Blood Bath


Hall of Seventy-Two Pillars of Hell

"My lord, you don't have to worry about that, I'm going to let Princess Command all my legion, she doesn't even have to worry about killing them all." Hearing Lucifer Agars did not hesitate and offered his Legion of demons to Isabel to command.

"Yes, you can take my legion too." Amon spoke with his eyes twinkling like two little suns.

"My legion, too, is the readiness for the Princess." Asmodeus spoke offering his Legion as well.

"Very good." Lucifer nodded with satisfaction and said goodbye to everyone, he needs to do something before going to get Isabel at Hogwarts.

Arriving at your castle in the center of hell. Lucifer went straight to the deepest part of the Castle.

Walking down the dark corridor, Lucifer finally saw a Light at the end of the tunnel and saw a gigantic door made of unknown black metal.

Reaching the door, Lucifer put his hand on the gigantic door that shone with a bright light and slowly opened to show a gigantic room full of treasures.

Golden Mountains scattered everywhere, diamonds of all colors thrown to the ground unimportant. But what drew the most attention was not these treasures, which either would kill just to have a little of it. It was a gigantic altar made entirely of gold and embedded in the top of the altar was a spear made entirely of darkness.

The spear emanated a simply terrifying aura, making which demonic Lord tremble with fear just seeing the spear.

[Note: Basically the Dark Spear, from the manga (Noblesse). I always loved that spear.]

The Dark Spear felt Lucifer's aura and began to tremble with excitement.

"Lively, as always." Lucifer spoke seeing, the Dark Spear trembling with happiness.

Lucifer walked to the end of the altar and held the Dark Spear firmly in his hand.

                                  "Yes, I killed so many beings that his voices are whispering in my ear,

KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL. It even sounds like the most beautiful song in the world, "says Lucifer closing his eyes as he listened attentively to billions of Voices whispering in his ear as if enjoying it.

"It's time to pick up Isabel from Hogwarts." Lucifer thought as he kept the Dark Spear in his Little World.

Leaving the castle, Lucifer looked at the castle and swung his arm and the castle disappeared from hell.

After placing the whole castle in his little world, Lucifer opened a gap entered it.

Earth (Harry Potter)

A Gap appeared in the earth and a handsome man in a large white cloak that crawled on the ground emerged from the gap.

When Lucifer appeared on earth he soon felt innumerable weak Divine energies rushing toward him.

"Interesting" feeling the angels coming, Lucifer gives a much funnier smile at the same time.

It was not long before dozens of Angels appeared above Lucifer. Their golden armor shone in the sunlight, their swords emanated a very cold aura.

"Strange, I felt the energy of Hell, but it suddenly disappeared. The angel with four white wings on his back spoke confused, but then he saw Lucifer on the floor smiling at them strangely.

"Human, how dare you look at the divine beings without kneeling and praying for mercy." the four-winged angel spoke indifferently as he stared coldly at Lucifer.

Angel looked at Lucifer as if he were an Insect that should not even exist.

"No matter how many ages go by, you never change, always the same thing. As if they were mere dolls without awareness." Hearing the four-winged angel, Lucifer spoke coldly as he looked at the four-winged angel with contempt.

The angels were indifferent listening to Lucifer, but a younger angel became angry and flew at Lucifer with the intention of punishing and killing Lucifer for his blasphemy against the angels.

When the angel was about to come close to Lucifer. A gap appeared in front of him and swallowed the entire angel.

Lucifer held the Dark Spear in his hand and pointed to the sky. When Lucifer pointed to the sky the gap appeared upon the spear, and when angel came out he was impaled alive and blood was scattered everywhere.

Pale golden blood stained Lucifer's entire body. Looking at the blood on his hand, Lucifer stretched his tongue and licked very sexy.

"It had been a long time since I had been bathing in angel blood." Lucifer spoke with a very bold smile on his face.

The angels seeing all this soon became enraged and flew at Lucifer without caring about anything.

"Yes and as soon as I like it, show anger, hatred and despair. These are such beautiful feelings that even God can't take away from you." Lucifer spoke with a beautiful smile on his face as he impaled the angels one by one in their hearts.

As the sun was setting, Lucifer looked back and saw dozens of angels impaled on black spears. Pale golden blood stained the floor creating a very terrifying scene for anyone to see.

"That was very good to relax." Lucifer spoke covered in pale golden blood as he showed a very relaxed smile.

"Honey, you can eat everything now." Lucifer spoke smoothing the Dark Spear in his hand with affection.

Obtaining permission from its Master, Dark Spear quickly enveloped all the angels' bodies and swallowed leaving only pale golden blood on the floor.

"Good girl," Lucifer said with a smile on his face.

"I can't find Isabel like this." Lucifer looked down at his Bloodstained body and snapped his fingers and all the blood and smell disappeared.

"That's better." Lucifer nodded with satisfaction and opened a gap and entered. Leaving an empty land stained with blood, proving that a cruel and merciless massacre happened here.

[Note: I'm writing a new novel, if anyone wants to go check it out, I don't think I'll disappoint anyone.😁😉😉]