Who made this tea?

" But I hope you can give him a chance to prove himself." An old man's voice rang.

Of all those present, Renji seemed to be the only one who recognized the voice.

"This old fox...", he muttered under his breath through his gritted teeth.

The voice sounded slightly familiar to Sara, but no matter how much she racked her brain, she couldn't recall who it was.

The next moment, there was an elderly man by the entrance. He walked into the house as if he owned the place and sat down on the sofa, not caring about anyone else.

He leaned forward to grab a porcelain teapot, smelled the aroma and poured himself a cup. After taking a sip, he finally acknowledged the other four people and asked," Who made this tea?"

Renji simply sneered at the old man while everyone else didn't what to say.