episode 46 (Dezze.)

"You know very well to steal the wife of someone, (exhale) huhhhhhhh lesbians are disgusting." (Andi was standing in front of his BMW car and started giving lectures to me as soon as I come out of Jesse's house.) " People say that being shameless is the right thing." (whispers diligently in my right ear while bending his waist a bit by coming closer to me.) " But you are garbage and you should not forget the status. (crooked smile) dustbin is the home."

(For a moment I was thinking that I should shout in his ear and punch him as hard as I can but right now I don't want to create that scene outside Jesse's house. Calming myself from inside and take out the mini gun from the pocket. With an expressionless face, I pointed the gun at his private part. ) " If you don't shut the mouth, then this bullet will hit there, which you are very proud of and with which you have (grinding teeth) raped your wife. And being a detective, I also know how to crack a nut. So (while putting the gun in my pocket.) be careful."

I was aware that money can shut everyone's mouth, but sometimes your threat also has as much power as a money person has.

I didn't want to waste my time arguing with him, but fear was looming from inside. Seeing him outside Jesse's house is like my liver coming out in my hand. I didn't want to ask that bastard but I have to. "Calling at the police station and telling them where to find Erick, don't you think you are doing too much favour to the police?"

he didn't say anything but his facial expression was remains the same as before. To hide his shameless laugh, he presses his mouth hard with his right hand. Seeing his smile, I could not stand it and I grabbed his collar with both my hands." I knew it, What's your next plan huhhhhh You fucking bastard?"

"Ugh ugh, what I have done? I did not do anything. I haven't even told you that I have done anything."

I knew that Andi is a master of doing drama, but

he will play with full professionalism, I was able to see the experience on his face today. In the eyes of the world, Andi is innocent and a good husband, but in my eyes the worms of the fallen drain. It's not that this is the only man whom I hate so much. I had seen such a man even in my childhood and he was none other than my father. He used to beat my mother a lot without controlling his anger. Using his power, he used to hit my mother with anything. And when I see Andi, I remember my father.

Removed my hand from Andi's collar and put

both hands in my pockets. Well, I knew that if I ask anything to that lousy person, I will not get any answer from him.

I didn't even know when Seam went and sat inside the car. When I look back, Seam was sitting in the seat next to the driver's seat, staring at me and trying to read my face.

Andi says out of a loud voice when I took my 4th step forward to go towards the car.

"Jesse is only mine, only mine and you can't take me away from her. You won't be able to do anything. She will be mine one day and you'll just keep staring."

I look back at Andi. he was standing in front of his BMW car while forcibly making his face proud. There was no wrinkle of any guilt on his face. Do people become like this after crossing the threshold of shame? After beat my mother my father never apologized to my mother but Andi still wants Jesse after he raped Jesse. What is the difference between my father and Andi?

I replied to him along with maintaining my complete calmness. " You are no one to decide this and neither am I. If Jesse wants to be with whom she will decide for herself." I don't know why I'm talking to this person in such a nice way, but I don't want to create any spectacle in front of Jesse's house. Andi wanted to say something but he stops there. he sits inside the car with his lame foot and leaves from there.

I let out a relaxed breath from inside and sat inside the car.

"It will take my whole life to buy a car like Andi's but I will never be able to. (puffing mouth.) my life is sick." Seam Speaks While Peeking Outside of the Car's Window. Seam was a car lover right from the start. his only wish is to make a happy family with his girlfriend. that is why he keeps working very hard. Sometimes seeing his love line, I myself start feeling jealous. He knows everything. When girlfriend gets angry then how to persuade her, what to do and most importantly how to give time to his girlfriend. I wanted to react to Seam for whatever he said before to me but my mind was block from everywhere to respond. I just started to drive quietly.

The police were still searching for Maltain. It was the morning to evening but Mr.maltain's whereabouts were not found. I was sitting in the office when suddenly there was a buzz in my ears from my office colleague that Erick had regained consciousness and I with Seam immediately left for the hospital.

Police were outside Erick's room but the door was slightly open And sounds familiar from inside were coming out. I quickly went inside and saw Jesse standing in front of Erick. Erick was crying bitterly holding Jesse's both hands and repeatedly saying sorry. Jesse was standing there like a statue without saying anything.

"I am sorry, I (Holding hands tightly.) Sorry, I'm sorry. ....."

Erick's sorry didn't make any difference to Jesse's face. She was just standing. Eyes filled with tears but were not taking the name of falling. As if taking a vow from her heart that she will never forgive Erick for the rest of her life. Removes Erick's hand over her hands and is about to leave the room without responding, but as soon as she turns her body to come out of the room, her eyes collide with mine. But even after seeing me, she went outside ignoring me. With a helpless body lying on the bed, Erick starts crying while keeping both his hands on his face.

After Erick's recovery, he was sent back to prison. With time, everything started happening as slowly as before. Before Divorce, Andi was trying his best to convince Jesse in between but after Divorce he too calmed down. The case which we were investigating was closed due to lack of evidence, but the police could not trace Mr.maltain even after so many months passed. As if Mr.maltain was hiding in a cave that too forever. It's been one month since coming to my apartment from Jesse's home but can't able sleep through the night. sometimes want to Call her once and ask what she is doing but don't even want to disturb her.

