WebNovelELITE RED12.50%

Chapter 2.

"GASP....cough....What the....where am I? Ughhh, dammit my head."

I sat bolt up right on what appeared to be a large and expensive looking dining table. I was also torn to shred's. Well this is great! I go looking for the Dearg Mac Tire Banrion to fulfill our destiny and what happens? We end up fighting a friggin Bear Shifter! I'm as torn up as an old dish rag and she's....hold on...whoa hold on a second here...something's not right with her.

I can feel it. She's woozy, off balance and bit sick to her stomach. It feel's like she's been, poisoned some how. Damn, gotta heal faster. A few deep breathes and some concentration outta do it.

"Just breathe ol boy, in, out, in, out. Focus on her."

Hmmm,I can feel Redalia's energy waning. She's badly hurt and hiding it from whomever the other guy is.

I snapped back to reality and quickly began scanning the room. It was a dinning room, and a nice one at that. Dark cherry wood table with matching upholstered chairs, deep shades of what appeared to be Azure Blue (Guy's know colors too!) covered the wall's and were met at the end by another dark stained color of wood for the floor. I quietly and quickly rolled off the table to my feet. Not an easy task when you look like Swiss Cheese.

"Hmm, loud voices are never good. Damn arm isn't closing fast enough though and Geez the testosterone is crazy in here. How many guy's are in there I wonder, even better question, how many am I gonna have to go through to get to her?" I pondered my next move.

Just then a man came barging into the dining room. He stopped cold when he saw me standing there, naked as the day I was born. Oh yea did I forget the bit about me being NAKED! Yea well I'm naked, why you may ask....I'm not entirely sure.

"Average height, slim build, thin wired glasses that frame a face that has seen much pain, sorrow, and...if I smell correctly (and I always do.)..death." I said. "Are you by chance a doctor?" Guy had to be he reeked of a hospital.

The astonishment that had quickly settled on his face left instantaneously as he gave me his mono-toned answer.


He held his head high and proud but at the same time he looked as if he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulder's.

His clothes were dark and his muscles twitched slightly every time I moved. His hair, which had once maybe been a deep chestnut was now full of gray streaks.

Though he looked like a well aged adult human, his eye's told a much different story. They were like looking into the eye's of a war veteran. His body may physically hold no scar's but his eye's can't hide the scar's that reside inside him. I found myself feeling a high level of respect for him. In my pack he would have been highly respected as a Wise One.

"Umm...would you mind..." he pointed towards the jean's Redalia had apparently laid out for me. Very thoughtful of her.

I nodded, grabbed the jeans from across the table and slid them on. A bit snug but they would do until I could get to my own clothing. I looked back at the man and tapped into my wolf powers so as to gauge the man better. He smelled of fear, but not the "I'm gonna kill you because I'm scared of you" fear.

He also knows what I am. Honestly I didn't like that one bit. I could tell he was an E.R doctor because of the bag he carried and the smell of sickness and the death that resonated off his clothing. There was another smell there as well, a deeper more earthy one...Scotch...and quite a bit of it. I drew back my powers and smiled inwardly, I too knew the comfort's of a good stiff drink after dealing with death all day. The man finally found the courage to speak.

"Ahem..well..the names Doc. I'm a friend of Red's. She sent me in here to fix you up, but by the look's of things..." he gestured towards my already sealing wounds. "Your healing just fine."

I took a moment before speaking. I wanted to pick my word's wisely so there was no chance of a misunderstanding. I'd figured out what I'd have to do and I'd need his help to do it. I didn't want to frighten the man any more than he already was so I took my time and spoke clearly but softly. I had to hand it to the guy though, he had a mean poker face. Had I not used my wolf powers I wouldn't know how scared Doc really was.

"Yes I am, thank you for your concern...Doc, may I ask you something?"

He was visibly taken back but recovered quickly. He sat his bag down on the table and turned back to face me.

"Yes ,I suppose."

"What I'm about to ask...I need you to keep an open mind. Can you do that?"

Doc paused for a minute, as if weighing his option's. After what felt like an eternity he squared his shoulder's and answered.

"Alright wolf I'll try to keep an open mind. But know this, I may be old but I'm as quick with a scalpel now as I was back in my earlier year's. I'm also VERY precise." He narrowed his eye's at me for a moment. He has spunk I'll give him that!

