Chapter 34

"Celebrations continue in Brockton Bay as we reach the twenty-fourth hour marking Leviathan's defeat. Massive parties and several impromptu parades have sprung up throughout the night, vivid examples of the sheer relief and joy-"

Blaring trumpets and the sequential pop pop popsof fireworks briefly interrupted the pretty blonde reporter. She glanced somewhere behind the camera with an amused smile, and the view panned towards a group of teenagers crouched next to cardboard mortars. As one teenager bugled out a cavalry charge, another loaded a shell into the mortar, lit it, and laid backwards facing the sky. A loud thump later, and the camera followed the projectile into the sky. It exploded into a shower of red and gold, and somewhere in the distance people whooped in elation.

"As I was saying, people are very happy." the reporter concluded.


"-riots have erupted all over Kansas, after several members of the McVeay family were mobbed and killed in a local bar after an argument. The Wichita sheriff's office was firebombed in retaliation, killing an officer and wounding several others, but this was only a start to the violence. In Kansas City, the Fallen gathered in force, assaulting a crowded mall and brutalizing the citizens. The group fled before Protectorate heroes could arrive, but left five dead in their wake. The public's response to this shocking event has the Governor asking for National Guard support-"


"I have spoken to her, yes." Legend smiled into the camera from in front of a podium. "She is a confident young woman and very enthusiastic about making a name for her team. I'm certain she will reach out to the press once she has a statement prepared. Right now Catalyst, like anyone thrown into the spotlight, is simply adjusting to the idea of being internationally famous. We've offered her Protectorate support, and Eidolon himself gave her his personal phone number should she need assistance dealing with her new status."

Cameras flashed and hands raised. Legend pointed to the crowd and nodded, and a reporter rose, notepad in hand.

"When will the Protectorate release the full video of the Endbringer battle?" the man asked.

"Come on John," Legend chided, "you know what Protectorate policy is here. We can't release the full footage for a number of reasons, not the least of which is respect for the dead."

"And yet footage always leaks anyway. The world wants to see Leviathan die, Legend. We need catharsis, but there's been an astonishing lack of exposure for such a monumental event."


"-but who is she? What do we actually know about Catalyst? All we have is a picture—"

A girl appeared on screen. She stood casually in the air, dressed to unimpress. Blue jeans and a white tee; you'd think she was going for a walk if not for the mask and defiance of gravity.

"—and the word of mouth from capes who participated in the battle, all of which are some variation of 'very strong'. How long has she been active? Is the rest of Vanguard as powerful as she is? And most important of all, can she be trusted? These are the questions we should be asking. These are the questions that need answers."


"-and why are people just ignoring Panacea's role in all of this? Are we so blinded by the dead Endbringer that we are willing to ignore the fact that Ms. Dallon, widely regarded as a healer, has apparently been lying to the public for years?" The anchor, an angry looking man with a prominent bald spot, leaned towards the camera. "This is a girl who operates on literally thousands of people each year, and- and yes, I know what you want to say: She helps people! It's true. But consider this. If she has nothing to hide, then why did she lie?"


"We've spoken to a number of people in the hero community, and all of them agree that she is a relatively new face. The first reported sign of Vanguard was the capture of the Empire Eighty-Eight cape Victor, made by the hero Weaver, on the same night that the Protectorate raided the majority of the Empire's previous holdings. Catalyst was not seen directly, but the Protectorate file mentions that Weaver had teammates 'nearby'. Since then, there are have been a half dozen documented reports of gang captures, mostly drug dens or weapon depots, all called in by Weaver, who appears to be the most active member of the team. Unfortunately, Weaver has left no contact information with the PRT. After extensive research, our team here at Channel 5 has concluded that there is no current public form of contact for Vanguard, nor is there any other way to contact the team that we can find. As such, we can only repeat what the rest of the nation is asking: Where is Catalyst?"

Somewhere beyond the television, a door opened. Alec lazily muted the television and sat up enough to peer over the couch. Catalyst strolled into his kitchen, opened his cupboard, and stole his Pringles.

"Hey boss lady." Alec greeted, flopping back into a more gravity friendly position. He ignored the flump flump kssht of his fridge being raided.

"Mm." Catalyst hummed, dropping into a nearby recliner and sipping at her pilfered soda.

"You made the news." Alec observed, waving towards the muted television which, once again, had her picture up.

Catalyst's face wrinkled in irritation. "I noticed."

"It's not a bad picture."

"Armsy must've given it to 'em." Catalyst huffed.

Alec raised an eyebrow. "Camera shy?"

"No," the most dangerous girl on the planet scoffed, "but I had half a dozen random idiots try to give me beads and flowers and crap when I was walking here because they liked my hair."

Alec eyed the vivid blue stripes and nodded. "Well it is pretty distinctive. I bet you start a new fad."


"Uh huh."

Pop went the Pringles can.

Crunch crunch crunch...



"So..." Alec watched his food disappear with a small amount of distress. "You need something from me?"

"Just a place to hide from Lisa." Catalyst answered through a mouthful of chips. "She's a little pissed with me. Something about not thinking things through and dumping all the hard work on her. Anyway, I'm banished for a bit."

"What'd you do?" Alec asked. Maybe if he kept her talking she'd stop eating and he wouldn't have to go shopping later.

"Told her she's my press secretary."



"Maybe not your best idea boss."

"Probably. But it was her or Taylor, and Taylor wants to spend some time with her dad so—" Catalyst stopped mid-word, her face making a vacant expression as she stared at the wall.

Alec leaned over and took his chips back.

"I— uh whoa." Catalyst shook her head. "I gotta go, something just came up. Look, can you call for a meeting at Somer's Rock sometime soon? I need to have a word with the criminal element in my city."

"There's probably already one planned. Whatever villains are left in the city have got to be shitting their pants right now." Alec replied thoughtfully. "I doubt I'm invited though. You know, on account of the Undersiders not really existing anymore. I might be able to pay Faultline for an invite. I'll look into it if you foot the bill."

"Sure, sure, whatever." Catalyst climbed off Alec's recliner and ambled towards the door. "Just call Lisa with the details."

"Yes ma'am!" Alec gave a lazy salute that Catalyst completely ignored, and watched as the girl opened his front door. A cape stood at the entrance, one hand still in the air, poised to knock. He was hooded, green, and glowing. Alec thought he looked somewhat familiar.

Catalyst gestured past him, and, after a moment, he lowered his arm and turned aside. She walked past him, whistling some off-beat tune. The glowing cape glanced towards Alec, peering over the sofa, then Catalyst, walking away, and followed the girl.

Alec shrugged, unmuted the television and ate some chips.

Not his problem.