Third Trial: Sharing

Walking towards the city, Bai sensed a chill over his body. Around the village, some strange domain was laid. Bai quickly realized that it was a sword-based one, but he couldn't grasp what it exactly was, a lot of elements were mixed in it and it didn't seem to suppress people, but for the compression behind it, he could clearly know that was weak.

As Bai arrived nearly the city's walls, two seemingly guards reacted. Bai already sensed them for a far, but rather than cross the wall stealthily, he was curious about the guards' reaction. A lot can be learned from a city, based on their reaction to external sources.

The guards were wearing blue robes with an emblem of two crossed sword, they had a sword hanging in their hips. Both guards unsheathed their swords. "What the...!?" Bai was shocked as from the guards' swords auras surged, one of the guards was blue while the other was green, forming a domain, this time trying to suppress Bai.

Of course, those domains were pitiful and completely ignorable. With Bai's mental power and comprehension, normal domains were useless against him, not needing to say about these two that were the weakest that he had experienced. Nevertheless, for people as weak as the guards to be capable of forming a domain it was impossible, at least, by normal methods.

"Bow to us, stranger!" They ordered pushing their domains forward.

Bai was pissed about being ordered, especially so prepotent and weak. At Bai's hands, his twin swords appeared. Bai looked at the guards as if they were already dead, black aura starting surging from his sword.

Just as Bai was about to move "Stop!" A boy who came from a near forest shouted while he was running towards me. He seemed to be about Bai's age. He was handsome, tall with refined features, and he had long blue hair. He exuded a cold feeling from his body, that contrasted with his red face as he was panting trying to recover his breath. Seeing his aura plus the calluses and wound around his body, especially his hands, Bai realized that he was someone who cultivated the Sword Arts.

"Oh, it's not little Wu?" One guard said mockingly. "Continuing your futile training?" Both guards started laughing.

Bai couldn't detect any bad intent from the boy, so he let him approach while withdrawing his Slaughter Intent, waiting for what would happen. Once the boy was near him "It's not futile." He said grinding his teeth.

"You should accept the Lord's favor if you want to become stronger. The Lord even was generous to let you keep living, you should be grateful!" The boy clenched his hands even more "Quickly leave, we have matters to attend with the foreigner." The guards pushed their domains towards the boy.

He shuddered a little, but this made the boy calm down, his face turning calm and collected "Don't you see what's in his hands, he even showed Intent. What would you 'Lord' say, if you wound someone who wants to join?"

The guards were taken back by him and quickly retracted their domains "So you were here to take the Lord's teaching."

Bai seeing the interaction, decided to go with the flow, simply nodding. One of the guards shouted something and the wall's door started opening.

The boy started walking towards the door, Bai following him. "You should hurry and accept the Lord's offer, it won't take long before it expires, and you already know what will happen them" One guard grinned as they passed through the door.

"Follow me." whispered the boy to Bai. Bai nodded while observing the city. It was a beautiful city with a classic touch on it, all formed by small houses made by brown stones with blue roofs that were covered by snow. However, there were strange things that broke this beautiful image, a lot of houses were destroyed or damaged, cuts could be seen in some. The strange was that they seemed to have already some time, enough for had been repaired. There was also a lot of people patrolling while dressed like the guards before, all of them exuding strange sword energy.

The boy guided Bai towards a damaged house, at least, its outside. Bai could sense that the interior extended underground. "Oh? A stronghold" said Bai with surprise. A stronghold was a place were one had input great quantities of energy during a lot of time, this changed the place energy, making more compatible with the causer.

The boy was a little taken back by Bai discovering the secret of his house so quickly "Who are you? And why did you come here?" the boy asked.

Bai smirked, the air started trembling as he released his pressure over the boy. The boy gulped as he found himself trembling, his body ignoring his orders "I am the one asking the questions first. Start presenting yourself and then explain me the situation of this city, all about those strange blue dressed people." Bai said lifting his pressure.

The boy breathed again in his eyes rather than fright, there was awe "I am Wu Shuang. I am 25 years old, rank 48 spirit ancestor..."

He then explained what had happened to the city. This city was called Bluesun City, it had only a remarkable place respect similar-sized cities, his academy, the Advanced Bingyian Academy. This academy focused on the Sword Cultivation, Shuang was considered the most talented in it, rank 48, his sword at the peak of Intent at the age of 25.

One day, a person that called himself Sword Lord came with his blue dressed followers challenging them. The academy accepted and lost. All the Sword Lord's followers, without mattering their age used Sword Domains and trampled over the academy's disciples, Shuang was outside training so he wasn't there. The principal who was also Shuang's master, was over 90 years old, a rank 81 spirit douluo, even at the Sword Heart Realm. He fought directly with the Sword Lord and was killed under his sword.

The Sword Lord made the academy as his own, accepting and giving his favor to the most talented. Shuang when learned the situation charged madly over the now Sword Lord Sect, only to be stopped and beaten by a former student, She Niang, who had never win against him, but he easily did it this time showing a Sword Domain.

The Sword Lord offered him to join, but he negated it, swearing that he would avenge his master. The Sword Lord laughed at him and let him time to rethink, showing his grace. After that, it wasn't long before he took control of the city.

"...Now he tries to increase the people of his sect. There's a lot of people that came attracted to his promised strength." Finished explain.

"So someone took control of this city, and somehow had the power to make people attain a Sword Domain." Bai said thoughtfully, thinking that the most probable was that this Sword Lord was the owner of the fragment "Why did you try to help me before?"

Shuang looked decisively at Bai with respect "I sensed your pure Intent. It awed me his might and profundity. It was nothing similar to this fakes domain that lacks substance. I doubt that someone like you would join them, so I decided to save you before more people started surrounding you."

Bai couldn't detect any lie from him and looking at his eyes, he seemed to have told the truth. Bai stood up and charged to the door "Let's go!" He commanded.

"W-where?" Shuang said surprised at the sudden motion.

Bai grinned opening the door "To kill some bastard."