He also acknowledged me as "Wolf", letting it be known to me he knew what I was. Brave old man, very brave.

"Redalia has been poisoned. I sense the poison flowing through her as we speak. You will not be able to extract it using modern tool's. I must do it."

"What?! I'm a doctor sir, and Red's long time friend. If she's ill I'll be the one seeing to her. You don't even know her and I won't let her be harmed by the likes of you!" I'd obviously struck a nerve. I countered his argument with a calm steel in my voice.

"She can not be healed by modern medicine. Something happened during the fight, the bear must have left a poisoned object inside her body. The only logical explanation is a claw."

"A claw? Are you serious?! How could you possibly know that?"

"He was in bear form, he had no other weapon it has to be a claw. It must be embedded inside her, I feel a radiating pain around the shoulder blade area. I believe that's where I'll find the claw. I can feel her weakening more and more with every second that goes by."

A sudden rush of sickness made me close my eye's and reach out to link my mind with Redalia's. After explaining thing's (sorta vaguely) to her and leaving her in a bit of a stunned position I turned my attention back to the doctor. I could still feel her confusion from hearing my voice in her head. An invasion of privacy maybe but my voice seems to be what's keeping her awake and conscious right now.

"I can heal her. I can make her better. We share a bond, she is the Dearg Mac Tire Banrion is she not?" I was starting to lose patience at this point.

Doc stumbled back a step then steadied himself on the edge of the table. He looked me straight in the eye as he composed himself.

"How do you know what she is?"

"Because I am the Ceannaire an Wolven."

Now Doc was very visibly shocked, he didn't even try to hide his expression. He gasped as he slowly sunk to one knee and bowed to me, in return I lifted him from his knee and took him by both shoulder's. Well that just made all this easier for me.

"Do you understand now, why I must be the one to heal her?"

"Yes, oh yes my Lord I do. I can't believe....it's really you! The Leader of the Wolven! Your the soul heir to the throne of Orin! Where.....where have you been my Lord? We've waited so long! Redalia, has waited so long!" tears threatened to spill from his eye's.

"Doc, do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Oh, yes I understand. I'm sorry...forgive me...highness I was, well, over taken by this monumental surprise. We had thought all the Wolven had turned to Dark Reapers. We thought you were dead! Does anyone else know your here? Oh...Oh no if HE find's out your alive....he'll come after Redalia, you can't let him take her he'll kill her!"

"No and they mustn't know either. We must keep this private until such a time as I deem it to be known. As for Doran, I'll deal with him when the time's right, but I swear to you no harm will come to Redalia while I breathe. Understand?"

"Yes sir. What about Jaxon? He won't want to leave Red. He's her guardian you know."

"Guardian?" I repeated in slight disgust.

'Redalia need's no one but myself to protect her."

"Yes, of course my lord. But, the time when Red was born was a terrible time. Many who served the darkness sought her out and tried to kill her. She lost her mother and father to the devil's. So THE ELITE granted her a guardian. They were bound by magic and only the returning of the True King can break that bond and claim her as a wife."

"Well I'm here now, there won't be much need of him. Though.....he has served diligently?"

"Yes my lord extremely!"

"He could be useful then. Thank you Doc but....."

I snapped my head towards the living room and sought Redalia out in my mind. She was loosing the battle with the poison. I would have to intervene, but if they see me hurt her they'll try to kill me before I can get the poisonous claw out.

I have no choice I have to share my life force. It's the only way. I dashed into the living room where I saw Red crumpled on the floor, blue had replaced her once tan skin. With lightning fast speed I took her from the man holding her and cradled her to my chest.

" Redalia, Redalia do not give in. Come back! Come back to me! I've searched the very fabric of time for you, I won't lose you now! Come back to me Mo Chroi"

Suddenly a bright, blinding light spread from my heart and traveled the length of my body then covered Redalia as well. My energy was slipping away from me but I had to save her. I couldn't let her die. She's too important. I gave her all I could before I, myself collapsed to the floor and lost consciousness. When I woke again I was in another room. This was a bedroom though. Thunder clapped outside as lightning flashed across the sky. I closed my eye's and focused on Redalia. She was across the hall trying to convince the man, who I'm guessing is Jaxon, to go home.

