episode 36 (jealousy)

"Then take me." embraces Jesse tightly in her arms and says.

(It is very easy to love someone but it is very difficult to express the love in front of that person. And if it is about the love that the world rejects, then it is even more difficult.)

"You will feel regret after coming into my conflict world and if you get to hear people's taunts after coming to my world then you will feel even more regret." while lingering at Dezze's eyes.

" But I'm still afraid that you will ask me to go away from you."

"(Sigh) haaaahhhhh, You will be disappoint."

"Ahhh haaahh, But I have never been in trouble with you. I have never been bored with you, so I will not be in the future."

Jesse gets up from the top of Dezze. "It's not that easy." She is about to leave after saying that but Dezze holds her from behind.

"I can wait for you, you don't need to answer now. Take as much time as you want. You need 1 year then take it, you need 2 years then take it. (Nodded head) Ummm hmmm, No no no, take as many years as you want."

"Dezze I forgot my laptop in the library. I was going to pick it up there. You go to sleep, I'll bring my laptop." Jesse leaves Dezze's hand and goes to her library.

"Haaa..ayyyhhhhh, is this answer? ( Dezze Scratching her head) Have I become reject again? Uggggggggg, How can I sleep now? (Lies on the bed with her loose body) Why are girls so stingy in answering? uuuhhhh, I forgot. I too am a girl.

(While patting on the bed with her feet) But why am I feeling so happy today? (Covers her tomato face with her hands) Don't know why. (while rolling her body side by side) don't know, don't know, don't know."

30 minutes later,

"Well, what were you doing outside my house?" Jesse swivels her body towards Dezze and asks.

"I was not getting sleep, so thought I should go and see you once. But there I did not know when I fell asleep while sitting inside the car and watching the lights of your room." Dezze turns towards Jesse with her body in the "S" position and replies.

"But you can see me tomorrow too."

(Dezze immediately replies) " But I can't wait for tomorrow."

(pretending coughing)"ugh, ugh,ugh."

"So what did you think about Suzy?"

Jesse doesn't answer anything, she just keeps quiet.

"Well your silence can't even tell me everything, but do what you like. I will stand by you in every decision, where I should be." Dezze tries to scratch her back with her right hand while turning her body from Jesse.

"Okay, tomorrow I'll go to her." Jesse goes to Dezze and scratches her back.

"Jesse, I can." shakes her shoulder.

but Jesse doesn't listen to Dezze and continues.

"I know you can but you don't know that I can do better than you." Scratching Dezze's back with her soft hand.

"Ahhhhh, yes yes there." Dezze gives Jesse a nod to gently scratch the middle of her back while enjoying Jesse's itching.

"See, I told you that you will be enjoying it."

"Yes. Surely I will because your touch on me is different from others and gives me energy."

Hearing Dezze's words, Jesse stops her hand for a few seconds. Seeing Jesse's hand stopping, Dezze swivels to Jesse and lingering at her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Blushing.

talks while placing her lips on Jesse's lips."I wanna kiss you so desperately. if you want then give me a response."

For the first time, Jesse gives her reaction to Dezze without wasting any time. Putting her glossy lips on Dezze's lips and starts eating delicately.

slowly the moaning gets louder and starts running around the room.

the delicate kiss becomes rough and Dezze's hand go down from Jesse's breasts.

Dezze's running fingers stop on Jesse's cunt and starts rubs.

but as soon as Jesse closes her eyes to feel the pleasure, she sees something different and falls from the bed with her rush body.

"don't come to me," Jesse says while trying to hide her whole body with both her hands.

"Jesse, what happened?" Seeing Jesse's condition, Dezze gets down straight from the bed. goes to the front and asks.

Within seconds, Jesse returns to her normal state. "nothing." says while fixing her hair.

Dezze remains silent more than to asks questions and says while fixing Jesse's hair "let's go to sleep."

" Let's go to sleep!!! Can't you see that I have become useless now? Currently, I am afraid to even close my eyes. I am sitting in front of the world as something different but different from the inside. (evolved the fear in the eyes). you will be bored one day. (tears start flowing from her eyes)."

Dezze pats on Jesse's head after seeing her fragile face covered with both hands.

"Don't pat me like this. (shakes head), don't love me like this." while bowing her eyes.

(after Swimming in the ocean for many days, if see the shore one day, then it is not so easy to believe in it.)

Dezze wanted to say a lot like I can't leave you, you are so brave, you are not useless but Dezze keeps quiet. More than words in her tongue, she begins to feel the silence around the room.

After a few minutes, both lay down on the bed. Dezze does pretend to sleep And beside her, Jesse starts trying to sleep by turning sideways.

Jesse gets up from the bed at 2:00 pm and starts crying in the bathroom.

after a few minutes pass, by taking care of herself comes out of the bathroom and attempts to sleep again by lying on the bed.

Jesse's sleep was as if hidden in a shadow. After a few minutes, she gets up again and starts flipping the page while holding the book from the table beside her.

Dezze can able to feel the pain of Jesse but she was silent. she quietly continues the bedtime drama.

Chapter 3

My path exciting

Sometimes I hate my wife. It's been 2 years since I married her. Now look, a baby is demanding from me. I wish I could make my wife disappear from this world, all my tension would end. But it's a loss for me if she disappeared from this world. Being with her is very annoying for me. Today it has reached the limit, she asked me again for a baby in the morning. I am getting angry now but I have to cool this anger but how? (Smirk).