Chapter 14 - Into the wolf’s den

"Regarding this transaction, can you really represent your empire? Aren't you just a mayor of this small town? We, Americans, dislike freud and shady deals.", Edgar asked in his most seriously voice.

"Haha, don't worry about it, I am authorized by the imperial court to sell mithril!"

Yerman then hold up a paper, the official document from the Empire Guild of Commerce.

"This proof should be suffice for you?"

"All Good then!", Edgar faked a smile.

(Bullshit! While mithrils are abundant in the empire, they are heavily regulated as to prevent trafficking. All mithril mines are to reported and hand over to the empire at their discovery. There are no official registered mines nearby here in this territory. Earl Urlan must had gave him that paper.)

"Now then, let cut to the chase the amount we desire..."

A hour went by as the two negotiate on their deals.

"Mr. Johnny, the amount you desired will be prepared in three days."

(That was quick, I just randomly say a big number and they can prepare it this fast. They must have accumulated a large reserve.)

"Hehe, in the mean time I have ready a room for you. If there any girls here that you desire, let us know and we will bring her to you."

"No need, the girls here can't be compared to my babe haha!", Edgar look at Anna who was in his arm the whole time.

(Get me out of here!)

Anna thought to herself while avoiding Edgar's gaze.

"If that what you want, Vincent! Bring our guest to his room."

The manager that was previously talking with Edgar comes over.

"This way, honorable guest."

Edgar then face toward Frederick who was standing there quietly the whole time.

"Go and tell our men that we will be leaving in three days.", before quieting whispering, "You should know know what we need from here right?"

"Yes milord", he bow and leave like always but not before giving Edgar a clear sign.

"Hehe", Edgar grin.

Edgar and Anna separated from Frederick as the fake couple followed Vincent to their room. Anna's attractive body caught the eyes of many men in the brothel.

"The fuck you punks looking at?!", Edgar shielded Anna.

"Tsk, lucky bastard!"

One of the men will like to take Anna by force to enjoy her himself, but seeing Vincent is guiding the man who is holding Anna in his arm meant he is a valuable guest of the brothel's master. He dare not offend a person like that.

The three arrived at the room prepared by Yerman. These rooms are for high paying customers that wanted greater privacy when doing the deems else they will just have to be satisfied doing it behind a small area blocked by curtains.

"Please enjoy yourself, the walls are reinforced to be soundproof so feel free to have at it as your heart desired. Now if you excuse me."

Anna secretly pinched Edgar in the side hearing these words.

(Ouch! Damn, I am not the one who responsible for these arrangements girl!)

He complained in his head

Seeing Vincent leaving, the two walk inside the room and close the door.

"This room is probably bugged.", Edgar whispers to Anna.

"What! Are we exposed?!", Anna similarly talk in a very low voice.

"Hmm, they will be suspicious of our backgrounds at least. But it doesn't matter if they really believe that we are from United States or not. We just need to occupy their attention while letting Frederick do his thing", Edgar whispering while walking toward the bed with Anna in his arm.

"Will Frederick be ok by himself?", concerned she ask.

"Frederick is more capable than you ever can imagine, so don't worry.", he reassures her.

It is just like how Edgar said, all the rooms are connected to a mechanism that allow outsiders to hear all the contents spoken inside the room. Trafficking mithril is a major felony that is equivalent to treason, the dealers must be extra vigilant or else they won't survive for long.

Back in the room where Yerman was.

"Vincent, you had traveled to the far West before, Is there a nation called United States of America there?", Yerman sipping his tea.

"No master"


"I knew it!", forcefully put the teacup down on the table.