We shall buy toys!

"I don't know what you will do. But don't hurt her. And her love towards another person is one-sided. I don't know if he had feelings for her. But Song Yun has feelings for him. I can only wish all the best for you.

Everything depends on your moves in the future. 

And also she is stubborn. 

And one important thing is she loves food don't disturb her while eating. If you do that you will be courting death. 

For now, I have to discuss further details with my secretary she will contact you after once we are done. " Yan Shu said.

"Miss. San, Can you tell me what else she likes?" He asked. 

Did he think our Yan Shu will tell everything to him about her friend?

If so he is wrong. She will not tell him. 


Who does he think of himself?

"If you are a man, go and find yourself. I'm hanging up now." With that, she hung the call.

She called Song Yun inside after hanging the call.

Chang Bingwen is dumbfounded again.