Chapter 16 [2]

Shen Nianshen confessed his love?

Was she dreaming?

The surprise came too sudden, and it was a bit hard to get used to it.

Sun Tiantian stared at Shen Nianshen for a long time and stuttered a little. "It means... you like me?"

Shen Nianshen nodded. "Yeah, I like you."

There was a sudden ecstasy in Sun Tiantian's heart, and she could hardly help to jump.

Just when she had given up completely, the person she liked suddenly told her that he also liked her.

Sun Tiantian felt like a dream, subconsciously pinching the palm of her hand, the pain came, and instantly woke up a little bit.

The heart was extremely happy, but the face pretended to be reserved, the voice was cold, said: "So we have to try when you said we try? Shen Nianshen, I'm a person, not a ball. You told me to stay away from you and kicked me away. Now that you regret it, you come back to me and say you want to try it with me. Why should I agree with you?"

Shen Nianshen was frozen.

After a long time, he laughed.

Also, how could he tell someone to go and come back as soon as he pleased?

After a moment of silence, he looked deeply at Sun Tiantian, and suddenly said, "I'll chase you."

Sun Tiantian froze, "What?"

Shen Nianshen said, "I'll chase you, okay? Chase until you agree to be with me."

Sun Tiantian stared at him blankly and did not speak for a long time.

She should have looked at the almanac when she went out today. Was this a good day that only happened once in a century?!

Shen Nianshen not only confessed to her but also wanted to chase her?!

Sun Tiantian felt like she was dreaming, and there was a voice in her heart shouting, "Agree with him!"

Another voice was advising, "Keep calm!"

She sat there motionless, took a long time to calm down, looked at Shen Nianshen, with a slight snort, and replied, "It depends on your performance."

Shen Nianshen once again felt the meaning of 'you can't live by doing your own iniquity', he nodded and said: "Okay."

Then he asked, "Are you free tonight?"

Sun Tiantian, "What do you want?"

Shen Nianshen, "Can I treat you to dinner?"

Sun Tiantian was very happy at the bottom of her heart, but pretended to be calm and said, "I have an appointment with my roommate this evening. Let's do it next time."

Shen Nianshen: ".... All right."

Sun Tiantian was so excited that she couldn't wait to find her roommates and tell them that Shen Nianshen was going to chase her.

She stood up from the slate beside the flower bed and said to Shen Nianshen, "I'm going back to the basketball court. My roommates are still waiting for me for dinner."

Shen Nianshen also stood up and said, "I'll send you off."

Sun Tiantian didn't refuse, glanced at him, and then walked straight ahead.

Shen Nianshen followed and walked side by side with her.

"Are you free this Saturday?"

Shen Nianshen asked suddenly.

Sun Tiantian said, "This Saturday? No, I don't. Our roller-skate club organized a camping event. We would be in the mountains on Saturdays and Sundays."

Shen Nianshen: "....."

The Qijiao Building was very close to the basketball court and within walking distance of a few minutes.

Her roommates were waiting for her. Sun Tiantian ran away from Shen Nianshen as soon as she saw them.

Cheng duo asked in a low voice, "How's it going? What did you two talk about?"

Sun Tiantian winked at her quietly and gave a hint to her to talk later.

She looked back and said to Shen Nianshen, "I'll go first."

Shen Nianshen nodded and said, "I'll send you a message later."

As soon as the words came out, everyone on Shen Nianshen and Sun Tiantian side was frozen.

That cold Shen Nianshen, unexpectedly said he would send a message to a girl on his own initiative!

Sun Tiantian was happy but didn't show it. With a faint hum, she took her roommates walked outside the school.

As soon as they arrived at the hot pot restaurant, as soon as the door of the private room was closed, the three roommates immediately surrounded Sun Tiantian. "Say it! What's going on?! What does Shen Nianshen want to talk to you just now?!"

Sun Tiantian lay down on the table with her cheeks in her hands and smiled and said, "Shen Nianshen confessed to me."

There was a moment of silence in the private room.

The girls all stared as if they heard something incredible.

Cheng Duo was the first to react, "Oh My God, really? Shen Nianshen confessed to you? Why does it sound so incredible?"

Sun Tiantian smiled and said, "I personally also thought it was incredible, but it was true. He admitted that he liked me."

Xie Yan walked around the room twice, touched her chin, suddenly showed a very understanding expression, said, "This is a man! In the beginning, he was so cold. After you ignored him for half a month, finally know how important you are. "

Sun Tiantian nodded and agreed.

Cheng Dora opened her stool, sat next to Sun Tiantian, and asked, "You didn't agree on him so soon, did you?"

"Of course not!"

"He can't tell me to go and come back as he pleased," Sun Tiantian said. "I'm not that easy."

Cheng Duo grinned and did not believe in Sun Tiantian's restraint at all. "It depends on how long you can endure."

Sun Tiantian opened her eyes and said, "You don't believe me? I'm really determining this time!"

Xie Yan laughed, sat opposite, and said, "Let's take a guess how long it will take for Tiantian to fully surrender. I'll say first, a week at the most."

He Miao said, "I guess it's about the same. It's been two weeks at the most. Tiantian likes Shen Nianshen that much."

Sun Tiantian was about to vomit blood. "Please, can you have a little faith in me?"

Cheng Duo laughed, "Come on. You? I think three days at the most, it may be hard to say about someone else, but please, this is Shen Nianshen, he is very handsome. If he touches you twice, you will lay down his arms and surrender. Don't you believe me?"

Sun Tiantian held up a decision, "It can't be so fast!"

Cheng Duo smiled and said, "Then let's make a bet. If we lose, treat us dinner."

"Treat, treat! You can eat whatever you want."