Chapter 14.1

Sun Tiantian followed Grandma to call him Ah Nian sweetly.

Shen Nianshen looked at her while rubbing his temples. Then he explained to Grandma, "Grandma, you already misunderstood. She is my junior, not my girlfriend."

Grandma was stunned; the excitement on her face suddenly disappear. She looked at Shen Nianshen and Sun Tiantian one another for some time, an expression of loss appeared on her face. She opened her mouth and asked Sun Tiantian, "Ah Nian... what he said is true?"

Shen Nianshen had already denied it; even Sun Tiantian was a shameless girl, she also didn't dare to say yes, so she just smiled.

Grandma saw Sun Tiantian also didn't explain, and it means that she had indeed misunderstood. She pulled Sun Tiantian's hand with a little embarrassed and apologize, "Sorry, Tiantian. This is the first time Ah Nian is bringing a girl back home. I'm so excited and become misunderstood..."

Sun Tiantian smiled sweetly and said softly, "It's okay, Grandma."

The old lady felt very pity since Sun Tiantian was not her potential future granddaughter-in-law; she unable to hold herself to stare at Shen Nianshen. This stare was obvious means: you don't even know how to chase a girl as beautiful as her, you fool!

Shen Nianshen pretended didn't understand, immediately changed the subject, "Grandma, I will take you to the hospital to be examined briefly."

He helped his grandmother to stand up.

The old lady put away her hands and said, "I don't want to go. I had already gone to see Doctor Liu. There's no big deal."

Doctor Liu was a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine who lives nearby, specializing in treating bruises. It was said that his medical skills were quite excellent.

Shen Nianshen thought for a moment but was still doubtful, "We should go to the hospital to be examined once again."

"I told you I don't want to go, this child...." The old granny was so depressed and still insisted not to go.

Sun Tiantian saw the situation, gently trying to persuade, "Grandma, it's better you go to the hospital. If Grandma doesn't go, Shen Nianshen will feel uneasy. If there were no problems, it would be better. But, what if there is something. Later it will cost more money. What's more important is Grandma's physical health."

Sun Tiantian spoke in a soft voice to the old lady, made every person who heard it feel comfortable. The old lady really followed her advice, "After think about it; it seems... there's a point too."

It would be nice if nothing happened, but what if something really happened. If being checked after it gets worse, won't it spend more money?

Once persuaded by Sun Tiantian, the old lady finally agreed to go to the Hospital with Shen Nianshen to do an examination.

Shen Nianshen immediately supported his grandmother, and Sun Tiantian helped him. At that moment, a girl's voice suddenly spoken, "Miss Sun, better I do it. I'm used to taking care of grandma."

Sun Tiantian was stunned; only now she noticed that there were two other strangers in this house. A middle-aged woman and a girl of her age, they look like mothers and daughters.

Sun Tiantian looked at the girl who spoke in front of her, inevitably looked at Shen Nianshen, "Is she your sister?"

Shen Nianshen bluntly said, "No."

The girl immediately introduced herself, "My name is Lin Li. We live next door. Ah Nian usually busy with his school, and left grandma alone at home. When I am free, I often come here to accompany her."

Sun Tiantian now understood. Apparently, they were neighbors.

But the way she called Ah Nian's name, it made Sun Tiantian felt uncomfortable when she heard it.

Sun Tiantian pursed her lips. Before she could say any word, that girl had pushed her aside and helped support Grandma. She smiled sweetly, "Grandma, let's go. I'll help you."

Sun Tiantian, who was being pushed back, frowning.

Shen Nianshen turned to look at her, that girl was angry and glanced at him sharply.

Shen Nianshen looked at her and wanted to explain, but did it while supporting grandma was not comfortable. He did not say anything for a while, led grandma out of the door with Lin Li.

Shen Nianshen and Lin Li supported Grandma. Beside them, there was still Lin Li's mother; when they all walked ahead, they looked like one family.

Sun Tiantian hugged her bag and followed behind in annoyance, lowered her head, and kicked a pebble on the ground.

On the way out of the alley, Shen Nianshen always looked back. On several occasions, he saw Sun Tiantian was kicking a stone on the ground angrily. After turning his head twice, right when Sun Tiantian raised her head up. When she saw Shen Nianshen looking at her, Sun Tiantian stared at him angrily.

Grandma saw Shen Nianshen didn't stop looking to the back; she also turned her head. She saw Sun Tiantian was angry and kicked a pebble on the ground. After seeing his grandson's expression, she knew that his grandson was worried.

