind. The bread and milk in his hand seemed to have suddenly become heavy, and an unprecedented warmth spread in the bottom of his heart.

He stared at Sun Tiantian for a long time, then inadvertently whispered, "Thank you."

There was some tenderness in his voice, Sun Tiantian's mood became much better, and there was a smile on her face. "Shen Nianshen, can I still have lunch with you tomorrow?"

Shen Nianshen was slightly surprised. Did this girl was planned not to look for him anymore?

Glancing at her arm, he faintly said, "Your hand still not fully recovered, right?"

Sun Tiantian froze, then grinned, "I thought you hated me so much and didn't want to eat with me anymore."

Shen Nianshen took a look at her intensely, then looked awkwardly away and said, "I didn't hate you."

Sun Tiantian blinked and reminded him, "Then, become my tutor for CET-4."

Shen Nianshen only said one sentence, and Sun Tiantian, without any shame, walked towards him, "Then, it means you like me?"

Shen Nianshen, "....."

Sun Tiantian laughed, "I'm just kidding."

She pushed Shen Nianshen gently and said, "Go back to your dormitory. Today I already bothering you all day. If you go home now, you still have time to study for a while."

Shen Nianshen glanced at her and teased her, "It's rare for you to be a bit self-aware today."

Sun Tiantian returned to the dormitory happily. As soon as she entered the door, she was blocked on the door by Cheng Duo and Xie Yan.

Cheng Duo narrowed her eyes, put one hand on her waist, and began to cross-examine, "Tell me honestly, where did you go with your Shen Nianshen all day?"

Xie Yan agreed, "That's right! Go out early in the morning and it's almost nine o'clock!"

Sun Tiantian smiled and proudly raised her chin. "Make a guess."

With that sentence, she got out of Cheng duo and Xie Yan and walked to her desk.

Seeing her smiling happily, Cheng Duo turned around and asked, "What, is there any great progress today?"

Sun Tiantian took out makeup remover from her makeup box and said firmly, "We went to the movie today, and after watching it, we went to the library. Later, I had gastroenteritis, and he accompanied me to the hospital for an intravenous drip."

Xie Yan adored, "OMG, Tiantian, you are so good. You have seen a movie, so this is your first date, right?"

Can it be considered as a first date?

After Sun Tiantian finished washing her face, she applied the mask and climbed onto the bed early. Then she took out his cell phone and sent Shen Nianshen a WeChat text.

At the other end, Shen Nianshen had just come out of the shower and habitually picked up his cell phone to have a look.

In the past, he usually didn't check his cellphone if there was nothing important. He didn't know when it started to get into the habit. He began to check his phone often.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened WeChat, he saw Sun Tiantian's message.

I am Sweet: Shen Nianshen, do you think today is our first date?

(# ^. ^ #).

Shen Nianshen stared at the message for a while, then raised his hand and rubbed his ample. For a moment, he didn't know how to reply to her.

After a while, he only replied a few words, "Go to bed early."

At the other end of the phone, Sun Tiantian received a reply from Shen Nianshen and rolled happily on the bed with her phone.

Chengduo, who was on the opposite bed, saw it and said helplessly, "Calm Down, Sweetie. Be careful you'll fall out of bed."

"I can't calm down. I'm happy." Sun Tiantian hugged her phone on her chest and stared at the ceiling, her eyes blinked and smiled.

Cheng Dou looked at her and shook his head helplessly. "Become fool because of love."


The class was full the next morning, and the fourth class had just begun. Sun Tiantian thought that she was going to have dinner with Shen Nianshen, and wished it was noon right now.

Cheng Duo saw her kept looking at her watch every few minutes and said helplessly, "You don't need to always look at it. No matter how you look at it, it's impossible to end the class right away."

Sun Tiantian sighed and said, "Hey, I feel like I'm really poisoned. I want to be with Shen Nianshen every minute."

Cheng Duo thought for a moment, rarely said a useful sentence, "When you like a person, you will feel like this."

Think about him all the time, want to be together all the time.

Sun Tiantian propped her cheek with one hand and looked absent-mindedly at the direction of the podium. She didn't know if Shen Nianshen could miss her or like her a bit.

She was in a trance when the screen of her mobile phone suddenly lit up.

She glanced down, saw the name, was suddenly excited, and immediately grabbed the phone.

It was a text message from Shen Nianshen. "My grandmother accidentally fell. I have to go back to see her right now. Don't wait for me for lunch."