Past (15 ): The End

But suddenly Yan Shu heard the shattering of the glass followed by another glass shattering. They are the water jug and a glass. Then she suddenly got an idea healed in her mind. She used her strength and kicked Ning Qiang on his groin with her all might. He winced in pain. He tried to grab the little lady who is slipping from his arms. But she is quick to escape his grip. He tried to ignore but he could only do it after a few seconds. He saw the little lady is holding a half-broken glass piece.

  "If you come near me I will stab you," she said.

He released hearty laughter as if he heard a big joke. He moved towards her as she took a step back. He tried to hold her hands. But she quickly stabbed him in his abdomen with the broken jar and pulled it out. He winced in pain blood trickled down. He fell on the ground. Yan Shu tried to slip away at this moment but he caught her leg and pulled it which made her fall. The broken glass jar slipped away from her hands.