Hell Slaughter Arena 1st fight

All the other fighter charged at me with blood-shot eyes, they had a big myriad of weapons some with daggers, others with swords there was even one that stood aside with a bow.

Seeing them approaching me I smirked. I closed my eyes. analyzing my surroundings. The first person to arrive was charging with a lance and pierced forward, it was a very simple move, without any style only using his own strength. I only needed to tilt my body a little, the minimum movement causing the tip of his lance to only graze me. I turned my body kicking him to his stomach, he was pushed towards a man with a sword and was impaled by his sword. I took his lance, held by my left hand and used the impulse of the kick jumping up. With a somersault a landed safely outside the encirclement.

The other competitors losing his first objective there crashed with each other, most of them injured in the process. Only two were intact, and counting the guy that I kicked there were 3 that couldn't continue fighting.

Looking at them I shook my head "I lamentable spectacle"

I lifted my left hand catching an arrow shot by the archer one "Really?! A simple arrow when I was alone, you take me for a fool?". I step with my right foot, putting force in it and threw the lance at the archer. He seemed too shocked and couldn't react in time being impaled by it, having his head pierced.

I turned to the others "I will tell you a secret. I am too merciful. My style is killing swift and effective, it's not a bad style but I want to experiment with others, improving my own comprehension broadening my view. You will help me there" I told grinning.

I invoked my black sword in my left hand. I charged at them, they were more but with 0 teamwork and even some of them injured, plus my sword technique and their lack of any style at all, it was too easy, even without using an ounce of intent. With every swing, and the attack was redirected, a body part was cut.

After 1 minute I found myself surrounded by bodies laying on the ground, under them a pool of blood. I looked down at them knowing that I controlled to not kill some of them. Concretely 4 of them were still alive, even it was barely. I cut their tendons, limiting at minimum the blood loss while making sure that they couldn't move. They only part that they could use would be their heads.

I approached them grinning, I started slashing, making very thin cuts, peeling their skins little by little. I was breathing the surrounding air, letting the blood, killing, depravity to drench my self, letting, my even new instinct to act, to cause the greater damage.

After 20 minutes passed even the voices pleading for their death stopped, unable for them to talk. "HHAAAAHAHAHAHAH" I laughed madly. I lifted my sword blood-like aura appeared around it, I swung it precisely cutting them in their brain.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" They shouted in pain with their last strength, finally dying.

"Winner, number 9397, Blanch" shouted someone. I left the ring, dragging myself my mind not having recovered yet. Somehow, a Bloody Mary was put in my hand, I drank it in one gulp, sensing my killing intent growing, but at the same time, a calming effect was created.

Leaving the Arena I found myself surrounded by 14 grunts smirking "Don't try to leave alive, rookie!" One of them said.

"Nh!" I smirked "HAHAHAHAHA" a red aura surrounded my sword and I charged madly at them. My vision was completely red, I was being led by my instinct, as I swang my sword only the sensation of cutting entering my brain, until I felt a pain at my left leg. Looking at it I could see I grunt had pierced my quadriceps with a sword.

This pain made me recover my sanity, observing the injury, it didn't seem too dangerous, 3 days of rest will be enough. Looking at my surrounding I could see 5 grunts alive, all of them trembling a little, full of cuts. And one who was pointing a sword at me smiling while saying "I-I-I hit him. Let's finish him"

Having calmed myself I looked at them like trash "Better luck in the next life" the aura around my sword changed from red to black and a domain extended myself as the center. I swang my sword shooting aura, all the grunts dyed instantly.

I looked around "Guide!" I shouted.

The previous black-masked woman appeared "Participating at the Hell Slaughter Arena is canceling your own rookie protection"

"I don't mind. Guide me to a place to rest, some bandages would be great" I requested.

"Of course" she guided me to some kind of dormitories. Inside she showed me a room and gave me a key "This would be your private room. Don't get confident, even if it's difficult to force the entry, it's not impossible. Take care" she said and left.

I entered the room. It was a red room, it had a bed big enough to sleep 4 people in there, I smirked at the indirect. It didn't have any windows. For what it seemed the walls were very robust, seemingly impossible to break them without the use of spirit skills, the only weak point will be the door.

"I suppose that is a kind of a test, at least they only left one route. I don't think there will be any problem reacting if someone breaks the door" I said for myself.

I looked around the room and it had a closet with drinks and some food that could remain fresh. There was also a first aid kit "It seems that they think" I opened the kit, throwing disinfectant to my injure and making a light cure, finally bending in bandages.

I heard a knock on the door. I went toward the door dragging my left leg and I invoked my sword, preparing to kill at the minimum movement. Lifting the sword pointing at the door I quickly opened the door piercing forward at the same time, putting the tip of my sword at the person's neck.

Looking at him, he was a man with a black mask, he seemed not preoccupied with my sword "I see that you are getting used to the place, good" he said coldly. Then he presented me a cup filled with a red liquid "This is a welcome gift. Of course, if you win enough at the Arena the supply will be limitless"

I took it and drank it one gulp "Welcome to Slaughter City, I pray for you to have an enjoyable time" he said before leaving.

This Bloody Marys seemed specials, comparing to simply blood, even if they were undoubtedly blood. They seemed to increase my killing intent and at the same time keeping me more cool and calm.

I went to bed and let my back fell on it. Looking at the ceiling I found a mirror "Really a fucking love hotel" I blamed. I calmed myself looking at my reflection "I'm lucky of knowing the poison inside of the Bloody Mary, it is kind of a drug if I wasn't prepared I would really become addicted to it"

From my storage I took a cookie, it was two red cookie part and white cream between each cookie, it was a Red Velvet Oreo previously created. Even if in this place spirit skills are restricted to use, it didn't mean that it would disappear if a created before. I ate the cookie, its effects this time wasn't very apparent, but thanks to it now my body will become immune at the poison part of the Bloody Marys while I obtain all the benefits.

I extended my left arm that was holding my sword, a red aura surged from it. I smirked "Not even a day to create an intent, truly the best place, worth it" I withdraw the sword and sighed "I need to learn to control it and later on fuse with my death intent. Killing and Death are extremely compatible, combined will form the ultimate offense. In the case of defense..." I smirked "I already had Bai's".