episode 21 (middle of the sea)

At the office,

All had been stood upright in front of the TV screen while glancing like a wandering soul.

"Ever since people have come to know that Jesse is author Liza Linpesu, there has been an outcry among the people. The people demand that the culprit should be hanged. see, how people have been in pain. How people have been praying for the peace in front of Jocce building." in a full formal dress, a reporter had been presenting news in front of his camera while holding the mike with his left hand and indicating behind with the right hand.

Dezze- (without turning away from the TV screen) What is Jesse's connection to the Jocce industry? And who has said that Jesse is the author Liza Linpesu?

Seam- (Looking at Dezze) Don't you know that 51% of the shares are in Jesse's name?

Dezze- (by shifting the gaze like gust of wind) What do you mean?

Seam- The owner of this Jocce industry was formerly Jesse's mother Mrs Semin. But since she went into a coma, some members of the Jocce industry together declared Mr.maltain as the successor, but He too went with 49% shares and the rest shares in the name of Jesse.

Dezze- but who told that Jesse is author Liza Linpesu?

Seam- (Whispering in Dezze's ears) I have heard that many intelligence agencies work behind all this.

Dezze- ohhhhh, (Questioning mini-her from the inside) But why did Jesse never reveal about all of this to me?

Dezze was talking to her mini-me that only then did the team leader john raise his voice and say "If the chatter of all of you is over, can we start the meeting?".

Everyone immediately sits in their own chair. As if someone had cast out the wandering soul from all of them by witchcraft.

Leader John- "(sigh) haaaaahhhhh, Don't know what else is going to happen."

Today John was a little tired and talking to himself which was visible to everyone. John does this when he gets scold from above. also the information of the case does not strong enough that could take the case further.

Everyone gets to know by seeing john's condition. All of them start listening silently to john and that too without no one interrupting.

Leader John - ahhh, Dezze, Did you get some information from the book you got, or not? will we lose this time too? (With annoying sound).

It was becoming clear from John's words that he was tired of this matter. It is not that he does not like to carry out his responsibilities with honesty but his life has been spent listening to the taunts of others. He likes his work so much that instead of submitting the resignation letter 10 times remained in the pocket. He is honest as well as brave. Despite being 37 years of age, his life is limited to work only because he couldn't confess his feelings to anyone.

With confidence, Dezze brought a smile to her lips and said-

Sir, I had tried my best to find out where this book came from but nothing could be found out. But after reading a few pages of the book, I realized that most of the person mentioned in the book were school students or college students.

John- (Put his hand under the chin with the help of the table) So you want to say that this bastard makes his victims mostly school student or college students.

Dezze- haaahhh (sigh) yes sir And Sir, I am afraid that this son of bitch, bastard, is trying to make his next victim by sitting in some corner somewhere. If this is the case then we have to do something from now that we can catch him.

John- but how?

Dezze- Sir, we need more people for this.

John- But what do you want to do after this? What is your plan?

Dezze- Waiting, wait until he catches another hunt.

John- This means that we have to keep an eye on him outside the city's schools and colleges.

Dezze- yes sir. (Nodded head).

John- Okay. So what do you all think? Should we go according to this plan? (John asks everyone to keep their own opinion).

Ricky- (With hands up and supporting Dezze's plan) Sir I think we should do this because it has been 1 month and we are not able to do anything. If this is the only way to catch that person, then we have to try it.

Seeing Ricky, everyone raises their hands and supports the plan.

John- Well from tomorrow onwards everyone will start working on it and if someone wants to sleep more then he can leave this job. (By bringing out his leadership attitude).

(Everyone together responds) "Okay, sir".

The incomplete paragraph from the book of

"my path is exciting" (chapter 1)

I had given him anaesthesia for a few hours with mixing it in water. Till then I checked his bag. After checking his bag, I came to know that his name… ..… .. ??? (Laughs) I cannot tell this.

After a few minutes passing his eyes open and I came to know that he is intelligent as well as being handsome. Because he wanted to get away from me. He tried to run away from me because of the chance he gets but I also did not let him go. I grabbed his short shiny black hair and dragged him to my room.