Tai Mayi

Inside the room when we were alone dad turned to me "Bai, what do you think of what happened?"

"It's more than obvious that Tang San's spirit was the Clear Sky Hammer, plus like me he also possess twin spirits. Add his strong mentality and intelligence, undoubtedly, if nothing wrong happen he will be a future power, not difficult to arrive at the titled douluo rank" I explain

"By what Rongrong told me he doesn't seem to be related to the Clear Sky clan, so there's a big possibility that he is the son of the Clear Sky douluo Tang Hao, the only know member of the clan that left it. Also, his age match" I said

"How do you think we should react?" asked dad probing me.

"I think that it's impossible for him to join us. With his mentality, talent and his background it will be almost impossible. The only case that I see it is by marriage. However, from Rongrong I know he has a love interest and I don't think that Rongrong and him will end up together" I explained, dad nodded.

"The worst situation will be that he will rejoin the Clear Sky school. They will gain another titled douluo in the future putting pressure for us. However, I think this is improbable. The clan abandoned his father and in my opinion he will form his own clan in the future" I said

"What do you base in to say that he will form a new clan?" dad asked

"In his weapons. They are all branded as Tang Sect, when we met him at the auction, Xiao Wu said that the Tang Sect only had one member being Tang San. So we can suppose that he believe in that sect, so he will want to grow in the future with more people, forming a true sect" I said.

"So, what will you think our clan should do?" Dad asked.

"In my opinion there's two ways for us, go against him or ally with him. The first one is kill him, protecting us from possible future damage, in case he grows too strong. The second one is make him our ally, supporting him in what we can for make in the future a good opinion of us, even better if he owes us" I said.

"In both cases, I think the best to do now is be passive. If we want to kill him, the best moment will be before he is strong and when our clan could surpass Tang Hao strength, ensuring a fight without loses. I would recommend to kill it silently and wait until you dad are a titled douluo and mum a super douluo, with uncles helping" I said "If we want to be allies it will be depend on the need in the future we don't know what awaits. So for now the best is to have a friendly front"

"Anyway, I won't recommend killing him, it will be a waste, only with his relation with Rongrong we have friendly term and I won't want to make Rongrong sad" I said.

Dad nodded "Good conclusions, we will wait till the future. For now, I want to make a contract with him to arm our clan member with his hidden weapons, in the fut..." dad stopped talking, I turned to the door that after 5 second opened coming Rongrong from it.

"How is Tang San feeling?" asked dad.

"He has some complicated thoughts about his father, physically he is completely recuperated thanks to papa" said Rongrong "What were you talking about?"

"We want for Tang San to made weapons for the clan, we were planning it" said dad, rongrong seemed not to convinced.

"Rongrong, did you learn what happened before? Why that bet started?" I asked trying to change the mood. Rongrong forgot about our talk and explained all about the bet.

I laughed "So, if you beat the son, appears the father and when he beat the father appeared the grandfather, truly hilarious. Maybe if he beat Tai Tan, would have appeared his father"

"It's coming" Uncle Bone interrupted us signaling the door.

We stopped talking waiting for Tang San.

After 5 second Tang San entered.

This time I stayed quiet and was dad who talked. Dad started light talking of the greatness of his father to create a good image and excuse for not trying to rope him to the clan.

At the end he accepted to produce hidden weapons for our clan. The first batch being 500 sets for 10.000 gold coins each. His condition where that he will give us the method to prepare each part, but the assembly would be done by himself, totally secret for us.

With our clan providing the material, his cost will be 0, being the 5.000.000 millions gold only profits, too much money. However, with all his help to Rongrong, specially the Beautiful Silk Tulip, it won't be a lost for us to not owe him anything. Moreover, we create a good impression.

Just as Tang San left, Tai Tan entered the room, followed by his son and grandson and Mayi.

"I talked with Mayi and it seems that you both are in a relation" Tai Tan said to me "What are your plans, kid?"

"Mayi and I meet 3 years ago, since then she was my teammate and friend. Our relationship evolved and I finally can say that I'm in love with her. In the future I want to marry her" I said.

"Oh? You stayed together for 3 years, but you didn't have any though of paying respects to her family?" Said Tai Tan angry.

"Our girlfriend-boyfriend relation started few months ago. As we are busy with the training for the Continental Tournament in half a year, I planned to visit your clan and pay my respects, plus ask for Mayi's marriage after the tournament, with an appropriate gift" I said.

"It's easy to let things for later" said Tai Tan "Anyway, I reject your proposition. Mayi won't leave the clan to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. She will surely arrive at titled douluo rank, she is the hope of our clan"

"I am willing to let her maintain her status as part of the Strength Clan, all her honor will go to your clan. It will be an alliance between our clans" I said.

"Never! You! You expect from my clan to prostate toward yours, keeping under you?" Tai Tan said angrily.

"It will be an alliance between equals, not a servant-owner one!" I shouted.

"It doesn't matter what you say. Mayi will leave Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and return to the clan. You won't influence her more" said Tai Tan.

