Golden Oreo effects

After 5 hours talking with mum and Rongrong and eating some sweets served by Maya, dad finally opened his eyes and stood up.

Dad smiled radiantly at us and joined our family hug "Bai, your ability is truly great!" he distanced a little from us and invoked his spirit, we could see 9 layers and 9 colors, Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda!

"Not only my spirit evolved, I even gain two ranks, now rank 89. With this I only need a little step to arrive at title douluo" said dad.

"Congratulations papa!" said Rongrong happy.

"Thanks, darling! With this our clan will arrive to new height" said dad.

"Dad, what I must do with this ability? Keep it only for the clan and have more people evolve?" I asked dad.

"This is your ability, without you the most probable is that I would stayed with the seven pagoda eternally. Is your decision in who to use it" said dad "However, at least you should keep 3 for the clan future. There's no need for more than one nine pagoda in one generation as its effects can't be stacked. So keep it for future descendants. It would be only given to the successor"

I nodded and thought about who I want to give it. I must really trust them, having a good relation with them, also it's only useful for light and plant spirit, like our spirit that is classified as a treasure based in light. The only people I can think of are Lingling with her Nine Heart Flowering Apple plant spirit and Qinghe with his Heavenly Swan a light attribute beast spirit. Plus me using it and the 3 for the clan, there would be 3 left. It will be better to keep it, we never know what we can expect for the future.

"Dad, I would like to gift it to my teammate Xie Lingling and to the crown prince Xue Qinghe. What do you thing?" I asked dad.

"If you trust them. They both have extremely powerful backgrounds, Lingling being the next head of the Flowery Healing Clan because her unique spirit and Qinghe being the next emperor. It will be good to owe a favor from them. And trust your ability, it is a big favor. Our spirit lacks powerful healing ability so it will be great have the backing of the Flowery Healing Clan, the number one clan in healing. Without talking of strengthen our relation with Heaven Dou Empire" Dad said

"If it's your decision, I accept for you to use it in them, even showing your twin spirits to them. However, it will be better not to explain anything related with Glut, so keep it a secret, if asked explain that you 4th ring is obtained killing a Beautiful Silk Tulip." dad explained.

I nodded "For a moment I was worried about you forcing me to use the ability on the clan elders, improving immediately the clan strength"

"I may be a bad clan master,but the clan is my second most important thing, the first one being all of you. It is a pity that neither Xie, Bone or Sword has light or plant based spirits." dad said.

"Now that I remembered" dad turned to Rongrong showing her the Powder Shooting Shadow.

"How do you have third brother weapons?" asked Rongrong.

"Is this third brother the one that manufactured it?" asked dad.

Rongrong nodded "Yes! But this is only a low level hidden weapon, third brother can do even better one. I brought some here with me"

We went outside and Rongrong showed the power of the hidden weapons of Tang San. Their power surprised us a lot, they even can injure a little a titled douluo who is not prepared!

"It seems that I must really attract that youth to our clan or at least make a contract for him to make weapons for our clan" dad said.

"Clap!" clapped mum "It's late, let's go eat dinner and to the bed. Bai, Rongrong you are still growing so it's important to sleep properly, specially you Bai, I know that you try to hide it. But it's very easy to see that you are exhausted. You explained that you must expend all your spirit energy using your ability, don't force yourself and rest" mum said.

After that we ate dinner and went to sleep.

Waking up next day I feel much better and I recuperated some spirit energy. With this expense it will be impossible for me to properly cultivate after eating it, at least alone. If I want to maximize its effect I would need Mayi's help.

Going to have breakfast I found all the family sat waiting for me "Good morning!" we all said at the same time.

"Rongrong wants to return to her academy so after breakfast we will go there. Do you want to join us?" dad asked. I nodded.

"My little children are gonna leave me again alone, mama is sad!" mum said embracing me and Rongrong.

"Don't worry too much mum, in 6 months is the Continental Tournament, at most we will all reunite there" I tried cheering mum.

"6 months is a lot, I need my children energy!" cried mum.

Dad pat mum shoulder "Xie, stop bulling the children, give them some space"

Mum let us free reluctantly. Then, we had breakfast and left to Heaven Dou City after a long argument convincing mom to stay protecting the clan.

After some time we arrived at the city, just as we were about to go to Shrek Academy the carriage stopped. Looking outside I could see a little pissed Mayi.

Mayi forcefully entered the carriage without anyone stopping her. She sat next to me and puffed her cheeks "You left alone Mayi! At least you could left me a letter of something".

All of us were too shocked but her sudden appearance that it took us a while to answer.

"Sorry Mayi, the truth is that it was rather unexpected. I expected only to be some hours outside, but there was some clan matters that lengthen it" I explained trying to calm her.

She then hugged me "Don't leave me alone next time".

"hi,hi" I agreed "Talking about other matters, how did you know I was here?" I asked interested.

Mayi blushed "Maybe, I marked Bai with Mayi's ant pheromones so I can detect where you are"

"What?" I said surprised

"It was for your security, in the case that something happened" said Mayi.

I sighted and flicked her forehead "I will forgive you this time, but if you did something like complete vigilance against me, next time please said to me or I'm really going to be very angry"

"Sorry Bai" apologized Mayi.

"Something else that you hided from me?" I asked her.

Mayi looked down nervous and embarrassed, her face totally red "Sometimes I threatened girls that tried to be intimate with Bai, even broken some bone" my jaw fell shocked "But don't worry, they were complete unfamiliar I never attacked your sister or friends" she tried to fix.

"Ahhh! Bai, she is crazy! You should broke your relation with her now! Next time maybe even me is attacked" Rongrong shouted.

Mayi angrily said "I would never do anything that will cause sadness to Bai. I only threatened people with bad thoughts" she turned to me and looked at my eyes, with her big eyes with some tears falling "Please, Bai! I'm very sorry! Don't leave!"

I recuperated from the shock "Really, I don't know how the conversation escalated so much" I said. Then I patted Mayi's head "I can protect myself don't worry about it. You don't need to be afraid of me leaving, I already said that I love you so don't worry. But please stop that crazy behavior or maybe I really must broke with you"

"Yes! Sorry, Bai" said Mayi.

"Hahaha!" dad couldn't help to laugh "Youth, divine treasure"

"Dad!" I shouted offended "Please, stop it!"

"Sorry Bai, I tried to not laugh but it was impossible. I remembered my young days" said dad.

"How could you had similar experiences?" I asked a little angry.

"Bai, think a little. You know how caring Xie could be with family, add her battle junkie tendencies and you can easily imagine what happen when she is jealous" dad said.

I trembled in fright, the image of mum's training is terrifying and she really love us, with people that could damage her family I couldn't think how she could react without trembling.

I looked at dad with a little pity "You had it rough".

Dad laughed "And you didn't know her before, she was even more temperamental"

After the stop we continued our trip to Shrek Academy, this time with one more passenger.

As we arrived at Shrek Academy and left the carriage, we could detect some strong high level spirit master's pressure.