Chapter 25 - The Hero, The Saint and The Black Mage

Long ago, a party of three went on a crusade against the forces of darkness. They were known to the world as the Hero Siegfried, the Saint Fiora and the Black Mage Kain. Together, these three managed to save humanity from the brink of annihilation. However, through the passage of time, only the Hero and the Saint were remembered by the people. The Black Mage's legacy was slowly being eased out of the history...

(Revenge me!)

(Rescues the Saint!)

(Slay the false Hero!)

These memories, one by one, fused with Edgar's.

(Oh the Black Mage of this era! Retreat my cursed blade to complete the inheritance!)

"AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGH~!!!!!", Edgar screamed as he put his hands on his head while kneeing.

An excruciating pain inflicted on him due to the large amount of raw informations forced into him.

His scream attracted attentions from Roy, Anna and Frederick.

(What is this sinister magic coming from him? I can sense the murderous stench, it's full of despair and hatred.)

A feeling of uncertainty rise inside Roy's heart as he looks at Edgar.

"Edgar!?", Anna with a face of concerns looks at Edgar.

"Milord!?", Frederick similarity concerned about his lord.

Edgar slowly reaches one of his hand out toward Roy, a black magic circle appeared on his palm.


Alarmed by the sudden overload of magic powers from Edgar's hand. He quickly step back to guard himself.


A large blast of concentrated of magic power unleashed.


Roy used all his remaining magic powers to created a shield to defend against this attack.


He forced himself to withstand it.

When the attack stopped, one could see the destruction it dealt. Anything that wasn't behind Roy was completely destroyed. Be it the ground or the trees. This destructive power was even greater than the spell used by Anna before.

"Huff~", Roy heavily breathing.

Roy was in a even sorrier state than before.

"Damn you!"

He didn't expect for Edgar to be the same as him and Anna. A chosen one of the ancient legacy, moreover, he inherited a very dangerous one.

"Look like I needs you to die now!"

His speed as if were instant transportation, appeared in front of Edgar and grabbed him by his neck.

"It seem that you over exhausted yourself. Being just recently awakened and you used that much magic power. Too bad now that you will die!"

Roy increase the strength of the strangling.

Edgar wanted to release himself from Roy's gasp but he feels weak after that attack.


Roy can feels that a knife was inserted into his back.

He slowly turns his head and saw it was Anna who stabbed him with the knife that her father gave him.

"I won't let you kill him!", she look at Roy with a eye full of disdain with her hands still on the knife.

Roy throw Edgar who was still in his hand at her.

The two was knocked to the ground but Anna held on to Edgar.

Roy started to retreat couple of steps back.


Seeing how protective of Anna toward Edgar really angers him.

"We grew up together! I had loved you for so long! We should been the lovers! Not him! Not him! Not him~!!!!"

Tears started to come out of his eye. That day in the plaza when Hubert was harassing Anna, Roy was away buying a flower so he can finally confessed to his long time childhood friend. But when he came back, he only saw his love being with another man. Roy just can't deal with this, he had nothing, the only thing that kept him going is his love for Anna. One could imagine how broken his heart were when he found that Anna and Edgar spent a night together.

"I will ask you one last time! You really won't follow me?"

"Each time the answer will be the same. The one I love is Edgar! Not you!", Anna reconfirmed her stand.


In a bitter voice, he soon left the place to recover his wounds.

(Tsk, this time my injuries was quite serious. But what did he inherited? There was nothing about that mysterious power in the memories that I gained from the incomplete Hero inheritance. Look like I need to find the Hero Siegfried's sword as soon as possible to complete this inheritance...)

Roy look toward the direction where Anna was one last time before increasing his speed and fly far away.

Back in the woods.

"Thank you Ann-"

Edgar collapsed into Anna's embrace.

"Milord!?", Frederick concernedly said.

"Don't worry, he just used up too much magic power. A good rest will recover him.", she explained to Frederick.

"Today was certainly something crazy.", Frederick sighed.

"Yes, even now I only knew some stuffs from the saint inheritance.", Anna was also stupefied.

(The Holy Staff of Saint Fiora, I was told to find that...)

Anna was similarly told to find a sacred relic to completely obtain the power of the Saint.