Running Errands

"Ray you gotta work on your people skills."

'I know.'

Ray walked off to the nearest 492 bus stop heading toward home.

"Ray once we get back home we should search where we can buy hand wraps."


A dollar store was by the second bus stop. So Ray walked to it from there.

'Slippy look! There's a buy two for three deal on Green garden soap. Or should I get this sponge bob soap?'

"Just get a soap bar. Although I'll prefer it if you didn't get the sponge bob soap bar."

In the end, they went with a Yawnadre lavender 10 pack of soap bars. Ray brought it and was carrying it when suddenly the package started shaking.


Ray drops it.

The people around Ray looked at him oddly. Embarrassed Ray dusted himself up and took the package with him out of the store.

'Next time when you're doing that please tell me earlier.'

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

'Oh and before I go to school. I should go cancel the membership at 24-hour fitness. Since it's closer.'

"Oh and Ray? You should drop my old form in the trash can. It's a useless dead body now."

A dead body?

Ray stopped in his tracks.

'Wait if I were to just throw this away wouldn't I be breaking the Geneva rules or something?'


"I am a literal bar of soap Ra-"

'How does that work? Leaving dead bodies in trash cans? That I will never do!'

"It's my dead body Ray! I get to choose what I do with it!"

So after many disputes, Ray and Slippy both agreed to bury it later.

The school was within walking distance. So it only took about 5 minutes to get there.

Ray who wanted to stay clear of the black menace gang, decided to head straight for the office.

He walked in and saw that there was no one there besides the receptionist.

"Excuse me. Do you know where the lost and found are?"

The receptionist looked down. Seeing a weird looking kid holding a dirty price of soap in a plastic bag and a bundle of soapboxes.

Not like I give a shit as long as I get paid. The receptionist thought to herself.

"The bin would be around the end of the gym."

"Th-ank you."

He walked around quickly hoping that no one would notice him. Luckily classes were in session so not many people were walking along the hallways.

When Ray finally found the lost and found bin. He saw a vaguely familiar shoe sticking out of it.

Besides the singular shoe, there were a bunch of old jackets, water bottles, and what you know Ray's backpack!

"Hey, Ray isn't that Guy's shoe?"


'What kind of a dumbass would lose the same shoe twice in a week? And I thought I was clumsy!'

Both Ray and Slippy shook their head at this, but without a hint of remorse, they chucked the shoe into the garbage bin.

'Sorry shoe chan. You got your owner to blame for this!'

Ray then headed towards the closest exit. He barely got out of school before the recess bell started ringing.

"Okay time to head home."

It took around 10 min for Ray to walk home. On the way there, he started talking with Slippy on how he is going to catch up on his homework.

"Well, Ray I am a System so I could probably help you with it once I am integrated."

'Wait so you mean that it would be like me having a calculator in my mind?'

"Yeah. You kinda get it, but it's a lot more advanced as it's linked to your mind."

'That would be nice. Say Slippy would you ever leave me?'

"Probably not in the near future. We have to achieve something so great that you won't need me anymore."

'But Slippy why did you even appear in my life in the first place?'

"How should I explain this. It's really difficult to get, but essentially there are three main reasons. One is that you need help, two is that you have a unique body that allows me to coexist with."

'In that way, you are like a parasite.'

"Yeah, but I am also here for your benefit. And the last and final reason. A number of random stats and detail sent me here. In other words. By fate or destiny, we are intertwined. I personally know it as The Heaven's Will System."

'Heaven's Will System? If you call it that. Doesn't it mean it's a system just like you?'

"Well yes and no, but it is not important to our current situation. And ah we are home."

Ray entered his house and rip open the package of soup. Releasing a wild looking piece of soap. Like before Slippy has the smouldering eyes of Bruce Lee and John Cena's mighty chin, but this time around he was coloured purple and had a Y imprinted on his face.

Ray couldn't stop himself from snickering and had to force himself to look away.

Meanwhile Slippy cringed at his new look.

"Damn it. I can't wait to get out of this soup form."


After Ray finally stopped snickering whenever he looked at Slippy.

They decided to bury Slippy's old body in the backyard.

There Ray with some plastic spoons dug a sad-looking grave for Slippy #1. Placed on top of it was a smooth white stone that Ray had found by the roadside.

Going back inside it was already 12 pm as Ray's pitiful digging skill along with the cheap plastic spoons cost them three long hours.

"Ray next time let's go buy a spade."

Standing by Slippy Ray looked at the purple piece of soup.


He whipped out his phone and started searching for hand wraps.

'Slippy there are so many weird-looking hand wraps.'

"Hey. Let me take a look."

Slippy with his mighty legs jumped up on the table.


'That looked weird as hell!'

Slippy ignored Ray's thought and attempted to scroll on the phone.

Slippy gave off a sudden frightening aura leaving made Ray speechless.

"Hey Ray, help me stroll on the phone. I am a piece of soap."


Ray quickly came up beside Slippy and started slowly scrolling.

"Ok there. That looks like a proper hand wrap."

Ray looked at his phone and saw that the shop for it was a little far, but he could reach it within 30 mins by bus.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go before it gets too late!"



Later that day.

"Where the fuck could my shoes be?"

For the next few days, Guy Law could be spotted wearing a flip flop to school.
