episode 29 (become your fear)

After 20 minutes of the road journey, Mr.maltain's car stops in front of the bus stop and call a girl by taking out the window glass from the car.

There were no people present at the bus stop and also Nearby shops were all closed. The girl without reluctance sits into the car.

Jesse murmuring alone inside the car from a distance,

"Who could that girl be? girlfriend? But she is so young. No no no (shaking head) Why would Dad date a girl who is 35-40 years younger than his age? But would it be okay to chase dad like this? If he finds out, he will feel very bad but I want to know. And also nowadays the nature of dad has started becoming a bit strange. (starting the engine of the car) No, I need to know."

Jesse follows her father's car.

After going some distance from the city Mr.maltain U-turn the car and starts driving through the dense forest.

The road was rough, it seemed that some people together cut the forest from the middle and made the road.

After travelling on the same unpaved road for half an hour, Jesse sees a house from afar.

As soon as that house is visible from afar, the speed of Mr.maltain's gear increases further.

As Jesse gets closer to that house, she begins to realize that she has seen this house somewhere before But it doesn't take much time for Jesse to discover her home. yes, it's her luxury house's visual of the behind side.

"Means since then dad was coming for our house by u-turn and I never knew about this route. wahhhh, What a strange." after Stopping the car, Jesse again murmuring to see her dad leaving.

As soon as Mr.maltain reaches home, opens the front door of the car and extends his hand to takes the girl down from the car. That girl also puts her hand on Mr.maltain's hand as if she is enjoying the most beautiful moment of her life.

Seeing the girl's cheerful smile, there was no suspicion that the girl and Mr.maltain knew each other very closely.

In that luxury house has 7th floor as last floor where no one visiting in there and suddenly Jesse's mind automatically goes under suspicion on her father.

While following her father, she discovers many secrets that she never knew about. She gets a vibe as if she has gone inside a dark cave and is yearning to come back from there.

There was also an elevator from the backside of the house which Jesse was not aware of. As soon as Jesse enters the elevator, she does not see any elevator button number in the list except the 7th floor. This means that the lift is made only for the 7th floor.

Till today no one has gone to that 7th floor which means the last floor. That floor keeps locked up as the room on Mr.maltain's private office. if anyone can enter that would be Mr.maltain.

on the 7th floor, The total room was 12 and the most surprising thing is that the doors of all the rooms were open.

Jesse looks at each room carefully. Some office items are scattered in every room as if that stuff has become useless. But suddenly Jesse hears someone's scream when she was gazing at the scene in the 4th room.

When she comes out of the 4th room, again she hears the sound of screaming of a girl But this time the girl was screaming as if someone has taken her heart out from her chest.

The sound was so loud that even after closing the ears it would hear.

Trembling steps with a faster heartbeat, Jesse starts walking towards the last room.

Jesse's eyes are torn apart when she sees that monster-like smile on her father's face from the corner of the door.

In front of Mr.maltain a girl was lying down and scattered with blood all around. The bizarre scene was that Mr.maltain holding two eyeballs in his hands and he was laughing like a devil.

The girl laying down had no clothes on her body and marks were everywhere on her body as if someone beating her with a whip. Mr.maltain wakes the girl up with his feet but she doesn't answer Meaning that girl is no more.

But Jesse couldn't be able to escape Mr.maltain's sharp eyes. Mr.maltain raises his eyes to see Jesse where she was standing in the corner of the door. with a crooked smiling " come inside my dear daughter".

The way Mr.maltain look at Jesse, Jesse's heart was only left to come out.

Without hesitation steps, without answering, Jesse runs for protecting herself from there and she also succeeds. She goes inside her room and locks the door. with fearful eyes, she sits on the bed But Mr.maltain does not stop and follows Jesse. within 5 minutes he stands outside Jesse's room and starts knocking on the door.

Jesse sits on her bed with pressing both hands on her mouth but Mr.maltain calling her.

" What happened daughter? Why did you run away after seeing me? I am not such a bad person. You are misunderstanding me. Your father could never be that bad. You come out, I'll explain everything to you. (seeing Jesse doesn't come out Mr.maltain's candy voice converts to an aggressive voice) I said that your father is not that bad, so why are you not ready to accept it? why aren't you coming out? I want you out right now. I want to talk to you. Are you coming out or not?"

After stopping in front of Jesse's door for 5 minutes, after waiting for Jesse's answer, Mr.maltain again said to Jesse with a threatening tone. "Do you want the same situation as your mother?"

Hearing about her mother, Jesse get up from the bed in a jiffy.