Good, I need him to leave so I can heal her before she collapses again. I could already feel her getting sick and faint. I urged her to make him leave via our telepathic connection. Once I knew he was gone, I rose to my feet and walked briskly to Redalia's room. The sight I beheld chilled my soul, I found her strewn across her bed, sweat poured from her head, she was also shivering now. I laid my hand lightly upon her cheek and the other I slid down her arm to help her roll over to one side.

Once she was over I could see the opening to the wound. It was a horrid, gnarly mess of blood, torn flesh, tendon's and dirt. She was so brave and strong. She held onto her consciousness the whole time I was digging around in her back to get the claw out. Once I had rid her of the dark object I pulled her to my chest and let our bond begin healing us both once more.

"I know your tired and weak now Redalia, go on into the darkness. Sleep, and rest. I'll be here to keep watch. I swear I'll not let anything happen to you. Your safe with me Mo Chori"

Before I even finished my sentence I felt her slipping into a dream, a moment later and she was out. Once I saw the wound on her back was closed I gently laid her down and went in search of a washcloth and some soap and water. That's when I noticed her room's furnishings.

"Huh, the rest of the house seems to be decorated more to impress. But this room...it's plainer, more...homey." I said aloud then I turned back to look at her sleeping form draped across the bed. A smile spread across my face as a warmth pooled in the pit of my stomach. I turned back around and exhaled a calming breath.

"I like this room best, I think. Ok lets find us a bathroom."

The bathroom was simple enough to find considering it was in the same room as ourselves. Once inside I rummaged through the cabinet beneath the sink and found some Tone body wash that smelled pretty amazing, I must say, and some extra washcloths. When I got the water to a nice temperature I soaked the cloth in the golden gel like liquid and headed back to Redalia. Careful not to wake her I cleaned as much as I could. I then removed her shirt (what was left of it) and her jean's and replaced them with a silk night gown I found laying across a nearby chair. I was also a good boy, I tried very hard not to look at her bare chest as I changed her.

Satisfied with my work I went back to the bathroom and began scrubbing my arms and chest. So much blood, everywhere I looked all I saw there was blood. The jean's Redalia had laid out for me were now ruined and stained crimson.

The more I thought back on the night's events the angrier I became. I started scrubbing harder, as if trying to scrub the memories away. Someone had sent that Shifter after MY mate, after MY Chroi! I was so engulfed in my thought's I almost didn't hear Redalia. I turned with lightning speed only to find her standing directly behind me. She placed her hand on top of the one I was holding the washcloth with. I immediately stopped scrubbing and with her free hand she took it from me.

I looked down to see that while I was distracted I had scrubbed the skin off my arm. It was now red and pink and burning slightly. I gave Redalia an apologetic glance before holding out my hand to her, hoping she would give me back the cloth so I could get the blood off my other arm. But she had other ideas.

"You almost scrubbed your arm off ya know."

"Ehh it woulda grown back." I winked at her. In return she smiled a wry smile.

"So you've saved my life what?....twice now?"

"Aaaaactually..." I said as I turned around, crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back against the sink.

"I think the grand total stands at....three times now."

"Oh really?" she said as she leaned to one side, against the door frame and crossed her arms under her chest. Mocking my pose. I didn't care, it gave me a lovely view of her already voluptuous breasts.

"Yes, really Mo Chori." I stated, trying to stamp down my desire to pull her to me and kiss her till she was blue in the face!

"You've called me that all night....what does it mean?" She cocked an eyebrow at me.

"It's old Gaelic." I told her.


"Gaelic used to be the language of the Irish my dear. It means My Heart."

A flash of surprise crossed her face but she recovered quickly. Taking a step back she turned on her heals and headed for the bedroom door. Once she was gone I thought to myself, "This girl is just full of sass. The Goddess couldn't have picked a better mate." A moment later she reappeared at the door.

"Hey what size you wear?"

"Huh? Oh in pant's? A 38/34 why?"

"Go ahead and take the first shower. I'll have some pant's for you when you get out. Oh and in the room across from mine you'll find some of Jaxon's old shirts, just help yourself. I'm gonna make us some grub. Then..." she looked straight at me with a glare that would have melted stone. "We need to have a little talk. No fighting, no running, no games, just straight you and me talk time....ya dig?"

