You will never guess who i just saw

They smiled and danced without a care for their surroundings, especially the drunk Song Yun.

Everyone looked at them; men with desire, and women with envy.

he two didn't even realize the impact caused by their presence. They continued to dance without a care.

Suddenly, two men grabbed their waists. With obvious lust in their eyes, the one holding Yan Shu asked, "Hey girls, do you want some company?"

"Yeah, sure," Song Yun answered, still drunk. "Right, Yanyan?"

"Wrong," Yan Shu answered immediately. "We're fine on our own, now let go." She tried to remove his hand, but he wouldn't budge.

Meanwhile, the man holding Song Yun tried to kiss her. She finally realized something was wrong and struggled to push him away.

No one tried to help them. Some of the women were even delighted by their situation.

The man trying to kiss Song Yun was too strong. Thinking fast, she gave him a hard kick in the shin. With a cry of pain, he let go of her and fell to the floor.

The man holding Yan Shu turned to look at his friend, and she didn't waste the chance. She followed Song Yun's example and kicked him in the shin too. Not wasting any time, the two ran to their table, grabbed their purses and rushed to the exit.

But they didn't get very far. Four men stood tall and blocked their path. "You think you can just leave after hurting our friends?" One of them asked with an evil smile. "Now you're coming with us whether like it or not."

Yan Shu and Song Yun both paled as the man came closer to them. Yan Shu wanted to fight, but there was no way to defeat him. Even if, by a fluke, she managed to score a lucky hit, there were still three more of those men. She felt scared.

The man raised a hand to grab them. Yan Shu involuntarily closed her eyes. But before the man could touch her, there was the sound of a heavy blow followed by a cry of pain. She opened her eyes to find the man curled up on the floor. Where he previously stood was now another man facing the group of assailants.

Song Yun gasped. "Xing Gege!"

Yan Shu blinked her eyes and opened her mouth to speak, but stopped when the group of assailants moved to attack. They had barely closed in when a second group showed up. The newcomers were all dressed in dark suits and they started beating up the first group. None of the would-be assailants was left standing.

One of the men in black came towards Yan Shu and Song Yun. No, not towards them, but towards the man who stood in front of them. The one called "Xing Gege" by Song Yun.

The man in black bowed. "They're all down, young master," he said before walking back.

"Thanks for saving us," Yan Shu spoke, "but who-"

"He is Gu Xing Chen," Song Yun answered before she could finish asking. "He and your brother were classmates in the imperial school."

This lit a light bulb in Yan Shu's head. She knew this man. Gu Xing Chen and Lu Xingyan were friends. Both of them were three years older than Yan Shu.

"What are you doing here in Country A?" He asked.

Song Yun answered for her. "We study here." She chose not to tell the name.

"Don't worry Shu'er, I won't reveal your whereabouts to anyone."

Yan Shu breathed a sigh of relief."Why are you here Gege?"

"I had a business meeting."


Gu Xing Chen walked out of the private room where he had his meeting. He intended to leave when his attention was captured by the two women on the dancefloor. Yan Shu and Song Yun. He saw when the two men approached and grabbed the women by force. Before he could intervene, though, Yan Shu and Song Yun both kicked the men and ran away. Gu Xing Chen could only chuckle.

But his expression changed when the two men ordered a group of friends to chase after the women. Gu Xing Chen rushed after them, his bodyguards following closely behind. He reached them at the entrance, where one of the men moved to touch Yan Shu.

Gu Xing Chen didn't slow down. He jumped and hit the man in the stomach with a flying kick. The man was blown back and collapsed in a heap. His bodyguards took care of the rest of them.


"I don't think it's safe for you to go back home alone," Gu Xing Chen said. "Let me or my men escort you back."Song Yun wanted to accept the offer, but Yan Shu refused.

"Thanks, but it's fine. We'll just hail a taxi. Besides, we wouldn't want to be even more of a bother." She bid him goodbye and dragged Song Yun away.

Gu Xing Chen chuckled at her suspicious nature.

The two got into the taxi. Song Yun leaned out of the window and waved at him. Yan Shu had to pull her friend back into the car, afraid that she would fall.

Gu Xing Chen watched until the taxi disappeared from sight. He then took out his phone and called a number. "You'll never guess who I just saw."