Hell Road Entrance

{AN: As a gift for the 100 chapter, breaking through the Short-novels becoming a novel, I will post this chapter today. It's short but the next one is 2800 words long. Read the author not at the final please}

In the Hell Slaughter Arena, Tang San was fighting his 100 matches, winning meaning becoming a champion, obtaining the possibility to open the Hell Road.

Being a 100 match victory the Arena audience was full, everyone wanted to see the opening of the Hell Road, not being seen by anyone. The Slaughter King was sat on a throne in the Arena while he observed the match with a bored expression "It seems that Asura King will win" he said with a cold voice while he saw Tang San killing two opponents shooting with them in the face with some kind of needle shot from a hidden weapon.

"Baaaam!" A sound of destruction was heard. The sound was distant but thanks to his powerful sensed the Slaughter King listened to it. The Slaughter King turned to the sound and realized that it was from his own castle. He snapped his fingers and two black-masked men appeared at his side "Investigate what happened. Kill the responsible" ordered, the two men nodded disappearing to the castle direction.

The match continued as normal, its participant without having heard the sound. Tang San had killed another 3. "BOOOOM!" Just as Tang San killed 1 more opponent, a great explosion was heard, this time the sound was so loud that all the people at the Arena could hear. The people turned to the explosion direction, that it happened to be outside. Tang San took advantage of the opponents' carelessness, looking to the explosion, and killed two more.

"Black" The Slaughter King realized who was fighting but he didn't discover against who. If he didn't need to wait for the match to finish and open the Hell Road, he would have run to it and kill whoever it was. However, he needed to stay for him to open Hell Road. When opening himself, he created a method to use the blood of people as a catalyst to affect the poison inside the champion's body, this would create a powerful bloodlust, making them crazy, a mad state which they would die with inside the Hell Road.

Not opening himself, would make known that there's no need for his presence, this wouldn't be too important as he wouldn't leave witnesses anyway. The problem would be that it would cause to greatly increase the probability of the Asura King surpassing the trial. So he decided to keep calm until the match finish. Once opening the Hell Road, he would take care of the other problem.

With only one enemy, Tang San didn't wait to kill him, he used his Clear Sky Hammer slamming the head of the opponent, the head exploding.

"Congratulations, Asura King" the Slaughter stood from his place, is now seen for the audience that showed awe towards him who started shouting "Slaughter King!" even when their voice became hoarse.

Slaughter King lifted his hand making the audience quiet "One hundred victories, very good. Your talent is great. In honor of your achievement, I would break the rules here giving you the title of Deathgod, you could leave and enter Slaughter City, without the need to cross the Hell Road". This declaration created even more furor from the degenerates at the audience.

Tang San became thoughtful. Then looked directly at the Slaughter King's eyes with eyes without any doubt "There's no need, your highness. Breaking the rules just for my sake. My objective coming here was walking Hell Road. I appreciate your intentions, however, I wish to walk the Hell Road. Please, open the Hell Road"

The Slaughter King made a pissed face, but it was only for an instant quickly replaced by his cold one "The Hell Road is a very dangerous place. I wish you luck. If you can pass the Hell Road, say thanks to your elder" He snapped his finger, a red aura surged from his body and expanded to all the Arena.

The audience of degenerates started struggling, they became even madder, scratching their own skin with their nails. Finally, blood started surging from each of their pores, killing them in the process. All the blood was attracted by the ring and started forming an image of a three-headed bad under Tang San feet.

Tang San was unaffected by that aura, with a shocked face looking at his surrounding deaths. "It's their honor to die opening the Hell Road" said the Slaughter King.

The image under Tang San feet started shining, a red light lighting its surroundings, little by little becoming brighter. At that moment, a figure from the audience jumped to the ring. He was a black-haired boy, his body was full of cuts and wounds, there was blood around him, but his injuries weren't life-threatening. He was holding a strange sword seemingly made by crystal colored with 9 dark colors. The curious was that without watching him, the boy didn't seem to be there, his aura and presence no-existing, he didn't even make any sound.

He landed at the ring and charged to the blood three-headed bad symbol. The Slaughter King's face contorted, he became really furious "Slaughter Sword. How you dare?!" he shouted. The boy, was the Slaughter Sword, Paul Blanch. He jumped to the shining red symbol, he twisted his body turning to look at the angry Slaughter King. He grinned and lifted his right-hand middle finger. The light became blinding strong and made a great flash. After the flash, the red light disappeared and with it Tang San and Paul.

Red Aura surged from the Slaughter King "I'll Kill You!"

A red flash forced me to close my eyes. Then I sensed like I was floating, an aura inside me started struggling and a red layer of intent manifested around me, this wasn't my Slaughter Intent, it was a simpler Killing. That seemed to protect me from the surroundings. But even with this, I sensed a big pressure from the surroundings. "Like Hell this will affect me!" black aura surged from my body, this aura engulfed the thin red layer and even was absorbing energy from its surroundings, this black aura being Slaughter Intent.

Finally, I sensed my feet touching the ground. Opening my eyes I found myself in what it seemed a cave, all the rocks were red, of course. I was on a high platform, the only exit was a narrow road of 30 centimeters wide, for some reason was floating there, without any support.

Looking under it, there was a big abyss, at the bottom of it, blood. An uncountable amount of blood that seemed to surge like a river all along, a powerful Killing Intent coming from it.

Then, I turned to Tang San who was laying with his eyes closed near me on the platform. I could see him surrounded by a thin red layer and even more protected by thick blue energy, this energy was the opposite of Killing, it was Life, strong life energy around him. "This is the way for you to fight? Fighting it with opposite energy, trying to take control" I shook my head.

Tang San's eyes finally opened, he looked around stopping at my gaze. He made a shocked face, pointed me with his finger "B-Blanch!"

"Hello, Asura god. Or I should say Tan Sang" Me knowing him even with his body and face changes shocked him even more "Long time no see" I opened my arms "Welcome to the Hell Road"