As usual, I took my bag and started walking toward my room. After the office, when there is my body on the bed, the comfort I have is probably beyond everything. But today suddenly I saw Jesse standing in front of my door. She was waiting for me.

On seeing her, I wanted to hug her so tightly. after being full of the stomach through kissing her, at last, wanted to listen to the answers to many questions from her. Like why didn't she call me even once? After the divorce, why didn't she respond to my "Are you all right" SMS? Why?

But only one thing came out from my mouth. "Hi, after a long time."

She was looking very happy. she had a big bright smile on her lips.

"Hi, how are you?" Standing in front of me with full enthusiasm and says.

"I....i..am fine...annnnnnddd you?" My lips were a little fluttering because whenever Jesse comes close to me, my heartbeat starts fast. I try a lot to control but gets out of my hands. How strange is the body mine, the heart mine, but I can't control over it.

"Ohh. I'm fine... (In a funny way) Won't you call in the room? Or do you intend to spend the whole night outside with me?"

"Ahahahahahaha (Fake smile.) Sorry, come in." I quickly open my door locks and invite Jesse in.

It's not like she's stepping into my room for the first time. Even before this, Jesse has come to my room. But maybe at that time, her body was in my room but her mind was somewhere else.

She starts looking carefully all around my room. While walking around, pays close attention to everything.

"Your room is big. but I have heard that you don't stay in your room these days. Sometimes you fall asleep in the office. (Sitting on the sofa in the drawing room and holds Ashtrosy which was dressed at the table.) You have started smoking. huuuhhh?"

feeling relief that Jesse was keeping my news, but the fear in my stomach roamed around after seeing her red eyes. If I said that yes, nowadays I have started smoking a little bit..... too ...much, then I'm going to die. So I had to use my ninja technique.

"Eyyy hyyyy, It was kept on the table for decoration. You leave it all. You're hungry, aren't you? I'll make something for you. You take some rest." This is my ninja technique. Turning things around. I am very proudly good at this. hehehehehehe...

But as soon as I step forward to go to the kitchen, there was a loud sound echoing in my ears.

" bummmmmmmmpppp."

when I Turns back, I saw that Jesse's both hands were on the table and were staring at me without responding.

"(outstretched her right hand.) Give me the packet of cigarettes from in the pocket of your pants."

Ahhhhh so scary. I know that if I told her that no, I do not have a cigarette packet in my pocket, she would have taken out the cigarette packet from my pocket in some way or somehow. That's why I gave it quietly. Poor me.

"Good. (Bright smiles.) I want to tell you one thing. (Putting my cigarette packet in her pants pocket.)"

"What? " I don't know what she would say but with my normal reaction, I sit next to her.

"Tomorrow I'm going to have a party at my house. Everyone will come and you will also have to come. I want to tell something to the world."

"What? " There was a strange uneasiness when I heard such a thing from Jesse.

"(quick kisses on my lips.) what you mean to me."

"But Jesse. !!!" I stops in the middle of talk.I'm glad Jesse is starting to think of herself. I am happy that she has completely changed after divorcing Andi. But I wonder why Andi is silent? Has he accepted that Jesse only loves me? Has he agreed that he should stop now? Has he really stopped? And even if Jesse announced tomorrow what I am to her, will this world understand? Or will push her again to the same place from which she has somehow come out?

Just asking my mini-me that suddenly Jesse puts her hand on my cheeks and starts kissing me passionately. Whenever Jesse kisses me, I can't hold back it. I do not even realize when my fingers start dancing on her body. Jesse's kisses are like nectar to me. her kiss is a medicine to get rid of tiredness throughout the day.

Gradual, when both had become hungry lions while kissing Delightfully, it was not known. I Connect her body to mine and started kissing vigorously. Jesse's breathing speed started getting faster and my hands reached for both her butts.

I squeezed them inappropriately and Jesse moan slightly. I love it when Jesse feels pleasure after my touch.

Jesse suddenly stops herself and puts both her hands on both my cheeks.

"I know what people will say about me after I announced, I know I will only be a witch in the eyes of everyone. But even if I am silent, for whom? Who is the person for whom I am so afraid? (suppressed eyebrows.) who?"

Perhaps I had never read Jesse's eyes so carefully to date. pearls falling from her eyes described everything. I notice one thing that whenever Jesse is intimate with me, that intimate becomes her question. As if she is keeping everything imprisoned in the circle of questions. If I tell the truth to myself, I don't like it. Sometimes it seems that the intimacy of both of us is connecting forcefully in some way or the other.

I was about to sit properly on the sofa with my body straight for listening, but Jesse does not leave her hands from my cheeks.

By tilting her head to the left, stares at me adorably. Oh god, how can I not fall in love with her?

"I know what you are thinking but what you are thinking is wrong." She says looking into my eyes.

How can anyone read the voice of someone's mind? I wanted a life partner like this and I have not found anyone like this except Jesse and will never get it.

"With time everything will be fine, I just need time." Says after kissing my lips slightly.

"Ummm okay. And...(I bit my lower lip.) "

"Annnnnndddddddd.... (Rhythmfully asks me.)

" nothing." Hiding my blushing face, I was about to get up only then Jesse grabs my hand and sits me on her lap.

"Can we start a new life from today?" While hugging me says with her softly tune.

"Ummmmm." I start to cry and shake my head without saying anything.