Episode 41 ((between fear and loss.)

1 week later,

7:00 pm.

"What is happening, I can't understand anything." Seam says while slamming his forehead on his desk.

"I already knew that your breakup is going to happen with your girlfriend in future, but I didn't tell you. Look, now my prediction has come true or not?" Mark says sitting in his chair with crossed legs.

"Hughhhh, After a few months we are going to get married and you are talking about my breakup." Seam stretches his chest and says with full pride.

"(Mark is about to gulp water from the bottle only then does water come out of his mouth.) noooooooooo, From now on I will see your dead faces every day. Noooooooooooooooo (dramatically.)."

"Oyiiiii, Mark stop your bullshit. I don't want to hear your crap." crook gaze.

"Haaaahhhh, How do you do so much love for so many years to only one person? Don't you tired?"

"Stop your bullshit or else I'll hit you on the head by picking up this desktop."

" Okay okay. (giggle).

"Guys my work is over, now I have to go home. bye bye . (Says Dezze while wearing her coat.)"

"Wait wait wait, It's only 6 in the evening now. You can't go today at all. Today we are having dinner with colleagues and also celebrating your birthday, no, no, you can't go." Mark indicates with his hands to stop Dezze to leave.

"Ohhh hooo come on, You guys can have this dinner without me. I have very important work at home so I have to go."

"(The seam speaks in the middle.) Let her go, let her go or else our future leader will disappear from this world before we get our leader." Teasing Dezze.

"You guys are........ Haaaahhhh incredible " pinky cheeks.

Dezze entered the house but there was no one visible inside. roams in that big house for the check but nothing doubtful stuff happens.

After some time, a beautiful fairy starts walking down the stairs in her princess dress and she is none other than Jesse.

"What's the matter, is there anything special today?" Dezze asks with a Duchenne smile."

"Of course, today is a special day because today is your birthday. (Coming closer to Dezze) You haven't even changed your dress, go change your dress and come to the balcony of my room."

"Okay Maam okay but by the way, Where did all the working staff go? Not showing up?" Rolls her eyes around.

"I have given leave to all the people for today but you don't need to worry. The bodyguard is standing outside."

"W.....hhhh...yyy..." wobbling lips with blinking eyes.

"Will get to know. You go quickly change your dress and meet me in my room." Giggle. "

"Ahh umm okay. "

With lame steps, Erick enters the pharmacy. After buying some painkillers, some bandages and some wound healing ointments, he comes out of the pharmacy while lowering his head.

Erick reaches his apartment while hiding his eyes like a thief with the help of the black cap he wears. Not seeing anyone around, Erick immediately enters his apartment room with the help of his screen locked door. He takes out the keypad mobile from his pocket without turning on the room light and turns on the flashlight.

He embraces the photo of Cristian on his chest from the table in front of the bed and falls asleep on the bed.

"oyyyiiiee, I have been seeing you nowadays, you have been sticking with that lizard a lot." Seeing Erick alone on the rooftop of the school, Cristian takes her step forward.

"Hmmm, You should ask yourself this too," Erick says while looking down from the rooftop without making eye contact with Cristian.

"What did you say? What did you say?" while Standing in front of Erick.

"Nothing." fists hand.

Cristian starts peeping at Erick by making her neck like a heron.

"What are you looking at?" Erick looks straight and says without making eye contact with Cristian.

"You are angry with me, aren't you?" Places index finger on her lips.

"Why would I get angry? who the hell am I to get angry with you?" eyes of fragile.

"Hey, Erick (tender voice.), Has anyone said anything? Your eyes are looking red, were you crying?" peeking.

"No way, why would I cry? I am not a child." Turns his body in the opposite direction of the Cristian.

"If you were crying, you can tell and if something is happening to you, you can also tell that. I am your friend If you don't tell me then who will you tell?"

But Erick remains silent.

"Yes, I agree that for a few days I am not able to talk with all three of you. But what to do? history sir has given me so many assignments. I have to complete all that. Sorry, Erick." Throwing tantrums like a child.

"(Sigh'd) it's okay." Erick is about to leave only when Cristian grabs him from behind.

"Why have you become like this? talk to me please.."

"If I disappear from your life, will you cry?" Erick asks while keeping his body straight like wood, without any pressure.

"What the hell are you asking? What do you mean by disappearing from my life?" Releases Erick from her arms.

"(Turns towards Cristian.) But I'll go crazy. Not seeing your face even once in a day means crying in the shadow itself. (With a fragile body) Cristian, It's been a week lived without talking to you. Now I am thinking how will I live if you go far away? (Light smirk) hummmmhh, Earlier I thought I would be able to do it. I have enough courage that I can comfortably pass a week without seeing you. But you know what, It is very easy to console yourself. But when it affects us, that console is dissolved in a second. I already knew you don't want love in the middle of friendship. But what to do? Cristian, I'm in love with you. What to do with this heart? Where to throw it I do not know. Is it wrong for me to be in love with you?"

Erick wakes up with falling tears and finds himself in bed. Holds Cristian's photo frame in his arms and gets up from the bed. he walks into the kitchen with his lame steps. He looks around with phone's torch light and picks up one of the decorative knives and puts it on his neck.

After a few seconds, the vibration of the phone caught Erick's attention.

he looks at the phone and Sigh "haaaahhhhh. "

after a few minutes, he again looks at the time on the phone. It was 2:00 at the night.

goes into his room and takes out a bag from the cupboard. without further late, he puts a knife in the bag.

Secretly hiding his face, Erick comes out of his apartment and starts walking the deserted road.

"Hello. Inspector !!!!! "

Halfway through sleep, a police officer picks up the phone. "Yes, who's this?"