Iter ad Inferos

New York, Hell's Kitchen

Walking the Streets, Lucifer saw an abandoned Bar tucked away in a dark Alley full of Trash scattered across the Alley floor.

Lucifer felt the place was perfect and walked calmly down the alley.

After Lucifer entered the alley, he disappeared along with every alley. Like it's never existed in the world.

After one hour

The Alley returned but its appearance had completely changed. The floor was made of a strange black stone but very elegant, the walls of the alley were blood red, with many images of Mythological Creatures drawn very realistically.

At the end of the alley was a Red Plaque with a black Two-Winged logo with a wreath on it, and Elegantly Written in Black [Iter ad Inferos] in the center of the sign.

[Note: Iter ad Inferos = Path of Hell.]

Beneath the Plate was a Red Door with the Knob Made of Pure Gold.

If anyone looked inside the door, they would see a very elegant bar, the ceiling. It was the view of the entire universe with millions of stars, the floor like the alley floor, it was an elegant black stone. The walls were statues of Fallen Angels and Demons staring at the Ceiling with proud faces.

At the end of the bar were two black couches facing each other. To the rear of the larger couch was a shelf with many famous liquor bottles, even an old-looking Vase.

Lucifer looked around the bar and nodded, then he began writing a red book with countless Items that would make a God go mad with greed.

Lucifer also put the prices on each item very fairly. After all no one wants to negotiate with someone with unfair prices.

As for what is going to be the bargaining chip, Lucifer put Alma, Years of a person's life and Emotions.

[Note: Lucifer's entertainment-only bar, so prices are going to be anyway.]

"Now only the Security measures are missing." Lucifer thought as he made a Barrier to Hide every Bar and alley outside. He also pointed out that only someone who needs something real can see the Bar.

Lucifer went to the liquor shelf and grabbed a bottle of Whiskey and a glass and poured himself as he sat comfortably on the black Couch.

After a few hours, Lucifer finally had his first Client visiting his Bar.

Lucifer looked at the bald woman wearing a yellow Monk outfit, he walked quietly to the Couch and sat down with a smile for Lucifer.

"Hello sir, what is this bar, it is separated into a different space and only lets specific people in." The bald woman spoke quietly as she looked at the bar with a little interest.

"Hello Miss, Welcome to Iter ad Inferos, Here you can get everything for the right price." Lucifer spoke, placing his hand on his chest and bowed elegantly to The Bald Woman.

"What can I get if I change that." The Bald woman spoke, showing an eye-shaped gold insert.

"The Jewel or the necklace?" Lucifer asked as he poured a cup of tea for the bald woman.

The supreme master looked surprised at Lucifer and spoke with her expressionless face "Jewel."

"You can choose many things with the jewelry, but I will let you see more." Lucifer spoke handing over the red book to the supreme master.

The supreme master took the red book and began to read very calmly, but once in a while she would reveal a touch of surprise in her eyes.

[Physical Immortality]

[Astral Immortality]

[Divinity- 3 low-level laws, 2 mid-level laws, and 1 high-level law.]

[1 Chance Of Reincarnation (With memories of your past life)]

[Kronos Scythe]

[A Wish from the Bar Lord]

"That's really tempting but I'm not trading the Time Gem." The supreme master spoke with a smile on her face as she looked calmly at Lucifer.

"A feather." Lucifer spoke with a smile on his face.

He already knew that The Master Suprems wasn't going to change the Time Gem, so he wasn't surprised.


"So you want to buy something, Miss." Lucifer asked with a very professional smile.

"When does your wish cost?" The supreme master spoke with a sip of the tea Lucifer made.

"That will depend on your desire." Lucifer answered while sipping his Whiskey.

"Protect the earth once." The supreme master spoke calmly as she looked at Lucifer with her deep eyes.

"Your soul serves." Lucifer thought for a moment and spoke to The Supreme Master with sincerity.

"Where do I sign." Listening to Lucifer, The Supreme Master did not hesitate and, Asked to sign the contract with Lucifer.

As she finished speaking, a black scroll with gold letters appeared in front of The Supreme Master.

The Supreme Master took the scroll and veil very carefully so as not to have hidden chasubles.

When the Supreme Master finished reading the contract She did not hesitate and left an imprint of her bloody finger on the parchment.

"The contract was established with testimony of Rio do Destino." when Lucifer also left an impression of Blood. a neutral voice was heard by Lucifer and The Supreme Master. And the scroll turned into two Black threads and entered into the bodies of Lucifer and the supreme master.

"To celebrate My first negotiation, I want to take something heavier." Lucifer spoke with a smile to The Supreme Master who shook his head and got up from the couch.

"No, I still have many things to do." The Supreme Master spoke calmly to Lucifer before leaving the bar Iter ad Inferos.

Lucifer said nothing and took his whiskey calmly as he closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

"I have to hire a maid." Lucifer just thought that and disappeared from the bar.

Little world

Lucifer appeared at the Castle and walked to his room with a smile on his face.

Arriving in the room, he saw Isabel preparing a table with many dishes that looked very ugly and unappetizing.

Lucifer seeing those dishes began to sweat, and immediately tried to run away but it was too late, Isabel dragged Lucifer to the table and sat him in the chair.

"Luci, today I prepared our dinner." Isabel spoke wearing a pink kitchen apron as she looked at Lucifer with a smile on her face.

Lucifer stared at the black soup bubbling with an oil texture, and just wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come out, so he just showed Isabel a hard smile.

"I am Immortal, I am Immortal, I am Immortal." Lucifer kept repeating in his mind as he bitterly ate the dishes Isabel had made.

"Must be delicious, he's even crying." Isabel thought happily as she looked at Lucifer with love.

Five minutes later

"I finished Isabel, it was delicious, I even wanted more." Lucifer spoke with a forced smile on his face. He felt his stomach was twitching violently with pain.

"Hell, not even the biggest poison in Multi-Verse could do that to me, and now with this cursed food it's almost making my stomach explode." Lucifer thought as he looked at Isabel bitterly.

"Don't worry Luci, I made a whole pan of soup." Isabel spoke showed a proud smile to Lucifer who became even paler listening to Isabel.