I loved to read books in my previous life. To immerse me in a world of fantasy full of mysteries beyond the common knowledge of earth was one of the things I enjoyed the most. I read every book I could find and read every manga that the internet offered.
Maybe I wanted to flee from my life, I had a weak body. I think I wasn't someone smart in school I was the typical normal guy, with no talent to claim my own but wanted to be happy never had a goal to say.
Life does not go always the way we plan. After my 25th birthday was the end of my road on earth. I died I don't remember how or why , but it does not matter now.
The World was unfair and cruel but I know my parents protected me. I don't remember their faces or who they were, I only remember their LOVE for me.
Life was unfair to me, but the gods gave me another chance.
I view of God's was like a Schrodinger cat experiment. Whether the cat is Live or Dead in the box I did not care, now I have open the box they do Exist!!!!.
Now I was transported to a new world. Who knows how it will be in this world?
I hoped it would be a world like in my mangas and books. A world is full of mystery and adventure. Gods did not disappoint me in this aspect.
After I was born into my new body, the memory of my past life maybe not all but some and the body of a newborn child, it was truly difficult.
I got a message appeared in my head -- <*{ GODS ARE WATCHING YOU}*>
Okay, that was weird wait WHY ARE THEY WATCHING ME!!!!!
WHAT DID I DO?? I was just born, Calm Down maybe they protecting me or giving their blessing's like does Isekai manga maybe i can be super strong or can be travel in the speed of life.
My Fantasy bubble popped when a message appeared again in my head --
.......< silence >........
.......< silence >........
Why? WHY? wHy? Why? why? God's name why?
.......< silence >........
I don't remember much of my previous life, I've been sick most of my life and spent it in rotting away in a hospital. I don't want that to repeat again !!!!!
I remember it was a genetic problem, I remember some doctor told me I bleed disorder and if get cut it a long time to heal. I remember my right knee used to be bigger than my left I never could run or walk too much. DAMN IT.
: _ (
, ,
.......< silence >........
Finally, I noticed people around all looked gloomy and stared at me. I looked at men one metal bat with a spike on end, is it a bat? Wait that a mace, why do you have it here isn't this a hospital. I looked around some swords, spears wait is that a Katana! I noticed a kinda fat man and a old guy both had a weird bubble on their head they wore white cloths others wore black suits and hats. Are they my father and grandfather of this life, their clothes look kind of familiar, where I see that before leave it I don't need to remember.
Since being in a fantasy world maybe cure me or use magic or something can wait to get cured. when busy daydreaming noticed all people do not look happy at all.
Gloominess can be easily cut with a knife room. Just then a girl's voice behind me, her I kid you not, it is like a 100 of devil crow cawing it was unbearable.
I think the normal sound of crows like heavens music now right now.
The girl -"aaaaaaaah !!! it Hurt's because of you!!!!!!!" she looked with dagger eyes and told "KILL THAT SLAVE CHILD TOSS IT INTO OCEAN OR BURN IT ALIVE MAKE IT SUFFER!!! DAMN SLAVE HARMED MADE ME " she fainted.
Now I remember she a celestial dragon then I in ONE PIECE WORLD.DAMN I Going to die, I did not even start my adventure!!!
.......< silence >........
First chapter end