The Devilish Beauty

Five years later

In a spacious room, a series of chairs are arranged neatly around a table. All the chairs are occupied by executive men.

Sweat is trickling down from their foreheads as they stared at their president. Their president is tapping the table with the pen while holding it in her hand. She just closed her eyes after she heard the contents from the finance department.

She finally opened her eyes after a few minutes. Everyone gulped as they saw her opening her eyes. The tapping sound produced by her pen is like death music to their ears. Her presence is making them pressured. Some people even wetted their shirts due to sweating profusely.

Their president is a beauty with brains. She is kind enough to the people who helped her. At the same time, she is a death goddess to the people who deceived her.

Once she made a decision no one can stop her even the almighty god also. She is a nightmare to her enemies. Her friendly smile makes the people let their guards down around her and make them defenseless. But only a few people know her friendly smile is how unfriendly. She punishes her enemies mercilessly. She is known as "The Devilish Beauty."

Now everyone is waiting for her decision. " He dared to breach the contract. Haa?! " she smiled devilishly. Her eyes are cold like ice. No one dared to look into her eyes directly. The smile on her face is very scary. She looked like a devil.

Seeing her like that no one dared to make a sound. They are afraid to make a sound because they are scared that they might provoke her accidentally. They know that if they provoke her they will not have any good life. They have to lead their life in hell.

" What is our next action president? " the person in charge had finally gained some courage to ask that question. But after asking the question he started sweating profusely. He gulped as he waited for his president's answer.

He heard her laugh it looked like a gentle laugh. But it is scary for him and to the people in the room. "Since he breached the contract then let him face the consequences. " She replied.

" And who is the one in charge of this project," she asked.

" Qin Ziming," the man said.

" Isn't he nephew of Qin Zhenghong, the board director," she asked as he raised her eyebrows.

" yes, the president " he replied.

She smiled evilly. Her smile made all the people in the room to shiver. A chill ran through their smile. Her smile is a symbol of future chaos.

"I'll handle it. The meeting ends here. "She said.

She stood up to leave. All the people stood from their seats and gave a ninety degrees bow. She walked gracefully to the door. Her PA followed behind. But they started feeling pity for Qin Ziming and Qin Zhenghong. If any matter that is to be handled by their president that meant the person to be a beggar or dead.

They returned to her office. " What are you going to do yan shu? That Qin Zhenghong is trying to buy all the shares from our shareholders. He owns a fourth percent share now totally. If he acquires more six percent he will be the CEO. And the half-decade meeting is nearing. What are you going to do now? " her friend song yun aka Her personal assistant asked with concern.

In return yan shu only smiled. " Wait and see. For now, fire Qin Ziming. And when he asked to meet me let him in " she said.

"Are you sure? " she asked.

" Yes," she said firmly.

Song yun nodded and left. She went to her desk to do her work.

"Qin Zhenghong.. ha!? let's see how you will win against me," she muttered.

She saw the time and found it is lunchtime. So she stood up and found that her crazy batch decided to have lunch together.

She went out and saw the song yun is about to finish the task she gave. After she finished her task they left together to have lunch.

They went to the Emperor's Castle to dine with their friends. By the time they reached there all her group came.

Yan shu in these Five years she created havoc in the business world. She Made herself a mark. She became a dream to the people who wants to go against her. They can't even go against her in their dreams. She is an unreachable destiny for them.

While building her empire she didn't forget her friends. She helped her friends in building their own careers.

Mu Ke founded his own software company. He only deals with the projects which are assisted technically.

Kim bi bum started food chain restaurants. He named his restaurants as Amazing palate.

His sister Kim boo ra became a famous model. She even entered movies.

Bai Ying became a fashion designer.

Song yun became yan shu PA. She is also a gamer but she does gaming in the night time.

Even though all her friends studied computer science. They followed their interests. They all thought following their interests would become impossible but with the help of yan shu, they built their careers. Even though their parents didn't agree after they became successful they did not oppose them.

Yan shu and her group are given with the name the Golden Hexad. Because all these six people made their own names in their fields.

Yan shu and song yun joined the dinner. Then the room filled with laughter and their chatter. They all talked about their companies working and about their work.

Soon they finished their lunch and returned to their works.