The old lady was an experienced person; this time, she could understand and felt happy inside her heart. This child still didn't want to admit that he liked someone, wasn't this a sign that he liked her!

She said, "Ah Nian, go see Tiantian. She has never been here before, afraid she'll get lost."

"But Grandma ..."

"Aiya, my legs are fine. Hurry and go find Tiantian, we will wait for you in front of the alley."

While speaking, she pushed Shen Nianshen and continued walking forward.

When Shen Nianshen turned to look at Sun Tiantian, that girl was walking while bowing her head—walking while kicking pebbles on the ground with her feet.

Shen Nianshen saw her frowning and felt a bit funny. He stood motionless there and waited for Sun Tiantian to walk approaching him.

Because Sun Tiantian walked while bowing her head, she didn't realize that Shen Nianshen was standing in front of her.

She kept bowing head down and didn't see the way until her head bumped into a hard-build chest, the pain made her snort and held her head as she walked back a few steps.

She frowned and looked up, coincidentally met the eyes of Shen Nianshen, who were laughing towards her.

Sun Tiantian was still angry with him. When she saw him laugh, she became even more angry, "What are you laughing at!"

Shen Nianshen pulled the corner of his lips and said, "Sun Tiantian, are you a three-year-old child? Why did you play with that stone?"

"I'm not a three-year-old child! That's why I'm such an idiot to like a person like you!" Sun Tiantian had been left alone behind, feeling exceedingly annoyed. This time coupled with Shen Nianshen, who ridiculed her, her anger could no longer be held back anymore. She looked at Shen Nianshen with her red eyes, turned, and walked before him.

Shen Nianshen had no idea that Sun Tiantian would be so angry, he was stunned. Seeing Sun Tiantian pass through him and already walked a few steps, he regained consciousness and followed her with big strides as he pulled her wrist, "Sun Tiantian."

Sun Tiantian pulled back her hand, "Don't touch me!"

She turned her head to the other side and didn't want to look at Shen Nianshen.

Ever since Shen Nianshen knew Sun Tiantian, every time he met her, that girl always smiled sweetly. It's's very rare to see her other emotions besides being happy.

He looked at her for a moment and said in a low voice, "I didn't mean to laugh at you."

Sun Tiantian pursed her lips and still ignored him.

Shen Nianshen urged and explained, "Lin Li is just my neighbor. When I'm not at home, she and her mother sometimes will come to my house to accompany grandma and chatted with her. Grandma is closer to them, I'm not."

Sun Tiantian was stunned; she had no idea that Shen Nianshen would explain.

She turned and looked at him.

Shen Nianshen looked back at her, "Do you still angry with me?"

Sun Tiantian snorted, "You just said you weren't close to them without thinking about whether they felt close to you or not. That girl likes you, don't say you didn't see it."

Shen Nianshen was very straightforward and said clearly, "I don't like her."

Sun Tiantian was stunned, staring at Shen Nianshen for so long without blinking.

"Then you..." She was suddenly a bit nervous, looking straight at Shen Nianshen's eyes. A little hesitant, but still asking, "whom do you like?"

She always used a half-joking tone when asking whether Shen Nianshen likes her or not. As for speaking seriously, this was the first time.

These few words, when spoken out, made her heart beat fast.

She looked at him expectantly, unconsciously squeezing her clothes.

Shen Nianshen looked intensely at her, not answered for quite a long time, "I don't know."

Shen Nianshen actually didn't know whether he liked the Sun Tiantian or not. Even if he liked her, there were too many things to consider, and he hadn't thought carefully about it.

Sun Tiantian saw him refusing to answer, wanting to force him. However, she was too afraid to push the answer. After thinking about it for a long time, she decided to hold it back and not continue to question him.

"Let's go." Shen Nianshen noticed that Sun Tiantian's emotions were getting better as he gently pulled her arm.

Sun Tiantian pulled her arm and hugged it into her chest, "Men and women won't touch each other without feelings, Senior Shen."

The word 'Senior Shen' was like a big hit that made Shen Nianshen stunned. He remembered that he had just introduced Sun Tiantian to his grandmother as his junior.

Suddenly felt helpless, and he rubbed his temples.

Just a little girl but already know how to revenge.

"Let's go. Grandma is waiting for us in the front." Shen Nianshen stretched out his hand again to pull on SuTiantian's arm; his voice was very tender.

Sun Tiantian was pulled by him, following from behind. Seeing her wrist held by Shen Nianshen, her smile expanded, and she felt happy.