"Uh, sure I dig." I smiled at her and instantly her cheek's became pink. I'm liking this effect I have on her.

"Good. Ok I'll be downstairs. Oh hey what's your name?" she said as she left again, hollering back from the hall.

"Conall, my names Conall McGreggor." I yelled after her.

The shower felt amazing on my sore skin. Regeneration was seriously a bitch sometimes, but hey, ya really can't complain about re-growing skin, organs, or anything else for that matter. After my exhilarating shower I toweled off and stepped back into Redalia's bedroom. On the now clean and made bed there laid a pair of clean jean's with a note.

"Shirt's are musty from being in the dresser so long, Laid one out on the chair by the window for ya. Shoulda aired out by now. Close my window after you change and make sure you LOCK IT! I'm in the kitchen."

I laid the note back down and sure enough by the cracked window there was a shirt. A nice, soft, jersey knit, dark blue t-shirt. It fit pretty well, save for the slight tightness in the shoulders and sleeve area. Thankfully though it wasn't too bad. I slipped into the dark wash jean's that, very surprisingly fit me to a "T". These couldn't have been Jaxon's. I was taller than him and bigger in the waist. ( But only slightly * wink *_)

I hurriedly closed the window and locked it tight then made my way out the room, down the hall, and the stairs, past the living room and dining room and FINALLY into the kitchen. What an amazing kitchen it was! Not to large but far from small. Aside from all the latest appliances, big and small, there was a beautiful island with wood finish and all the counters and surfaces were dark marble.

I whistled my appreciation when I walked in. Redalia looked around and half smiled, half frowned. Then she turned her attention back to me as she gestured me to come sit down.

"Tea, Cappuccino, coffee, water, pop, milk....what's your drink of choice? If your craving a choice of poison I have that too. I got some Jim in here and some Jack, a little Kentucky Bourbon from a friends distillery. Then if your really feelin feisty I have this."

She rose from her seat and went to a near by cabinet, shuffled a few plates and produced a very large mason jar full of a clear liquid. She smiled as she sat back down. This was no sweet smile though, this particular smile was the type of smile you gave the devil right before you slit his throat in front of his own demons.

"This my dear Mr. McGreggor is West Virginia Moonshine. Try it if you think you can handle it."

This girl was so ballsy! She was the absolute epitome of the word. I looked her up and down as well as the jar then gave her a wry smile as I took it from her, un-screwed the cap and removed the seal.

"Mo Ghra, I'm an Irish man...WE know the drink...trust me. We know it very, VERY well. Now that's not to say all Irishmen and women are drunks 'cause we're not. But most of us do know a thing or two about good spirits."

"By all means, you go right ahead. Take a little swig." That twisted smile never left her lip's.

By this point I knew I had to try it, she would never trust me if I didn't. I could smell the magic, though faint, it was definitely there. A truth serum more than likely, she'd used it to line my glass as well. Well it look's like everything was about to come out. So I may as well show her I really am trustworthy and drink the damned liquor. Besides this could work to my advantage. She'd have to believe whatever I said because I won't be able to lie after drinking the serum.

I filled my cup and brought it to my lips. In one foul swoop I gulped it down. The instant burning let me know that had been a horrible mistake. The evil liquid threatened to come back up but I forced it down again. What in the name of the Goddess was this concoction?

I inhaled deeply and set the cup back down on the table. Red's smile wavered as concern suddenly filled her beautiful violet eyes. I gazed at her features in wonder. Her hair so shiny and bouncy laid across her shoulders in tight ringlet curls. It was obvious she had naturally very curly hair. They looked like a tidal wave of dark chocolate. Her mouth was perfectly shaped for my liking. A thinner upper lip with a plump lower one. High cheek bones gave away her heritage though, she had Irish in her somewhere down the line. I really, really liked that.

A small but distinguished nose sat above those perfect lips and even further up, those eye's, so bright and big.

Like violet explosion's. I'd never seen violet eye's before. They shone like bright orchid's. I found myself going down the length of her thin neck and over her high, large breasts, further south was her waist. Bless her, she wasn't a stick in any sense of the word nor was she fat though.

I could tell she was very well defined and muscular but not overwhelmingly so. I looked away quickly, afraid I had offended her.

Redalia cleared her throat, as if trying to dispel any awkwardness between us. I immediately brought my eyes up to meet hers.

