Reason for not writing

Hey guys it author here. I have been getting constant messages to write more chapter for bending in One-piece reason I am not doing it because:-

1). I am Not good at writing fight scenes and I will mess it up because Bending in one piece is the first story I have ever written It holds a special place in my heart I don't want to ruin it.

2). I do not have a good vocabulary

3). I am a lot of spell mistakes even when using Grammarly.

4). I don't know how to end it.

5). How does Mc fair in the world when he is not pirate or marine.

6). I can not write scenes where MC losses and you feel his emotions in it.

7). In this story, Mc uses his mind more than his fist

Because of these reasons, I am not writing. In Bored Overlord I will practice my skills then I will come back to this.