"Grandpa! I want to stay with Bai. I love him, since the first time I saw him. At first I knew that he didn't love me, he treated me like a little sister. Finally, I have got him to love me. I don't gonna leave his side!" said Mayi while crying a little "I'm very glad for all the clan's help, but if you force me to separate from Bai, I don't gonna have another choice that leave the clan. Even if after that I was to be persecuted by it, I don't mind. I know that Bai will protect me!"

I couldn't help to be moved by Mayi words "Mayi..." when I was about to say something Tai Tan interrupted me shouting.

"Mayi! You don't understand anything. In this world love is not the most important. You can't expect for calculative monster like them" Tai Tan say signalizing me and dad "to protect you at any cost. When they get better option they will throw you!"

Tai Tan sighed, he approach Mayi and at her ears in low voice to only listen her said "Mayi, you have very special circumstances, what will happen when they knew your condition. Can you assure that they won't go against you?"

Mayi blinked confused and said in loud voice "Grandpa, do you know that Mayi is a spirit beast?"

Just at this moment Tai Tan aura exploded, uncle Bone quickly protected me and Rongrong positioned in front of us. Tai Tan quickly stayed between Mayi and us showing his eight spirit ring, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black and black. His body grew one head, fur started to grow around his body, becoming very similar to an orangutan.

"Silly, girl. Run, Mayi! How could you say your secret before them. Run, hide! I will do my most to try to stop them. Try to live a happy life and remember that I love you" Tai Tan shout. He then turned to us, in his eyes you can see his willingness to give his life in order to gain a little time. Even though he knew that it will be impossible going against uncle Bone, without taking in account dad's support. He was prepared to die.

Mayi tucked Tai Tan robes "Grandpa stop!"

"Can you see the situation, Mayi? You must run away!" said Tai Tan.

"No! Grandpa! It's you who doesn't understand the situation!" shouted Mayi. She signaled at us "They already knew that I was a spirit beast. Look at them, they didn't even move to attack".

Tai Tan looked at our strange faces due to his outburst "Did you know that Mayi was a spirit beast?" asked toward us, we nodded.

"Did you accept it? And in the future will you not try to kill her?" Tai Tan said, we nodded. Tai Tan sighed and withdraw his spirit returning to his normal state.

"Grandpa, did you always know that I was a spirit beast?" asked Mayi.

"Of course, the first time that we met when you were sleeping a analyzed you and detected that you were. Didn't you find strange that we never asked about your past or even doubt your lack of common sense in some areas, and the bast amount of knowledge in others?" Tai Tan said "It's a clan secret, the only people who know about it are the people in that room and Tai Long's mother. I was waiting for you to explain to us when you were comfortable enough".

Mayi run towards Tai Tan and hugged him while crying "Sorry, grandpa! Sorry, for doubting you. Thanks for all you did. I'm very happy to be your granddaughter! I love you"

"Don't worry about it. We will protect you. I'm glad that you finally show sentiment like truly being alive" Tai Tan turned to me "Kid, since when did you know her condition?".

"Since the second day I met her. We have fusion affinity, when we were trying to connect our spirits together I learned about her being a spirit beast" I said.

Tai Tan turned serious looking to my eyes "Do you really love Mayi?"

I resolutely answered "Yes! I really love her. I will protect her with my life if necessary. In the case that her condition is known I will escape with her"

"Hahahaha! Good look, kid!" Tai Tan laughed. He approached and hit my my back throwing me 3 meter towards the floor. "Stop uncle!" I shouted before uncle Bone reacted to attack Tai Tan.

"Only 3 meters, good!" Tai Tan said "It seems that at least you train your body, not like your clan members!Kid!"

I stood up, even now a little sore from the hit "Can you stop calling me kid? My name is Bai".

Tai Tan laughed "If you are going to be the couple of my granddaughter, I will keep the privilege of calling you like I want. If you want that I change it, show me that your good enough. If you want our clan permission to marry Mayi you must proof your strength, winning against me. I look forward to the future". I nodded

Then he turned serious "Kid, I will leave Mayi to you, take care of her".

"Hi!" I agreed.

Tai Tan approached Mayi and kiss her forehead "Bye Mayi" then he turned to his son and grandson "We are leaving" and they left the room.

When they left Mayi hugged me and we stayed 1 minute quiet until Rongrong said "So? Is Mayi a spirit beast?"

"Oh, true. You didn't know it" I facepalm "Rongrong, I know that you both don't have the best relation, but you won't say anything about her, no? If someone learns about her, Mayi will be persecuted by all the powers"

"Don't worry big brother. I won't say a thing, I promise you. I don't want to make big brother sad" said Rongrong.

This time Mayi hugged Rongrong and in low voice said "Thank you" Rongrong smiled and permitted the hug.

"Good that all finished fine" said dad "We have some matters yet to discuss. You three can leave us alone. Bai, Mayi be aware when you return".

Mayi, Rongrong and I exited the room leaving dad and uncle alone. After a farewell with Rongrong we returned to our academy.