"So how'd you like it?"

"Pretty good I must say. You West Virginian's have a way with your liquor." I smiled. I could feel the compulsion from the truth serum taking affect. Thing's were about to get interesting.

"Well good. Ok, so I didn't have a whole lot of time to cook before you got out of the shower so I hope re-heated homemade beef stew is ok. I make it heavy on the beef." she winked then got up and on her way to the oven grabbed a couple of oven mitt's from the counter. She then brought out a large dutch oven pot that honestly looked like it had seen better days.

"How odd...all these top of the line appliances and here she cooks with an old ugly pot. Hmm...somethings off here." I thought.

"I'd love to sample some of your stew. I'm a big stew fan."

"Well that's great! I love stew, especially on cold nights." She smiled as she lost herself in her thoughts. I liked seeing her remember good times.

"Ok here we go. I'll eat with you if you don't mind the company." she said as she sat the bowls down in front of us. She then cracked open a Cola bottle and set it beside the bowl.

"I'd love that." I smiled as I picked up my spoon and laughed inwardly.

"What's so funny? Pray tell Mr. McGreggor?"

"Please call me Conall, no Mister....just Conall. And I find it amusing your drinking a cola. I thought all mountain people drank that Dew stuff or whatever it's called."

"Huh.....Oh yea I used too. But it's seriously bad on the kidney's, or so I've been told. Any way mind if I ask a few question's while we eat?" She heaped a hearty spoonful in her mouth.

"Sure, fire away." I said in return as I mimicked her action's. To my delight the stew was amazing. Simply exquisite honestly. The beef was so perfectly seasoned and the vegetables were so tender. You could practically taste the freshness. And the broth was so thick and creamy. Every mouthful was like a little blessing on my tongue.

"Ok, let's start with why you were at the bar, in the middle of the night, after closing."

I composed myself and finally swallowed. Immediately I missed the stew and longed for another bite but knew the time to tell my story was finally here.

"I was there for you. Not to hurt you, but to talk to you. We have business, you and I."

"Oooook, what kind of business? Is it bad? Do I owe someone money?" she seemed genuinely concerned that she may owe someone money, I'll need to look into that and pay any debt she owes later.

"Not bad at all, in fact quite the opposite. Have you ever heard of the Ceannaire an Wolven?"

"Oh yea, we all know the story of the lost Prince." She said as she engulfed another hearty spoonful.

"Really? Well let's see if your version matches mine." I exclaimed as I took another mouth watering bite. I was very pleased that she knew of me and honestly I was seriously curious to see what version she had been told.

"Ok....* swallow *....Well the Ceannaire an Wolven translates to Leader of the Wolven, the story say's that the Ceannaire en Wolven was also the only son of Orin and soul heir to the throne. Since his mother (bless her and may she rest peacefully) had died in childbirth he was the only one left to take over when Orin passed into the afterlife. Before the Great War came ,Orin was struck down by Doran who then took his life force and with it the power of the wolf. He then cast an evil spell over all the Wolven Guard and made them bow to him, because they originally wouldn't. He also supposedly gave them eternal life so they would have to watch their loved ones and children die in the famine and desolation that was to come during the following years leading into The Great War It's said the Great Prince stood against Doran and lead an army of rebels to the castle to face him. They weren't strong enough though and many died. Doran captured the rest and in his last act of valor the Prince helped his men escape and when Doran found out he had his Dark Reapers hunt them all down and kill them. Including the Prince." she looked up from her stew but I just couldn't meet her eye's. The memories of that day flooded my brain and it took everything in me to hold back the tear's that now wanted so desperately to fall.

"The story is true, except the Prince didn't die....he only wished he did." I said the last part under my breath hoping she wouldn't hear but knowing in the back of my mind she probably did.

"Conall?..." concern for me filled her voice.

"Do you know the prophecy that is attached to the Prince's destiny?" I said without looking up from my stew.

"You mean the one about the Dearg Mac Tire Banrion? Of course I know that one. It's my story." she looked at me pointedly.

"So, you know it's said the Dearg Mac Tire Banrion and the Prince will bring an end to the death and destruction by working together to take down Doran. You know only by the bond they share and the love they share will they be strong enough to destroy the disgusting, vile, mongrel that dares sit upon MY.....upon the throne." I said matter of factly.

