OP now?

Ray quickly finished up the food in record time leaving Quan and Gun speechless.

"Are you going to leave now?"

Asked Gun.

Ray nodded and stood up.

"Where- do I put this?"

"Oh, you could just leave it in the kitchen sink. We'll wash after you leave."

Ray placed the container away and started heading for the entrance when he stopped and turned and looked back.

"Who brought me back here?"

Ray looked at the two. Quan looked like your average teenage girl who would seldom work out and was very skinny.

Meanwhile Gun appears to have some definition on his arms and upper body.

It wasn't much compared to those that seriously trained their body, but it was odd for someone who was stuck in a wheelchair to have such defined upper body muscle.

"We had a friend to help us carry you back."

Gun smiled.

"Oh say thank you to him for me."

"It's okay. I bet you would do the same for us."

Ray waved goodbye and settled off for home. Not noticing the small traces of dried blood left on the elevator.

"Ray where have you been all afternoon? I thought you got into another fight or got lost!"

Miley shouted frantically.

Ray puts on a small smile.

Although he had fought earlier. Ray didn't really take any visible damage. Unlike before when he fought with Guy, Wu had only landed decisive strikes that knocked him down rather than to hurt him. That's not to say Ray hasn't taken any damage, but the damage that he has taken isn't really visible. Along with the fact that the system ever so slightly helps him with healing. Ray looks as good as new.

Slippy watched from a nearby corner.

As he slowly moved and organized Ray's recent thoughts and experiences.

"So someone saved you."

Slippy mumbled to himself

"And it appears that there is more to Gun then he is letting on. Why Ray, aren't you quite a perspective one. If only you weren't so quiet."

Miley was finally done with her rant and they were about to head in when Ray froze in his tracks.

"Is something wrong Ray?"

Miley called out.

Ray smiled and shook his head, but inside he realized that he had completely forgotten about his backpack and school books.

Miley headed in first leaving Ray to head in by himself when a familiar, but grimy soap bar appeared in front of him.

"You appear to have had quite an adventure today."

Huh yeah, I guess.

Ray went in for a shower although this time he kept Slippy out of it as he was probably the most disgusting bar of soap he ever laid eyes on.

As he showered, Slippy started down briefing Ray.

"Ray it appears that my current method of tracking strength as in fighting abilities is flawed as I am not used to dealing with non-cultivators."


Ray raises his eyebrows.

Cultivators? You mean those ones from those Chinese web novels called wuxia novels or whatnot?

"Yes, it is exactly those kinds of cultivators."

"Based on my new standards your Strength of -9835 would be changed into Strength of -35, but including your recent improvements in your mental state you should be at a strength level of -28."

I have improved? When did I improve?

"It would be your wins against Guy and when you decided to challenge Wu. As now my total strength evaluation is improved to take on the mental side of the body. The old strength evaluation was based on how well someone would fare in a pillar test."

Pillar test Ray thought of what it was. Do they use it in those cultivation novels to test their strength?

"Yes, but they are designed with how much input a cultivator could do with a single blow. Also in order to fully merge with me, you have to achieve at least 0 strength on the strength evaluation."

Closing the water. Ray closed his eyes and started scrubbing shampoo on his hair.

"Oh and don't forget about the ultimate fighting manual and tactical retreat award you got for beating Guy."

Ray opened his eyes causing shampoo to go in it.

Ah shit. It's in my eyes. Water, water, where's the handle for it?


Slippy once again felt a certain sort of helplessness in this uncertain and uncaring world.

We gotta step up Ray's training.

Slippy thought to himself.

After Ray finished getting the shampoo out of his eyes. Slippy once again began talking again.

"Ray takes the next day off school tomorrow."

Huh? Why?

"Although you didn't take that much damage you were still knocked out. Also, it seemed like a gang fight erupted after you were knocked out."


Ray blurted out in surprise.

"Wel,l I am actually not sure what happened. As I seemed to have been shut down after you were knocked out, but there were blood and glasses spilled everywhere when I was active again."

"That's scary."

To think that much blood was spilled even though weapons are banned. Who was fighting the black menace gang and why? In fact, how did I not wake up from that?

"Maybe Gun, Quan, and their friend carried you out before then. I don't know what happened, but I do know one thing.

We gotta increase your strength quickly so that you can fight back against the local gangsters."

How can we do that? Ray started getting out of the shower.

"You can try training with the ultimate fighting manual."

Oh, I'll try after I dry up.

Ray, now fully clothed, started reading the ultimate fighting manual.

"The ultimate cultivation technique. There is no such thing. Instead, strive to find the perfect style for yourself-"

Eventually, Ray started shaking.

What was this? A full-on weapon manual? What the heck was a Zhanmadao? There is nothing about cultivation or body training. It's all weapon arts, battle tactics, and philosophies! Heck, the few training techniques it has are unreasonable! Bring yourself to the edge of death to forcefully awake your death intent. Isn't that just telling you to almost commit suicide so that you would be so scared of death that you do whatever you can to live?


Shit, he is right Slippy thought to himself. Also, I haven't sensed any qi ever since I was activated here. I remember that the past users were passively cultivating through the book. Could it be that there is no qi in this time zone?

"Ray the manual doesn't help you cultivate, but instead teaches you the warrior spirit."

Slippy lied through his teeth.

Leaning forward Ray stared at Slippy

You sound full of shit. Not even I am this dumb.

"Cough, cough. The philosophies of the book may not help you now, but it may help you get through tough times in the future."

Ray leaned back. That does make sense as they do sound profound.

"Well, Ray since we can't use the weapons art we should get you to train in a martial art or fighting system. Because as much as I hate to admit it, there is no way we could get you strong enough to fight against a whole gang with just body conditioning as a non-cultivator."

Oh, and what happened to my ability to tactically retreat?

"How did you get away from the gangster at school?"

Oh, so that's the so-called tactical retreat?

"Kinda it was a part of it you could say."

If Slippy could sweat he would be dredged right now. Where is my honour as a system anymore? Slippy laminated as he looked back on the good ole days when he was just another almighty system.