Because of her, I was banned from Fengshan University.

 After reaching the mansion, Chang Bingwen went to his room and got freshened up. He went to his study as he needed to deal with his new company which is going to open in a week in Country X.

When it turned night only then he came out of the study.

He heard from his servants that Xia didn't go out today also. It is the fourth day since he left her alone but she still didn't make any move from her side. 

He is confused at her actions now.

Is she afraid of meeting that man?

Or Did she knew that he found the truth about her?

But whatever her thoughts he will know them soon. 

Chang Bingwen went to the dining room. He sent a servant to call Xia Heru to have dinner along with him. 

Xia Heru came reached the dining hall along with the servant. She sat in front of Chang Bingwen.

He dismissed the servants after their food is served.