Conference 2

When the audio stopped playing a deep silence followed through the halls. Everyone mouths are hung open. They never thought that SYS holdings had solid evidence.

They all felt no wonder they stayed so calm and confident when this ruckus happened.

They audio which is happened to be played is a call recording between Qin Liwei and a person from Eagle groups. It goes like this

" Hello"

" Who is this? "

" You don't need to know who I am. just do what I am saying. "

" Who the hell are you!?!? "

" I already said that you don't need to know. "

"You only need to steal the SYS holdings project on new IT hub. If you do that I will give you ten billion US dollars. I think you know the value of one dollar in RMB's."

" Wh-wh-what d-did you say? "

" just say will you do it or not? "

" What if I get caught? "

" Hand the project to us first. Then we will take care of everything. "

" How shall I believe you? If you don't help me at the end of the day. I would be doomed. "