Not now

Yan Shu was struck when she saw him leaving the room while closing the door with a bang.

She can't chase after him until she wears something. Before she could wear clothes she gave herself a look from top to bottom standing in front of a full-length mirror.

' Yan Shu don't you think you have good shape. But why did he leave suddenly? Did he not like your body? Even Song Yun used to comment you are curvy. Right?' The devil inside her started talking making her go through all sorts of negative emotions.

' Don't you dare to sow discord between them. Yan Shu, maybe he is too shocked by your beauty. He might be getting hard. He thought he might lose control of him. So he walked away.' The angel appeared in her mind.

' Hahaha.....

The great Devil king facing the sexual crisis.hahaha' The devil laughed.

' Yan Shu go and ask him directly instead of overthinking ' the angel urged her.