A Wild Devil fruit as Appeared Catch Them all

It has been six months since the start of the training of Busoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki.

Akio had made some decent progress in Busoshoku Haki through no change in color in her fist but strength can not be made fun of, as for Haoshoku Haki, there is no improvement what so ever?

Earvin wanted to give up on Haoshoku Haki but Akio was unwilling to give up made him sure Akio had Haoshoku Haki because once she sets her mind to it no matter what she won't give up. she is stubborn as a mule.

As for Earvin progress, his Kenbunshoku Haki can now cover 30 meters of around him at all times and made it easier for him to judge a person whether is malice towards him or kind towards him which made it easier for his panhandling business which increase is profit as well as finding people who give donations to the orphanage . As for Busoshoku Haki, no improvement but can feel the presence of it whether it is there or not just his imagination he is not sure it, Haoshoku Haki no progress like Akio doesn't he gave up but just lazy to continue. Now his main focuses are on Kenbunshoku Haki trying to increase the range to the whole island.

As everyday life continue Earvin now wear's five elastic bandages on his body two on the right leg one on ankle other on the knee, one on the left ankle and one on each elbow of his hands he usually hid it with wearing pants. Akio asked him why he is wearing it he simply responded with one line "Because it is fashionable".

In the Oraphage originally had 15 children. Now 4 of which have been grown up one opened a bar while other 3 let the island, Another 3 went missing don't whether they are alive or not. Another 5 had adopted by some nobles or merchants in recent years. Even Akio offers sadly she rejected them all. Anyone tried to force her would receive unusually strong small fist at least break some bone or put you hospital in a month's on end.

Earvin asked Akio why she was not will go in them she deeply glance at him for a few seconds and told " Simple they are too weak, I rather follow you ." and ran away deep red face.

Earvin was happy to hear about this and also deeply worried about her future. Earvin thought her as mini female version Grap.

Include Earvin and Akio had another called Roland only them are left. Thier had been talks of closing down orphanage in the mayor's office which made Earvin worried.

Today was a very special day for Earvin because today was Akio's birthday. After he came to Saline port before sent to the orphanage he was sent to the hospital where he met Akio who just born. Her mother saved him dying from hunger. Sadly passed after 3 months since then Earvin been taking care of Akio as his responsibility plus he always wanted a have a cute little sister.

Every year he made it a traditional event where at least one-fourth of the money he accumulated would be spent on buying clothes or all buying her favorite snacks which were apples, curry, and smoked Salmon.

Earvin wore a simple black suit with a hat and Akio wore light blue frock which she hated. She preferred to be in men's clothing only wearing the frock because Earvin promised food. Both kids went to a restaurant took a seat and ordered 4 smoked Salmon, 5 breadsticks and 3 different types of curry.

Earvin had a good taste of all the dishes that the waiter brought out filled his stomach. Now he watched as she devoured everything with a cute little smile. Earvin wanted to take a photo of this moment but only could burn this moment into his brain.

After eating everything Akio had satisfied look with a small bulge in the stomach while patting her stomach. Earvin asked Akio "Shall we go ." nodded her head. Earvin paid the bill and walked out with Akio and went a fruit shop brought an unopen sack of apples which Akio gladly carried the sack to their hut.

----Nearing midnight-----

Once they reached the hut Akio immediately tried to open the sack. Earvin said" Still Hungry? "

"No this is just dessert," Akio said passionately Earvin just shook his head looked for some blankets for staying the night.

Akio Opened the tied-up sack and immediately noticed differently colored fruit with a bunch of apples the fruit had a mixture of dark and light green colors with a shape of leaf-like with the size of an apple. Akio grabs the fruit going to munch it down. Earvin turned around was about say something.

Suddenly message pop in his head which he long thought he had forgotten --


Earvin heard a crunchy bite.


End of Chapter 6