Chapter 9 - More problems just keep coming Part 3

Seeing Edgar took down four of his men, his face went from smiling to ugly.

"Since when did he became this skilled in fighting?!", he curse himself for this miscalculation.

Without Frederick here, he though it will be easy task to deal with them.

"You two! Stop standing there and do something!"

After seeing Edgar took down four of their buddies, they hesitant and looks at each other not knowing what to do. Edgar is a lord and they are just regular people without powerful backgrounds. At first they only wanted to restrain him without hurting him but now if they actually get into a fight, the consequences will be dire.

"You two worthless piece of shit! He is just a minor lord! My brother-in-law is a powerful noble from the capital. I can guarantee you two safely even if you have killed him!"

Obviously the later part is false, no matter how low a noble status is, commoner who dare to kill a noble will receive capital punishment.

"I will soon replace him as the new lord, he will be nothing!"

Hubert kept on incentivizing the two to go after Edgar. Without no other choice as they are stuck in a hard position, they look toward Edgar with a face full of hostility.

"Tsk, the crime of assaulting a person of nobility is severely punished. You dare to attack me?!", Edgar threaten back.

Just then Frederick show up with bunch of guards from Edgar's household.

"Stop!", Frederick shouted.

This attracted a large crowd and soon they were surrounded by people.

"Hubert actually dare to assault a noble?"

"I just saw lord Edgar fought back against four people!"

"Is this about Anna again?"

"Lord Edgar may be a noble but he's just a small time lord of this small place. I hear Hubert's family has a powerful backer in the capital."

"What? Isn't lord Edgar in trouble then?"

The crowd became unsettled as people talk about the current incident.

"Frederick, arrest all these criminals who dare to attack me."? said in a commanding voice.

"Yes milord. Guards! Arrest these thugs who dare harm our lord!"

The guards immediately tie Hubert and his gangs with ropes.

"You dare! My father will learned of this and when he reported it to my brother-in-law, you are done! You hear me?! Done!", Hubert angrily shouted as he being drag away.

"Frederick, you were here the whole time. So why didn't you come out earlier?"

"I though you might want to show off to our new maid here."

Anna slightly blushed hearing Frederick's words.

"What happen if I actually got hurt?"

"Then I will had step in before you do milord."

"Sigh, let go back and deal with these pests. Anna, we will inspect the town next time."

"Yes milord"

As they were walking, Anna thinking back to today's incident smiled while looking warmly to Edgar.

"You looked so cool today Edgar.", she murmured.

"You say something?", Edgar looked toward Anna.

"Hehe, nothing milord. Let's hurry!" Anna reply back with a smile and walk past Edgar.

That smile caused some redness to appear on his face.

"Why does she look so cute?", he stopped and place his hand onto his chest feeling the heartbeats going quicker.

"I am acting weird"

Back to the mansion, Hubert and his were place under the watch in a small room. The lord's duties include passing judgment to criminals as they were given the right to do so.

"Edgar, I had find out about this so-call of backer of Hubert's family. Alex Von Urlan, an Earl, his sister is one of his many concubines. He also in the camp that is currently antagonistic toward your father."

"hmph, just merely an Earl and not to mention his sister is only a concubine have Hubert acting like a big shot. I wonder what happened if he knew that I am a member of the distinguished Valvford family, the sole son."

"That certainly will be interesting."

"Hubert's father, Yerman Klaude, is someone that I wanted to get rid of for a while now. I think we can use this incident to scoop them all. What do you think Frederick?"

"A wise one. How should we proceed with the plan?"

"Ok, we will do this and then..."

While back in the small room.

"Edgar! Release me here!" screamed Hubert.


"Be quiet! And you're to address our lord properly by his title!" said a guard banging his spear on the floor.

"Lord Edgar?!"

All the guards bow toward Edgar who just come.

"Why hello there Hubert, do you like it here?", said sarcastically.
