Prologue - Is this for real?

Even though Summer time in New York City is always scorching hot, this particular Summer is particularly hottest in the records. News of heat waves happening is frequently reported in the New England area of the Unite States. In a busy shopping street in Brooklyn, a teenage boy is seen walking down the street covered in sweat.

"Shit, I should really just had preorder it online instead.", fiercely drinking his coke while wiping the sweat off his face. Some of the sweat accidentally come in contract with his eyes.

"Ah shit!", he blamed mankind for not taking care of this planet. "If someone dare to say that the climate change isn't real again, I will smack them!".

Since it's Summer, he is officially on break from school. Without any thing better to do he preordered a game and is on the way to pick it up. he wanted to work but the weather firmly say no. It's a niche game from a small Japanese company that has a small but dedicated fanbase. As for the reason why he want to get this game, he like cute girls and anime plus the artist for this game is known for drawing extremely attractive girls. A rarity these days due to the crusades from the internet keyboard-warriors complaining bout "sexualizing" female. It just pixels he though.

This game is called "New Fantasy 15", a JRPG mixed with dating-sim elements and it's the 15th entry in the series. It's about a young boy adventuring out of his village on a journey to became a great hero and while capturing the hearts of many heroines on the way. A pretty standard JRPG these days. While he did said cute girls and anime is his reason for buying this game, he still don't know why he actually went out and buy this "trash" game. Its rating on Metacritic is a pitiful "57" after all. Thinking that staying back home might be better after all.

The college applications and finals though was over it still was really stressing, maybe that why he decided on a easy going game like this one. Also one of the heroines, the childhood friend of the protagonist, design-wise and personally-wise really fit his taste.

"Whatever, goddamn, this weather is absolutely unbearable."

As he attempt to quicken his pace, suddenly he felt very lightheaded and weak, harder and harder to keep his vision clear.

"What the hell?"

He leaned on the nearest street sign's pole on the corner. But can feel that his strength is slowing fading.

Almost there, almost there at store he think to himself as the store is within his view. He can see the box art of the game through glass window. The protagonist surrounded by many girls. But he can't see anything else clear for some reason.


He hit the sidewalk...

The light from his eye slowly and finally disappear.

"Mom, dad, I am sorry that I actually die in such fashion.", his final though as he left this world.

Just as he though everything is gonna be over, light appeared again and in an instant he find himself in an unknown place. It no longer the busy shopping street in Brooklyn but a elegant European style room that look to be appears from the 18th century. It's fully furnished with expensive looking furnitures and items. What's more shocking is that there a extremely beautiful lady siting on the bed. She wearing light clothing and it's almost see through. She appeared to be fresh out of bath and smell nice too.

"You promised that if I let you do whatever you want with me, you will free my father right?"



As he scream internally confused.