"Yes I know..."

There was a long silence. Redalia sat back in her chair as she crossed her arms and watched me. I however took the free moment to devour the rest of my stew and distract myself from painful memories. Once finished I too sat back and waited for her to make her move. I could see she was thinking her question through.

"She's smart, I like that. She'll make for a wonderful Queen someday, should she choose me." I thought.

"Are you the Prince?" she asked.

I knew it was coming yet I was still a little shocked that she just outright asked me. No sugar coating for this lass. Uh huh.

"Yes I am. Though I have no way of proving it save for the truth serum I've been drinking all night."

A knowing smile spread across her lips and lit up her face like the fourth of July. My stomach tightened and warmth spread through me at the sight of her smile.(Though it could also have been from the fire that was surely raging in my stomach from the Moonshine) Regardless, it was true I was definitely starting to fall for this woman.

"I figured you'd smell it in the cup, Wolfy." she said as she threw me a wink.

"Did ya catch it in the stew though?" she said beaming a wicked smile at me.

"Actually I didn't. I was completely blind sided by how amazing the stew tasted I didn't even think to check it out first. Then again I was also starving soooo....." I goaded her.

"Hey! My stew is amazing! Whether your starving or your stuffed it tastes glorious either way your highness." she shot back at me.

Though I knew she was joking I flinched at the highness part. She meant it in fun but still, I couldn't stand for anyone to call me by my title. I had, after all failed my father. As far as I was concerned I didn't deserve the title, crown, kingdom, but mostly I knew I didn't deserve her.

"Hey you ok?" she asked.

"Yea I'm fine just tired I think. So anyway, the reason I came out to the bar was to basically tell you, all that. I have to be honest, I thought you'd laugh in my face and I had no idea how to tell you. I hope you'll keep an open mind about everything though. I mean the legend also says we were born to be together, that we complete each other. We are the actual, real- life version of soul mates. That's why we can speak to each other in our mind's. We're telepathically linked, and our bond can heal us both as long as we are together. I know it's a lot to take in..."

"Ok, I'm down."

"...But you'll see, after a while and.....wait what?"

"Yea, I'm down. You did save me after all and I grew up with the legends practically hardwired in my system. I believe they're true, I always have. Besides, what kind of person would I be if I didn't at least try to make thing's work. A traitor to my teaching's that's what kind of person. I'll admit it's gonna be a little awkward at first, and Jaxon's gonna flip his shit. I'll probably get a pretty pissed phone call about you staying here but you know what I'm a grown ass adult and he can just...."

"Staying here?" I asked in sheer surprise.

"....Well I figured you should stay here, since we're soul mates and all that.....aaaaaand if your here Jaxon won't be able to kill you before I get to know you better."she said as she smiled sweetly.

"Darlin he couldn't do that anyway. Not even on his best day." I shot back at her followed by my best cocky grin and a wink.

"Ok calm down Fido, I mean no one can kill any one here. The manor is protected by ancient magic. No one can kill anyone within the gate. The gate also recognizes my blood and Jaxon's. So it will automatically open for me and Jaxon but everyone else has to be let in. The no death rule doesn't apply to us though. Meaning we can kill inside the gate but we can't be killed. It was a precaution, in case.....you never actually came." she inhaled deeply then let it out slow as she leaned forward onto the table.


"Red....just Red."

"Red, Mo Chori you need to rest. I'll take you upstairs."

"I can walk. What's with everyone wanting to carry me everywhere. It's not like I'm some princess who can't think for herself or anything." so she get's grumpy when she's tired? Still cute as a lamb.

I could tell she was in pain, It must have taken a lot out of her to use magic to make the truth serum. She wasn't fully healed yet anyway. She'd be weak for another couple of hours.

"How about I walk with you then? Would you grant me the honor of that?"

"Ok, that I can do." she smiled as she rose from her seat and took my arm.

On the way up we chatted about favorite book's and movies when at the door I stopped just outside.

"Mo Chori I hope you can rest. I'll be right here if you need me. No matter what it may be, come wake me up."

"Actually.....Conall could you, well I mean, will you come and lay on the bed with me? Not like, have sex or anything. Just sorta lay there? I feel nice when your near."

"Of course Mo Ghra (uh- Gr-ahh), I'd be happy too."