Unexpected encounter

 Yan Shu woke up with the sun shining through the window on her face. Lazily, she stretched her body before entering the bathroom to freshen up.

She brushed her teeth, took a hot shower and headed to her closet with a towel wrapped around her body.

She dressed in a white T-shirt, black jeans and had her hair tied in a high ponytail.

Meanwhile, Song Yun remained dead asleep. Yan Shu came into her room and tried waking her to no avail, no matter how much she shook her or called her name.

Frustrated, she left the room, returned with a glass of water and poured it all on her friend's face."What the fuck are you doing!?" she yelled.

"Waking you up." Yan Shu smirked

"Is this how you wake me up?" Song Yun said through gritted teeth.

"Only because I love you." She winked.

"Now stop complaining and get ready while I prepare breakfast." She pulled Song Yun out of bed and pushed her into the bathroom.

In the kitchen, Yan Shu tied an apron around her waist and started making a bread omelet for breakfast. 

Song Yun came into the kitchen just as Yan Shu finished setting up the table.

She wore a white, butterfly sleeve top paired with a 3/4 blue jeans. They both ate and left for college.

On the way, they both came across Han Shuya and her lackeys, who once again tried to pick a fight. Yan Shu simply ignored them and entered the classroom.

The morning class passed without any disturbances.Afterward, they left for the canteen where they bumped into someone.

Ho Joon Jae was the president of the student council and was in the third year of a four years course.

He liked Yan Shu and even thought of confessing his feelings, but he was too afraid of being rejected.He was known as the most handsome guy in college which caused Han Shuya to set her sights on him. But she was doomed to fail, seeing how he only had eyes for Yan Shu. This further increased Han Shuya's hate for her.

Ho Joon Jae smiled at Yan Shu and she smiled back.

She was about to walk away when he stopped her. "Hi, Yan Shu, fancy meeting you here. I was wondering if you would like to eat together. my treat."Yan Shu was about to decline, but Song Yun spoke first.

"We would love to."

"Cool. I'll get the food while you two get the table."Song Yun nodded and dragged her friend to an empty corner table.

"What are you doing?" Yan Shu asked as soon as he was out of sight.

"I didn't want to eat with him."

"Yanyan, he is so handsome. Why do you keep ignoring him? Besides, he is going to pay for everything and that's an offer we can't refuse, especially after how much we spent last night."

After a while, he came back with the dishes and there was a lot of meat. There were pork ribs, chicken wings, prawn fry, fish stew, steamed buns, noodles, and rice.

"President, we don't need so much food," Yan Shu spoke.Ho Joon Jae scratched his neck.

"I wasn't sure what you preferred, so I bought all of these."

"Hey, if you two keep talking I'll eat it all by myself," Song Yun spoke, already halfway through a pork rib.

After they were all done eating, Ho Joon Jae accompanied the two to their class. Arriving there, he said goodbye and went to his own class.

Afternoon classes went smoothly and they were soon back home.

Yan Shu freshened up while Song Yun prepared some snacks. She came out and ate along with her friend before grabbing her purse and leaving. She took a bus towards the Chen Group building.