What!? My brother in law is coming!?

So Changhe arrived home at his fast speed.

Because his mother threatened him if he does not come at that instant she will cut all of his allowances. So, he rushed home at his fastest speed. But he still took one hour of time to reach home. 

When he arrived home, what the mess in the home. The living room is filled with broken pieces of porcelain vases and glass pieces. He knew who did it. It's So Juan, obviously, he can guess it. Because only she had that kind of foul temper in this house. 

He saw his mother and sister sitting on the couch.

His mother is drinking her tea calmly while his sister is fuming madly at the side. 

He knew something is going to happen. 

He made his way towards the opposite side of the couch and sat on the single-seat as he walked through the broken pieces of porcelain and glass pieces. 

So Changhe is a party blooper. He always parties until late at night and returns home late. Sometimes he doesn't ever return.