Chapter 22

She then called the police, mockingly saying, 'Oh my, oh my..! Looks like two people have been trapped..! Track them down and save them or the other one dies..! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'

The reciever shakes as she nervously typed up the number of an infamous detective, calling him immediately. The mysterious caller hung up then the reciever panics, with the sound of a purely insane laughter fading at the phone's line, and the detective can only make out the words, ' them... to... dies... '

The detective then grabs his suit case and runs to the police station to clear up whatever the receiver was telling him. He soon found the reciever, shaking and crying in the very corner of her very room, drenched in her own sweat.

"Uhhh.... Miss..? Were you the reciever who called me earlier? I... It seems like you are in distress earlier when we were talking on the phone... and... What were you supposed to say earlier?", said Detective Shale.

"She said..."

Meanwhile at the laundry store...