2. Grandma Liao needs you to be strong

Her knees got weak, and her vision gets blurry, for a 13 years old girl seeing someone you love laying down with blood would make you go crazy.

Grandma Liao is laying unconsciously with blood on her head. One of their neighborhood check what happened to grandma Liao.

"She is still breathing! Take her to hospital!" shouted the neighborhood which is enough for xinghe to get back the strength she released.

"Grandma! Hold tight please! Don't leave me please!" she sobs. Knowing that she will be alone from the world is the utter fear she had in her heart.

They get grandma Liao to the hospital which is 30 minutes drive. Luckily, someone got a car or the 30-minute drive will be 4 hours walk which is enough for her grandma to run out of blood. They take grandma Liao to emergency room.


"What's taking them long? It's already 4 hours and we still don't know what happened to grandma!" Xinghe is starting to cry again. It is so long what is taking them so long? What will happen to my grandma! "Xiao Xing just calm down, you have to be strong, grandma Liao needs you to be strong" Ah cy hugs her tighter to let her calm down. After the 6 hour operation the doctor came outside.

"Doc, what happened? Is she alright now?" Lu Xinghe is nervous. The way the doctor look and the way it bows his head is enough to know the answer.

"I'm sorry, her head injury is so deep. she was probably got hit by a rock. She also suffers from hemorrhage which makes it hard for her to survive. We are really sorry for your loss."

The last sentence of the doctor rang through her mind.

We are really sorry for your loss.


I'm alone.

Her sobs is enough to make the neighborhood also tear up. Grandma Liao is such a good person. She is knowledgeable to herbs and she can cure people using herbs which makes the whole village thankful to grandma Liao.

Lu Xinghe cried until she collapsed because of hunger and stress. It is two days after when she woke up but her tears still continued to fall when she realized that she is now alone. She can't accept the fact that her grandmother is gone now. Instead of eating, she rummage through her grandma's belonging to smell her scent. But she found some letter in the cabinet.

Dear Xiao xing,

I still remember when your parents said that you are a boy so we bought clothes and things which is color blue. We are so excited to meet you that is why the day when you were born, I didn't let them leave me at the house. I also came with them which is the happiest memory I had because when I hear your cries, it is so heaven in my ears. But the doctors said you are a girl, and I rejoiced again because that would mean we will have a beautiful little bun. Your father is the happiest because he thinks that you will look like your mother. We are all happy that you came Xiao xing. If you are now reading this, I know it will be hard. It would be heart-wrenching and you will be alone. But my dear, please be strong for grandma. Please overcome all the pain you will face, please fight for grandma. Never comeback to the main mansion. There is a family with surname Yu, they are one of the four families who rule Shenbei . Go there and give this letter to them. You will be able to survive there. Now, be good and don't let other people from the mansion took you. I love you my Xiao Xing.

Grandma Liao.

Lu Xinghe cried until her friend Ah Cy bring her food and urge her to eat. Reminding of her grandma's letter that she should be strong, she tried to eat even though she can't. After 20 minutes she finished her food and tidy up to greet people. The moment her feet steps to the funeral. She can't still restrain her tears. Grandma wants me to be strong. I should stop crying. Grandma wants me to be strong please!

Her neighbor help for her grandmother's burial, after burying her grandmother she stayed in their house and the villagers bring her food to eat because she isn't eating anything, she always space out and when she talks she always said she miss her grandma. The villagers pitied her so much because of her state that is why they never leave her being that way.

One night, she wakes up from the little steps being made inside her house because of her strong sense of hearing and feeling. Even if she is just a 13 year old girl, her instincts know who is the villagers and who is not and besides who will go inside her house at dawn? Being a little girl she was, she is afraid, she knows those people came from their house, now that her grandmother died, why is it they are sneaking in their house? She peeked at the door and saw that several men in suit and ties are holding guns sneaking toward her room, luckily she is staying at her grandmother's room. Horrified, she get the letter her grandmother gave her and jump to the windows. Their house has only one floor but her feet still create the tiny noise which is enough to alarm the expert rummaging her house.

"She used the windows to run away! Chase her!" Several men run to her direction but she knows where she is going. She maybe slower than those guys but she knows where to hide.

Running to her hideout which is basically a forest her nimble feet run until she lost in the dark and climb in the tree.